Transcript Slide 1

Starting Your Research
From ‘Soup to Nuts’
The trials, tribulations, and joys
of setting up your own program
Gregory P. Downey M.D.
University of Toronto
Step 1: Find a Mentor
The mentoring you seek should be framed around your
goals for the first 3-5 years
Will vary with style, opportunity, and type of research
BUT, there are some general expectations common to
most academic environments
Choose both:
Scientific mentor
Content expert
Non-scientific mentor
Someone who understands your situation (and
will listen)
Step 2: Set Your Goals
Establish a functional infrastructure in your lab
Launch an independent, funded research program
Meet requirements at your institution for 3 year and
tenure/ promotion reviews (5-7 years)
 Emerging
national and international presence
 Established
record of productivity and training
 Contributions
to the academic mission of your
institution (teaching, mentoring)
 Presentation
of your work at national and
international meetings
 Recognition
of your work by international peers
Getting Advice/Support
 Sage advice and $$$
Senior colleagues
 Sage advice and high level support
Your peers
 Establish a presence for your research
programon campus
 Get to know your colleagues and identify
potential scientific mentors
Graded Lab Set Up
The Big Question: should you start up a new
lab/program or spend the first few years in the
lab of a senior faculty member?
 Hospital for Sick Children model
 Critical mass of people
 All the equipment you need
 Can focus on experiments immediately
 Pride and independence
 Your mentor should not be senior author on
your initial manuscripts!
Negotiating a Start Up Package
Decide how much you need?
A reasonable request:
 $75-$150 K for start up for wet lab
 Make certain to include big ticket items that you
absolutely need
 3 years operating funds ($30-40K per year)
 3 years of technician salary ($40-45 K per year)
 Seed money and staff for clinical trials
 Don’t forget secretarial support
Not everyone gets the same
 Like professional sports
Less bargaining power if you stay where you trained
Hard to negotiate after you have already signed the deal
Staffing: General Principles
Build a productive and positive lab culture
Be a force/presence in your own lab (lead by example)
allows you to produce publishable data
identify strengths/weaknesses in your trainees
find out what’s frustrating people in the lab
How do I identify people to join my group?
avoid the urge to put ‘warm bodies’ in the lab
beware the dominant negative!
Hire more on ‘character’ as opposed to specific expertise
you can teach people techniques
honesty, good humour, and the ability to get along with
difficult people are huge assets
Financial Issues
Create a budget - and stick to it
Track expenses monthly
 Use a spreadsheet or accounting software
 Set maximum allowable monthly expenditures
Appoint a lab manager
Borrow small amounts of reagents from
colleagues for proof of principle experiments
Don’t run out of money with 3 months to go
before next installment
PI is legally responsible for appropriate (and
inappropriate) use of funds
Protocols and SOPs
Important to set standards for the lab / research
Key techniques should be written in a detailed
protocol and made available to the lab members
But allow flexibility depending based on individual
preferences and skills
Record keeping is crucial to document details of
experiments and avoid future mistakes
Technicians and Research
Likely your first hire
Advertise early
Consider hiring ‘green’
recent graduate
Interview carefully
Work closely with him/her in first few months
Graduate Students
Plan and get advice on an SGS appointment early
Aim to get a good student or two into your program in the
first couple of years
Rotation system? – interviews?
Graduate students are trainees and deserve your full
attention, guidance, and nurturing
Graduate mentorship is a serious commitment
Avoid taking on too many students in one year
Be a mentor
adjust your supervisory style to the student (weekly
Post Doctoral Fellows
Difficult to attract excellent PDFs when you are
starting you lab
Keep your ear to the group for outstanding
students ‘in transition’
Talk to your colleagues at meetings etc.
 you should have high expectations
You must be prepared to facilitate the career
goals of the postdoc
Step 4: Interfacing with the
outside world
My team is in place. What do I do next?
Get OUT THERE! You are the role model and motivator
Assess individual needs and adjust your supervision
This is YOUR LAB:
 There must be a philosophical and practical framework
for the lab to grow into - you must supply this framework
 Decide what type of lab culture you want
 Format for lab notebooks? Flexible hours? Music?
Communication is key: have group meetings, no matter
how painful
Demonstrate by example that honesty, integrity, courtesy
and professionalism are part of your lab philosophy
Learn from watching: how do other successful scientists
manage their labs, their lives, negotiate the tenure-andpromotion process?
