Learning styles and difficulties

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Learning styles and
Everybody has his own style of learning.
Some of us find it the best and easiest to learn by
hearing information, some of us by seeing them.
Proponents say that teachers should assess the learning
styles of their students and adapt their classroom
methods to best fit each student's learning style.
There are even special tests which help in identifying
someone’s learning style.
There are 3 types of learning:
Visual learning
Visual learning is a teaching and learning style in which ideas,
concepts, data and other information are associated with
images, photos and techniques. Students who have this style of
learning remember all the details visually.
Such learners:
• prefer organize information through graphic media such as
charts, spider diagrams, flow charts, maps, illustrated text
books, videos and graphs together with the other graphic
devices that often accompany these media, such as arrows,
circles, etc.
• see the teacher's body language and facial expression to fully
understand the content of a lesson
• are good at spelling but forgets names
• need quiet study time.
• have to think awhile before understanding a speech or lecture.
• are good with sign language.
• try replacing symbols with words and vice versa
• spend time looking through the information and try to rewrite
specific pages of information from memory
• use flashcards
• draw a map of events in history or draw scientific process
• ask the teacher to diagram
• Make lists, notes of everything
they find it dificult to hear lectures
lack of words
Problems with writing
difficulty understanding that context must be communnicated
Auditory learning
Auditory learning is a learning style in which a person learns
through listening. An auditory learner depends on hearing
and speaking as a main way of learning. Auditory learners
must be able to hear what is being said in order to
understand . They also use their listening and repeating skills
to sort through the information that is sent to them.
Students who are a strong aural learners often:
like to talk in class
explain things well
take part in oral work on class
do well in foreign languages
understand grammatical patterns easily
remember things better through listening than reading
have strong memorization skills
recall in great detail what was said in a lesson or lecture
have strong musical skills
have a strong sense of rhythm and use rhythm and rhyme
to help them learn
• explain the information covered in the lesson to someone who
wasn't present in the lesson - this is a useful technique to use
at home with 'willing listeners' eg. parents or siblings
• improve the quality of any notes taken in the lesson, because
these notes may well have gaps in them - being able to study
with someone else who can fill in the gaps may help with this
• once the notes are complete transfer the information into
auditory forms such as MP3 files to listen to repeatedly
• practise presenting the information they have memorised to
other people in the form of a presentation
• read notes out loud to themselves
quickly reading
understand graphs and diagrams easily
stay quiet for long periods of time
access learning delivered exclusively in written form
consistently produce legible handwriting
Kinesthetic learning
Kinesthetic learning occurs as students
engage a physical activity: learning by
doing, exploring, discovering.
Students who have a strong kinesthetic learning style
• like to move around in the classroom
• remember what they physically DO, they need to do
something to 'learn' it
• are able to remember something perfectly after doing it only
• enjoy activities that involve 'acting out' such as role play or
• need the help of physical objects, that they can handle, as aids
to sequencing and learning
• enjoy subjects which inherently satisfy the need for 'hands on'
learning, such as science, computer technology etc.
• perform well in sporting activities and activities such as dance
• express their interest in an actvity enthusiastically and
excitedly - sometimes they can become over-excited
• include as many 'real' examples as they can - getting them to
'relive' the kinesthetic parts of the learning can help them
• associate specific case studies or examples with abstract
concepts they have to learn
• include pictorial cues such as photographs and pictures in the
notes to provide more of a 'hook' for the information they
need to memorize
• carry out the kinesthetic activity again at home: revise
everything done in the classroom by recreating the situation
• practise writing the kinds of answers they will face in the
examination - remember that the act of writing does seem to
help information become clearer to kinesthetic learners
• talk over their learning with other students who learn in the
same way, as a means of recalling all the important points
• may not be able to sit still for long periods of time
• have difficulty with learning that involves learning by rote or
• have poor handwriting
• have difficulty with spelling
Reading disorder (Dyslexia)
The most common learning disability. A reading disability can
affect any part of the reading process, including difficulty with
accurate or fluent word recognition, or both, word decoding,
reading rate, prosody (oral reading with expression), and reading
Writing disorder (Dysgraphia)
Impaired written language ability may include impairments in
handwriting, spelling, organization of ideas, and composition.
Math disability (Dyscaluclia)
Math disability can cause such difficulties as learning math
concepts (such as quantity, place value, and time), difficulty
memorizing math facts, difficulty organizing numbers, and
understanding how problems are organized on the page.
• http://homeworktips.about.com/od/homeworkhelp/a/visual.htm
• http://www.classroom-management-success.org/visual-learningstyle.html
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learning_styles
• http://www.tlumaczenia-angielski.info/metodyka/learningstyles.htm
• http://www.classroom-management-success.org/auditorylearning.html
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinesthetic_learning
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learning_disability#Types_of_learning_
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auditory_learning
• http://www.classroom-management-success.org/kinestheticlearners.html
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