Transcript Slide 1

Comparative Effectiveness
Research (CER)
Designing Sustainable Evidence-based Health Care in Times of Crisis
Cochrane Colloquium 2011
Madrid, Spain
Kay Dickersin, MA, PhD
October 22, 2011
CER: Why now?
Orzag, CBO. 2007. Comparative Effectiveness Research
Medicare spending and quality of care
Baicker et al. Health Affairs web exclusives, October 7, 2004
December 2007
IOM (Institute of Medicine) Report:
Knowing What Works in Healthcare.
A Roadmap for the Nation
January 24, 2008
Proposed a new entity with
authority to produce
systematic reviews of
clinical effectiveness
• Set priorities, fund, manage
systematic reviews
• Develop common language
and standards
IOM recommendations (selected) 2008
A National Clinical Effectiveness
Assessment Program should:
 Invest in advancing the scientific
methods underlying the conduct of
systematic reviews;
 Assess the capacity of the
research workforce to meet the
Program’s needs.
o If deemed appropriate,
expand training opportunities in
systematic review and
comparative effectiveness
research methods.
IOM Report:
Initial National Priorities for CER
June 30, 2009
Methods commonly used in CER
• Controlled trials
• Observational studies
– Registry studies, large datasets
– Cohort studies
– Case control studies
– Cross sectional studies
– Case series
• Research synthesis
– Systematic reviews and metaanalysis
– Technology assessment
“And part of what we
want to do is to make
sure that those
decisions are being
made by doctors and
medical experts based
on evidence, based on
what works, because
that's not how it's
working right now.”
"The whole point of this is to try to encourage what works.”
President Barack Obama
July 22, 2009
March 23, 2010
PL 111-148 The Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act
The Patient Protection &
Affordable Care Act 2010
Established a non-profit Patient‐Centered Outcomes
Research Institute (PCORI) to conduct CER:
• Identify national priorities for research
• Appoint Board of Governors
– AHRQ and NIH, 3 patients/consumers, 5 providers, 3
payers, 3 industry, 1 representing quality improvement
or independent health services researcher, 2
representing federal or state interests.
• Establish Methodology Committee to set standards for CER
• Perform patient-centered CER
Medicare Improvement for
Patients and Providers Act of
Mandated two IOM studies:
Standards for conducting SRs
Standards for trustworthy CPGs
Reports of the two committees released
March 22, 2011
Federally-supported initiatives related to
systematic reviews
Internal programs - agency or contractual
 AHRQ - EPCs (evidence-based practice centers)
 CDC - Guide to Community Preventive Services
 CDC - HIV/AIDS Prevention Research Synthesis
 Dept. Health & Human Services/SAMHSA mental health and substance abuse disorders
 Dept. Education - What Works Clearinghouse
 Dept. Justice – Model Programs Guide
Federally-supported initiatives related to
systematic reviews
External programs:
NICHD – Cochrane Neonatal Review
NEI – Cochrane Eyes and Vision Group
NCCAM – Cochrane Complementary and
Alternative Medicine Field
Source: Science 329:516; 2010
• Learn from other countries
• Provide support for:
– A coordinated approach
– Infrastructure funds to external organizations
– Methods research for clinical trials and systematic reviews
– Infrastructure for investigator- initiated & commissioned
systematic reviews
• Ensure that mechanisms for CER support are sustained
• Require a systematic review before funding a trial
PCORI Pilot Projects (Due Dec 1 2011)
• Inform the national comparative effective
research priorities;
• Bring together different stakeholders;
• Translate research into practice;
• Identify gaps in relation to issues for
disadvantaged populations; and
• Identify predictors of patient outcomes
PCORI Pilot Projects (Due Dec 1 2011)
– Identify choices within patient control that
may influence outcomes.
– Better understand patient-clinician
– Assess strategies promoting patient
autonomy & informed decision-making.
A future for Cochrane reviews & infrastructure
Under the US-CER banner?
• Depends on how Cochrane needs match up
with PCORI’s goals
• Depends on PCORI decision to support
internal vs external systematic reviews
• Is Cochrane adaptable? March to its own
drummer vs workable partnerships.
• Right now, we have chosen to be cautiously