How to Use the PowerPoint Template

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Creating Great Employee Experiences
Pamela Stroko
Vice-President Mid-Market HCM Transformation &
Thought Leadership
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2015 Great job market and good economics
It’s good and its going to get better
• Strongest GDP in a decade
• 58 straight months of private sector job growth
• Unemployment rate of 5.6%
• Healthcare costs are at historic lows
• Over 3.2 Million new jobs added in 2014 alone
• Trend of educating for jobs
• We have a talent centric economy
US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015
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The New Job Market
Jan. 2014:
3.7M unfilled jobs in the US
May 2014:
3.9M unfilled jobs in the US
July 2014:
4.6M unfilled jobs in the US
January 2015: 5M
In 2007 there were 7 people for
every open job
July 2014 there are 2 people for
every open job
unfilled jobs in the US
NBC News, Chicago, July 2014; CNN 2015
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2015 Talent Headlines
• 52% of workers say they will actively look for a job this year
• 25-30% of the workforce could be categorized as passive job seekers
• We have a scarcity/surplus at the same time
• Talent attraction and retention is all about development and careers
• It still is about engagement, collaboration, moving to social and mobile
• Changes in how we do performance management will impact traditional
manager and employee roles
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More career opportunity
Care about me, mentor me, coach me
More meaningful work that
contributes to community and
More job challenges and satisfaction
Help me grow in place
More interest in enhancing general
Pay me fairly
Kaye & Smith, Career Systems International, 2012
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The Power of HR with the Mind of a Marketer
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Marketers seek to understand the customer experience
They map customer experiences
Jim Tincher, Heart of the Customer, 2013
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As HR Leaders we need to understand the Employee
See your organization through your employees’ eyes
Understand and the touch points in your organization
and the impact that they have
What is the employee experience across those
touch points?
Capture attitudes and emotions
Focus on the true needs of employees
Image from Blueprint for a Human Workplace, 2013
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What are people looking for in today’s talent market?
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What describes the experience of your people?
W.L. Gore
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What describes who you are and why people should join
your company?
Chateau Gardens; Brandy Agerbeck-graphic
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Create a great experience: Innovate how we do performance
Image: middlemarketcenter
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Globoforce, 2013
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What would you do if you had a relationship with someone
you really cared about and wanted to stay connected to
them over time?
Understand their goals, aspirations, what they care about,
what they want out of their careers, what is important in
their lives
You would want to know how you could help—you would
coach, mentor, and support them
You would have honest conversations and they would be
real—no scripts—real connection
You would support their learning and development
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How can performance management become more
employee centric?
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The Employee Owned Performance Conversations
• Employees direct the conversation
• They obtain and share 360-feedback with managers
• They drive the conversation—document action items
• Employees proactively seek feedback and coaching from
• They have the capacity to reflect on their performance—
having had regular conversations throughout the year
• They schedule the conversations and document them
CEB, 2014
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We need to go from an event to a real dialogue
•Connection and relevance
•Frequent Feedback
•Honesty—great dialogue—great questions
•Cerebral Engagement
•Social and mobile
Star Trek Into Darkness, 2013
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How does social and mobile create a great employee
Graphic, Webseonanalytics
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The Power of Mobile
92% of the entire world has a cell phone; 2.6 billion mobile
devices (cell phone and tablets)
Mobile workers on average work 240 more hours a year than nonmobile workers
72% of workers use a mobile device daily while at the office
Mobile users are twice as engaged in social media as regular users
Over 200,000 texts are sent every second—on average it takes 3
days to get a response via e-mail, a text is answered in less than 3
Data source: Talent Minded/Career Builder; CNN 2015
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The Mobile Job Seeker
86% of job seekers want to search for a job
on a mobile device
1 in 5 searches starts on a mobile phone
Only 33% of companies have social/mobile
job search capabilities
42% of Millennials will not join and
organization that does not have social and
mobile capability
Mobile Recruitment Conference, UK, 2013
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Getting to great experiences
Olympus Photo Gallery
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Real connection happens when you understand your people
Do you know what energizes and
drives your people?
Is the culture flexible enough to allow
for different ways of working?
Are people happy with their work
Do people have challenging work
that leverages their strengths?
Do people know that they matter—
how are you communicating that?
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What every manager should know and do….
Do you have development plans that
are focused on the current role and
longer term career development?
Do you check-in with people formally
and informally?
Do you know what is important to your
Are you passionate about the
organization and your work?
Do you have career development
pathways in the organization and do
you have a way to prepare people for
future roles?
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Is your Organization Simply Irresistible??
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51% of people that take a new job have buyers remorse….
83% of them leave the job within the first year
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The Power of Mobile and Social to create a great
employee and customer experience
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What made Starfleet so unique?
Star Trek is a production of Paramount Pictures
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What is your great experience going to be????
Europe Economic Initiative, 2013
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