Learning Disability Screening Questionnaire (LDSQ

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Transcript Learning Disability Screening Questionnaire (LDSQ

Child and Adolescent Intellectual Disability Screening Questionnaire (CAIDS-Q) McKenzie & Paxton

Dr Karen McKenzie


 Why to we need a screening tool for adolescents with a learning disability?

 What makes a good screening tool?

 Description of the CAIDS-Q  Uses of the CAIDS-Q?

 Developing the CAIDS-Q: Validity and reliability  Contact details

Why is there a need for a screening tool?

 Policy recommendations have led to a demand on services to identify young people with an intellectual disability as early as possible e.g. in forensic settings  Full diagnostic assessments are expensive, time-consuming and need to be carried out by properly qualified, applied psychologist  Cost to individual and society if adequate support is not given

What makes a good screening tool?

 Cost effective  Quick and simple to administer and score  Requires minimal training  Valid i.e. Measures what it sets out to measure  Reliable i.e. Gives consistent results across time and different users

Description of the CAIDS-Q

 Has 7 items  Can be completed with/by the individual or by someone who knows him/her well  Takes 5-15 minutes to complete  Can be sent to referrers to complete  Easy to score  No training required  Covers age range 8-18 years


The CAIDS-Q can potentially help to:       Quickly identify appropriate services for an individual Avoid a long wait for initial assessment Allow resources to be targeted at those who need them most Identify people who may be vulnerable e.g. within criminal justice system Provide a means for discriminating between groups for research purposes Help GPs identify those with an intellectual disability within their practice

Developing the Questionnaire

 Literature search for existing tools  Selecting the questions  Standardisation,Validity & Reliability  Easy to use  Research base


 Developed to distinguish between those people who are typically referred to intellectual disability and child and adolescent mental health services  Also included a forensic sample


    The CAIDS-Q score correlated significantly with WISC IV scores The CAIDS-Q scores could discriminate between those with an intellectual disability and those without A ROC analysis showed the CAIDS-Q could identify people with an intellectual disability with 97% accuracy and those without with 86% to 87% accuracy (depending on the age of the individual) Small forensic sample (n=23) found CAIDS-Q correctly identified all those with and without an intellectual disability.


Inter-rater reliability was significant for each item on the questionnaire. (It was excellent for all 7 items)


 McKenzie, K., Paxton, D., Murray, G.C., Milanesi, P., & Murray, A.L . (2012)The evaluation of a screening tool for children with an intellectual disability: The Child and Adolescent Intellectual Disability Screening Questionnaire. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 33, 1068-1075.

 McKenzie, K., Megson, P. & Paxton, D. (2008) The development of a child learning disability screening questionnaire: A pilot study. Learning Disability Practice, 11(5), 18-22

For more information

For more information contact GCM Records: [email protected]

Or Karen McKenzie [email protected]