Entrepreneurship in Ireland before the establishment of CEBs

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Transcript Entrepreneurship in Ireland before the establishment of CEBs

Donegal County Enterprise Board
Building a Business on Your Ideas
Donegal Town,
September 24th 2010,
Danny Mc Eleney,
Business Advisor
Donegal County Enterprise Board
• Statutory Business Support Structure in Ireland
• Background of the CEBs
• Role of CEBs
• Main Activities of Donegal CEB
• Staff & Contact Details
• Questions
Statutory Business Support
Structure in Ireland
Dept. Enterprise Trade and
Industrial Development Agency
Enterprise Ireland
County & City
and Policy
Inward Investment
Indigenous Industry
Indigenous Industry
• Established in October 1993
• Exchequer funded through DETI
• Membership
• Statutory Agencies (5)
• Elected Representatives (4)
• Social Partners (4)
• Community and Business (3).
• Statutory Agency under Industrial Development Act,
• Audited by the Comptroller & Auditor General.
Role of County Enterprise Boards
First point of contact for any person interested in starting
a business or for established businesses employing less
than 10 persons.
Provide support system for micro/small enterprises by
• Assisting existing firms to survive and expand thereby
preserving or increasing employment
• Promoting and supporting enterprise activity undertaken by
individuals, firms and community groups – start ups
• Promoting enterprise awareness at all school levels
• Assisting in generating an improved enterprise culture
Main Activities
• Enterprise Promotion.
• Capacity Development
- Feasibility / Innovation Support
- Priming Grant Assistance
- Expansion Grant Assistance
• Capability Development
- Management Development & Training and Mentoring
- Schools
- Business Information Service
• General local economic development.
Enterprise Promotion
• Enterprising Donegal Business Week
• Student Enterprise
- Primary Level: 441 students
- Second Level: 1337 students
- Third Level: 85 students
• Enterprising Donegal Business Awards
• Local Initiatives
Capacity Development
• Feasibility /Innovation Grant Aid
- max €20,000 at the rate of 60%
• Priming Grant Assistance
- max €75,000 at 50%
• Expansion Grant Assistance
- max €75,000 at 50%
Feasibility / Innovation Support
• Maximum support of €20,000 at 60%
• Expenditure may be considered in the following areas;
– Innovation Costs: patent costs, design costs,
prototype development, external specialist
consultancy, research
– Miscellaneous Costs – vouched travel and
subsistence costs, preparation of business plan.
– Own labour costs are not eligible at Donegal CEB
Capability Development
Management Development & Training Programmes
Business Advice
Business Information Service
Sectoral & Networking Initiatives
– The Food Coast, Design, Craft, Furniture
– Women in Business
– ProfitNet
Programmes 2010
Start Your Own Business, ‘Big Step’, Doug Richard
Sales & Marketing Programme
Growth Programme
The Food Coast – Donegal’s Good Food Initiative
eBay Training
ICT Workshops
Small Business a/cs & Computerised a/cs
Student Enterprise Programme
Innovation Programme
• Michael Tunney – Chief Executive Officer
• Ursula Donnelly – Assistant CEO
• Danny Mc Eleney – Business Advisor
• Rachel Wasson – Office Manager
• Celine Carroll – Clerical Officer
• Cathy Slattery – Tradelinks Co-Ordinator
Contact Details
Donegal County Enterprise Board
Enterprise Fund Business Centre
Tel: 074 91 60735
Fax: 074 91 60783
email: [email protected]
Thank You.
Any questions?