Be a good colleague; cultivate scientific collaborations and
Some Common Mistakes
Complain/gossip to your lab personnel about other lab
Ignore tenure requirements
Keep 5-year plan in mind
Adjust your projects accordingly (maybe you thought they’d all
be Science papers…)
Let the lab assume its own shape and style: train your
people directly in the first few years
Assume everyone you hire will be as motivated and
competent as you
This is a NO WIN situation; your team needs to trust you
Typically, people will spend more time buying a centrifuge than
hiring a technician
Be afraid to intervene in lab conflicts
Adjust Your Approach
 Forget
to adapt your style as your lab evolves
 people with more experience will resent being
 Be
prepared to change your view of what is
 Celebrate
the success of your student’s
experiments and manuscripts vs getting a result
Some Common Problems
Simple disagreements/problems about how lab is managed
 Don’t accuse/step in/solve the problem
 Consider a lab ‘business’ component to your group
Minor or major personality conflicts
 The buck stops with you; don’t avoid these issues
 Don’t pick sides
 Do expect people to behave professionally
Health problems that may impair work performance
Performance issues (lack of motivation; poor work ethic)
 Make your expectations clear; treat people decently
Measure outcomes, not inputs
Set an international standard (scientific meetings)
Recognize that people will achieve at different level
Time/Career Management
Know what is expected of you
 Research
 Clinical
 Teaching
 Administration
How do I get everything done and still
maintain my sanity (or as close to
sanity as possible)?
Rule #1
Learn to say NO
(but not always)
How to balance the
demands of your position
It is easier to say NO if you have prior
Be selective
 Ask
yourself if this will help you
Set your limits for non-research related activities
and adhere to those limits
Schedule time for research activities into your
Set priorities for your time
Time Management Grid
Time Management: suggestions
Reduce Stress by starting big tasks (i.e. grant
applications) months in advance
Break each task down into smaller, more
manageable tasks
Set goals for what you want to get done in the
time period allowed and stick to those goals
Don’t waste time complaining about doing the
Do not let e-mail consume your time
 Turn off the alarm and check it when YOU
want to (3 times per day)
 Turn off your phone ringer when writing
 use voice mail effectively
Time Management
Work in a way that is most efficient for you
 Do the most demanding tasks when you are
most productive
 Sequential monotasking vs. multitasking
Be efficient and organized
 Never handle a document related to
administration more than once. Make the
decision of what to do immediately
 Sign it, file it, ignore it or discard it
 Save small, mindless tasks for when you have
a few minutes or when you are too drained to
perform more mental functions
Balance work and personal life
Schedule and take vacations
Hire as much help as you can afford
Make use of possibilities for flexible schedules
 Reduce commute time
 Flex time with children
 Set up a home office with high-speed
Be organized and plan ahead
 Do prep work for meals one day a week
(involve the family)
 PDAs are good for more than keeping your
Secure research funding
Apply for everything for which you are eligible
Don’t get discouraged
 You
may not get a CIHR grant the first time
you apply but be persistent
The first renewal is often the most difficult
 plan
ahead and work towards publishing your
studies before the first renewal
Publish !
Fine to go for the home run BUT you also need to
secure a few base hits to be able to stay in the game
If you work in a very competitive area- publish first!
Know when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em
Begin to write a manuscript as soon as you have a few
pieces of data that fit together
helps to focus your research
plan all experiments to generate data for a figure
write every day for ~ 60 min (no interruptions)
Collaborate, but don’t let collaborations be a distraction
from establishing your own research program
Generally not good to collaborate with former
Peer review
Grants panels
 Operating
panels: a great experience, but commit
to one or two meetings rather than a full threeyear term
 After
you have sat on a panel be selective in your
and studentship panels are a great place to
get some peer review experience
Manuscript reviews
 Good
way to keep up with literature in your field,
but be selective
Speaking engagements
 Accept
invitations at meetings and other institutions
 If
you are receiving large numbers of invitations, be
 You
 Be
will be expected to attract trainees to your lab
selective in the trainees you recruit
 Not
everyone who gets into grad school or
completes a PhD or MD is capable of doing
If You Are a Clinician
Know what the expectations are from the
If you want to do research, you need to have
protected time
Try to go to a place or service where you are not
needed clinically (at least at first)
Align or mesh clinical duties with research
Seek advice from a mentor who has successfully
balanced both clinical and research commitments
Many potential benefits:
 Improve communication skills
 Exposure to students could mean future
 Can be rewarding
Know how many contact hours others in your
department / faculty teach
 Do not volunteer for hours over what is
expected of you
Set limits on amount of prep time you devote to
lecture preparation
 More time for preparation ≠ better teacher
Some Faculties/Departments use teaching
evaluations for promotion
Try to teach the same course for a number of
Try to teach in your specialty
Make effective use of teaching assistants
You do not need to be available 24-7!
Teaching: Student supervisory
Great place to impress your colleagues
Be selective: want to learn something of interest to
you or have the potential for collaboration
Do not over commit
 Should
be about a equal number of committees
to faculty on your student’s committees
 Do
not do the supervisor’s job of supervision
 Supervisory
committees are a considerable time
Choose to be on committees that interest you
and involve issues that you are passionate about
Try to avoid committees with a large time/effort
commitment or ones that have the potential to be
highly polarized/controversial
If you agree to be on a committee, fulfill the
expectations for being on the committee
Do not, as an individual, do all of the work of the
entire committee!
