Transcript Document

A Probabilistic Nighttime Fog/Low Stratus Detection Algorithm
Corey G Calvert and Michael J Pavolonis*
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies, Madison, Wisconsin
*NOAA/NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications and Research
Advanced Satellite Product Branch, Madison Wisconsin
Fog Detection Approach
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Reducing Noise from the Final Product
Small-Scale Detection Capabilities
The Basics
• Due to the spatial resolution (4km) of current GOES satellites, detecting small-scale fog events (e.g.,
• The aviation-based level of cloud ceiling under which pilots must fly using instrument
flight rules (IFR) is approximately 300m. Therefore, the goal for the GOES-R fog
detection algorithm is to create a fog mask to detect liquid stratus clouds with bases
lower than 300m.
within river valleys) is difficult.
• The use of cloud objects can enhance the detection ability by allowing pixels with a stronger radiometric
signal to represent pixels within the object that may not have otherwise been classified as fog.
• This helps areas such as fog edges where the signal may not be strong enough by itself to be classified
as fog, but has pixels in the same object with a stronger signal that is more representative.
• The GOES-R fog detection algorithm builds off the widely-used 3.9, 11m channel
combination for nighttime detection of fog.
• Using the cloud objects can help to restore detail that may be missed without increasing the spatial
resolution of the instrument.
• The images below depict a valley fog event over Pennsylvania and upstate New York on September 17,
2007. The upper left image is the first daylight image (11:45 UTC) showing the fog within the valleys. The
upper right image is the high resolution (1 km) MODIS fog/stratus product at 7:38 UTC. The lower left
image is the heritage fog algorithm at 7:45 UTC displaying fog where the BTD is below -2 K. The lower
right image is the corresponding GOES-R fog product creating cloud objects using the 3.9m pseudoemissivity. The improved spatial resolution of the GOES-R ABI will greatly enhance the future GOES fog
• Nighttime fog is typically characterized by the following traits:
• Cloud top is close to ground so the difference between cloud temperature and surface
temperature is typically small
• Relatively high spectral emissivity signal (3.9,11m) at night
• Fog detection is based on finding small differences between the radiometrically-derived
and NWP surface temperature along with strong signals from the 3.9m pseudoemissivity.
MODIS Fog/Stratus Product
• Rather than using specific thresholds, training data were used to create look-up tables
(LUTs) that assign a probability a pixel returning certain spectral information is fog.
• Cloud objects are created to group neighboring pixels with similar radiometric signals.
This allows pixels within an object that have a stronger signal (usually at the center) to
represent the entire object, which is useful for small-scale fog events (see far right).
• The GOES-R fog detection algorithm can be broken down into the following four steps:
Use the ABI cloud phase output to identify non-ice cloud pixels
Determine the fog probability for each pixel using pre-determined LUTs
Group pixels into cloud objects
• In the upper left false color image, the white/red crosses represent surface observations meeting the no
fog/fog criteria, respectively, for non ice clouds (given by GOES-R cloud type product). The light blue/magenta
crosses represent surface observations meeting the same criteria respectively under multi-layer or ice clouds
(areas excluded from the GOES-R fog detection algorithm). The upper right image is the GOES-R cloud type
• The heritage fog algorithm (bottom left image) flags pixels with a 3.9-11m BTD less than -2 K. In the
presence of convective clouds and non-fog water clouds this algorithm has the tendency to return ‘noisy’ pixels
that are usually false alarms.
•The GOES-R algorithm (bottom right image) screens these areas out using the cloud type information along
with 3.9 m pseudo-emissivity data. It also uses cloud objects to group neighboring pixels with similar
radiometric signals. Using a minimum object size of 3 pixels, it can significantly reduce noise in the final product.
Eliminate artifacts by removing any cloud
objects consisting of 3 pixels or less and check
spectral and spatial object metrics
• Look-up tables were created using surface temperature bias along with the 3.9m pseudoemissivity as predictors. “Truth” was gleaned from surface observations.
• The 3.9 m clear-sky surface emissivity was also used to separate pixels with different surface
types (e.g., desert and forest) which might lead to unrepresentative fog probability calculations.
• Below is the fog LUT for the 3.9m pseudo-emissivity and surface temperature bias for pixels with
a clear-sky surface emissivity between 0.90 and 0.95.
• Pixels with small surface temperature biases and low 3.9 m pseudo-emissivity will be given a higher
probability of containing fog.
For further information contact the author at [email protected]