Enjoy Your Career!
Life is too short to be miserable
Writing a Grant
The Peer Review Process
A Bird’s Eye View
Initial Steps in Grant Writing
Choosing the right type of grant
Choosing the right funding agency
Choosing the right review committee
Types of Grants
 Small/specialized
 Major funding agencies ‘open competitions’
Salary support
Group grants
Infrastructure (e.g. CFI)
Special Requests for Applications (RFAs)
Network grants (e.g. NCE)
The Very Beginning: StartUp Funds and Grants
Faculty/Department/Division/Research Institute
 $50-300K
 Technician support ($35-40K per year)
 Operating funds ($15-30K per year)
 Salary support for 3 yrs
Competitive start-up funds
 Dean’s fund, Connaught
CFI- up to $125K for equipment for new PIs
Choosing the Right Funding
Federal / provincial peer review agencies
Disease or organ-based society / foundation
HSFC, NCIC, PSI, Arthritis Society, Kidney Foundation,
Lung Association, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, LAM
Premiers Research Award (PREA)
$50K per year
May have $$$ but do not sell your soul
Choosing the Right Funding
Agency: Things to Consider
What kind of $$ do you need?
Is the topic of importance globally or to a niche
How does the mission / vision of the funding
agency fit with your research?
Initial Operating Grants
Consider smaller, specialized organizations
NGOs that want to support your research to
facilitate their goals (win-win)
Sympathetic reviewers (maybe)
Smaller amounts of money
Can provide funding to generate essential
preliminary data for larger grant
Consider not applying for major operating grant
immediately upon setting up lab
 Problem is first renewal (2-3 yrs)
Major Federal/Provincial PeerReview Funding Agencies
Don’t forget the NIH
Substantially more $$ available (90-150K per
year) for 3-5 yrs
Stability of funding
 Allows development of area of research
 Stability of support staff
Shark country- beware
 Need a great idea and a track record
 Should be in optimal environment
 Days of ‘lone rangers’ are over
Some Things to Consider for
Initial Grants
Don’t propose experiments / study that will
take 3 yrs to complete for your first grant
Short and snappy studies
Issue of feasibility within your proven skill
set and within the time frame of the grant
‘Do the do-able’
Initially, aim for journals with rapid turn
around time and good acceptance rate and
citation index
Get your foot in the door and demonstrate
your ability to take your ideas to
General Preparation Well
Before Grant Deadline
CV Module
Establishes your credibility as a researcher
 Never assume this is understood!
Do you / your team have the skills to do the
proposed research?
Common c.v. module used for many organizations
Web-based CV modules can be tricky to fill out so
don’t leave to last minute to prepare
 Difficult for an inexperienced secretary to
CV Module cont’d...
Don’t pad your CV
 Public school awards and diplomas nice but
not necessary
 Peer-reviewed, first (last) authored carry most
 Submitted publications must be supported by
email/letter from journal
 ‘In preparation’ don’t count and may hurt
Internal Approvals
Human subjects
Pay attention to containment level and make certain that you
have access to the proper level of facility
Radiation safety
Especially important for clinical studies and may be crucial
factor regarding feasibility
Ethics certification (NIH)
You and your technician may have to take course
Animal care protocols
Estimate number of animals carefully
Does your institute have room?
Division/Department Head
Research Institute Director
University level: Associate Dean of Research
Allow 2-3 working days
 Avoid the crunch
Be tolerant and polite
Internal Reviews
Pick internal reviewers well ahead of time to make
certain they will be available
Get grant to them 2-3 weeks (or more) ahead of
Pick reviewers who are knowledgeable,
experienced, and tough (!)
Face to face group meetings are by far the best
 HSC model highly successful
 Humbling experience so be prepared
Selecting the Best
Committee: Due Diligence
Understand focus of committee
Reputation of committee
Check that committee members have similar
background as you
Beware of major competitors on committee
Avoid being blackballed
 Major scientific disagreements with committee
Ask committee members or experienced colleagues
about the type of grants referred by the committee
Have alternate committees ready
External Reviewers
Remember- these are suggestions that may or
may not be used
1 or 2 additional reviewers will always be
Suggest sympathetic experts, not collaborators
Some agencies honor requests for individuals
NOT to review your grant
 Be careful here
One strategy to avoid a nasty review in to
include the individual in your grant as a
collaborator or investigator!
Peer Review Committees
Chair, scientific officer, agency representatives
 Non-voting
 Voting
Primary reviewer
 Reviews grant, appendices, literature in detail
Secondary reviewer
 Reviews grant in detail with written report
 Reviews grant in detail but no written report
Other committee reviewers
 Likely will not have read the grant in detail
What Happens at the PeerReview Committee Meeting
For each grant, 1° and 2° reviewers announce initial
Primary reviewer presents 2-3 min summary and
Secondary reviewer presents critique
External reviewers reports reviewed (if any)
Consensus score reached
Committee votes ± 0.5 from consensus score
Chair, scientific officer are non-voting
 But can set the tone and balance discussion
Major Factors in Decision-Making
at the Committee Meeting
Great idea
Burden of disease
Productivity of applicant
Preliminary data- feasibility
Interesting hypothesis
Good writing/presentation
Tight protocol which addresses multiple eventualities
and interpretations of results
Interpretation of Scores and Comments
The Typical Grant Reviewer
Overworked and under paid!
Own research career on hold for weeks
Experienced in grant writing and scientific research
 Good eye for fuzzy thinking, poor data, pomposity, etc
 Smart but may not be expert in your specific area
 Assume infinite intelligence but no specific knowledge
Reads 10-15 grants per cycle
 On planes, subways, trains, and while on vacation
Impatient and easily exasperated by poor writing and
Make their job easy!
Time Lines for Grant Completion
One Year Before
6 months before
4 months before
Write up and publish as much as possible on the area (gain scholarly credibility
as expert in the area, rather than complete novice)
Talk to people about your ideas and listen to what they say
Read a successful grant application
Target granting agency(ies) for application
Collect preliminary data (and funding to collect this data) to show that you can
handle the issue
Read the application guidelines.
Consider review panel for grant submission
Check if your research institute has a required internal review procedure. If so,
add an extra month to rest of timeline.
Start writing your grant draft. This allows for lots of time to work out problems,
polish presentation, and get input from colleagues.
Send out your draft to colleagues for comment.
Complete your CV module. Web-based CV modules (i.e. Common CV) clog up
prior to major granting deadlines. This can be a difficult task to delegate to an
Re-read application guidelines
Submit documentation for local committee approval (i.e. biosafety, animal, human
subjects, ethics,)
2 months before
Check all budgeting figures for salary, equipment, supplies
Collect additional documentation as required (letters from collaborators, etc.)
1 month before
Complete final draft with all appendices
Get colleagues (or internal review committees) to review and provide feedback
2 weeks before
Complete final version. Proof it. Turn off spellchecker.
1 week before
Get required internal signatures
2 days before
Courier application
General Hints on Writing
the Grant
The Application Package
Writing style and appearances matter
 Where in life don’t they?
Follow instructions to the letter
 Formatting
 Font
 Margins
 Page numbering and length
Instructions confusing?
 ask the agency for clarification
 take a look at a successful grant
Grant Etiquette and General
Rules for Success
Style matters
Use all the space provided
Be considerate of the reviewer
 They may have 10-15 grants to read
Spelling, language, minimize abbreviations (and
provide table)
Avoid ‘dense’ writing style
Build in “white” space
 Psychological advantage
Tables and figures interspersed with words
Follow instructions to the letter
The Application Package
Appendices should be there to assist the
reviewer, not just ‘because’
 e.g. questionnaire, a reprint of seminal papers
on which the current study is based
DON’T put pieces of your proposal in the
appendix because you ran out of room
 They may never be read!
Co-Investigators and
If this is a new area of research for you, surround
yourself with good people!
 Choose co-investigators with established credibility
in the area
Be clear about their role and provide letters
 draft letter well ahead of time and email to
collaborators to revise and print on their own
Especially important for new technology or need for
unique resources
 e.g. surgical colleagues for human biopsy material
or fancy equipment
Budget / Budget
Count on getting less than you ask for
Most funding agencies have an average award
 find out what it is and plan accordingly
Appearances are important
 $100,000 seems a lot more than $99,000
DON’T pad your budget
 Reviewers will see right through it!
Budget / Budget
Never guess at costs
Wherever possible, provide quotes
Specify how each and all required personnel will
contribute to the proposal and how their
qualifications merit their categorization and pay
Animal costs can be substantial
Don’t forget publication costs
 $2000 or more per article
What If You Don’t get Funded
Get mad (or at least get over it quickly)
Call or email the committee chair or SO until you
have calmed down
Give up
You have an excellent chance of getting funded
on the next cycle
cumulative success rate ~50%
What If You Don’t get Funded
Vent with a close friend/colleague and get it off your chest
Read the SOs report carefully
External reviewers opinions less critical/helpful to
Consider each major point/criticism dispassionately
They are often (usually) correct
Carefully draft rebuttal page and have colleague read it
Deal with main points only
Remain unfailingly polite/constructive in responses
Begin preparations early
Think the major concepts through and seek
opinions of colleagues and external experts
Internal reviews are crucial
Aim for polished and flawless final product
If you don’t get funded, learn from the criticisms
and respond positively
 Your chances of getting funded are good!