Transcript Document

UPF Supplier Opportunities Forum
UPF Construction—Chattanooga-Area
Ralph Helton
UPF Construction Subcontracts Manager
Introduction (Helton’s Bio)
• Responsibility for the formation, administration, and close-out of UPF construction
subcontracts with a proven track record for management of large dollar construction
subcontracts. Successful completion of the Highly Enriched Uranium Materials Facility
(HEUMF) project, the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) project and numerous Air Force
construction projects.
• A warranted Contracting Officer in the United States Air Force (USAF). He was the Chief,
Construction Group upon his retirement from the USAF in 2000. Ralph is a veteran of Desert
Shield/Desert Storm serving as Contingency Contracting Officer. He was the 1997Air Combat
Command Secretary of the Air Force professionalism in Contracting (Supervisory) award
winner, the 1996 base level Non-commissioned Officer of the year awardee, and the 1996,
1995 & 1994 squadron Non-commissioned Officer of year awardee.
• Ralph is an active member of the National Contract Management Association (NCMA), East
Tennessee chapter. He has a Master’s Certificate in Government Contracting from The
George Washington University School of Business and Public Management and a M.A.
Management from Webster University.
• Mr. Helton is married with two children and one granddaughter.
• Introduction
• Agenda
• Safety Minute
• Procurement Postings
• Upcoming Bids
• Information Security
• Request for Proposal
• Summary of Work / Specifications / Drawings
• Contact Information
• Questions and Answers
Safety Minute
• In case of an emergency please note emergency exits
- Don’t use elevators – use steps
- Don’t panic – walk in orderly fashion
Also please remember today is Halloween and children will be trick or
treating by the time you get home this evening. They will be distracted
so look out for them.
Procurement Postings
• B&W Y-12, LLC Procurement Forecast Page
- Provides Advance Notice for Packages >$100K
• UPF Construction / Architect / Engineering
• FedBizOpps [] may be utilized for posting
Expression of Interest (EOI) >$150K
- EOI includes a brief description of the scope, the NAICS code,
minimum criteria, point of contact, etc.
- The EOI does not constitute an invitation for sealed bids, a
request for proposals, or offers. The EOI is used to identify
prospective and qualified firms. Responses received will be
used for planning purposes and determining candidates for
subsequent procurement actions, if any.
UPF Upcoming Bid Requests
Electric Tube Conversion Furnaces (Q)
Hydraulic Break/Shear Press (RS)
Electric Oxide Furnaces (Q)
Bottom Loading Furnaces (Q)
Centrifuges (Q)
Calciner (Q)
Vacuum Annealing Furnaces (Q)
Rebar Detail/Supply/Fabrication (Q)
Structural Steel (Q)
Embedments (Q)
Concrete Formwork (C)
Office Furniture (C)
Process & Specialty Skids (Q)
Gloveboxes/Integration (Q)
Pipe Hangers (Q)
Pipe Spools (Q)
Access Doors (C )
Horizontal Jack & Bore (C)
Tower Cranes (C)
RUBB Tent Upgrade (C)
Concrete Testing (Q)
Plug & Abandon Monitoring Wells (C)
Surveying Services (Q)
Standard Penetration Testing (Q)
Construction Labor & Equipment (C)
Gas Storage Building (C )
Modular Office Facilities (C )
Admin Building (C )
Process Support Facilities (C )
Welding Management (Q)
Fireproofing (Q )
Architectural Finishes (C )
HVAC Fab / Install (Q )
Q – Nuclear Quality NQA-1 2008 w/ 2009 Addendum
RS – Risk Significant Commercial Produces (ISO 9000)
C – Industrial Commercial Products/Services
Fire Protection (Q)
Cooling Towers (C )
Firewater Pump Houses ( C)
Substation (C )
Insulation (Q)
Lightning Protection (C)
Chillers (C)
Paving (C)
Roofing (C)
Painting/Coatings (C)
Siding (C)
Fire Detection (Q)
Information Security Process
If Specification contains “Unclassified Controlled Information (UCI), e.g.,
Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information (UCNI)”:
• Y-12 Security Personnel will provide training during pre-bid meeting
• Subcontractor Requirements
- Be knowledgeable and able to recognize sensitivity of information in your
- Only Employees who have had training and a need to know may have
access to sensitive information.
- Information will have special storage requirements
- This clause and training is required to be flowed to all lower-tier
subcontractors and suppliers
Off-Site UCI Processing
Your Security Requirements = Our Security Requirements
• Any processing off-site (not on Y-12 computers or networks) requires
certification and approval by Y-12 prior to processing at Seller’s facility.
Will require visit by Y-12 personnel and security plan for approval to
• Y-12 information and information systems must be kept separate from
other Seller data. Data and information may not be comingled.
• Computing platforms and operating systems must meet Y-12 Cyber
Security standards. Software must meet Y-12 Software Quality
Assurance measures.
• Standards will be provided to Seller prior to certification.
Off-Site UCI Processing (cont.)
• System security must be maintained and regularly reassessed
• All media (including hard drives, thumb drives, CD/DVDs, tapes, etc.)
must be encrypted using Federal Information Processing Standards
(FIPS) 140.2 approved encryption modules as approved by Y-12
• All media and documents containing UCI must be surrendered to Y-12
at conclusion of contract or task. Documented notification of surrender
of media and documents to Subcontract Technical Representative
(STR) must be provided
• Loss or compromise of data or information must be immediately
reported to Y-12
Request for Proposal (RFP) / Solicitation
• The Solicitation Consists of Two Parts:
Part 1 – The Schedule
• Section A – Solicitation and Offer Form
• Section B – Pricing Schedule
• Section C – Specifications / Summary of Work
• Section D - Delivery, Shipping, Packaging
• Section E - Performance Period and Payment
• Section F - Administrative Information
Part II – Agreement Clauses, List of Attachments, and Instruction to Sellers
• Section G - Clauses
• Section H - List of Attachments
• Section I - Instruction to Offerors
• Section J - Evaluation Factors and Award
Request for Proposal (RFP) (cont.)
• Sections A – H are incorporated into the final subcontract
• Section I & J are solicitation instructions and evaluation factors and will
not survive award
• Typically the basis for award for construction subcontracts is “Lowest
Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA)
- Section I would include the evaluation factors
- Section J would include the basis for award to include the criteria
necessary to be deemed technically acceptable
• Offeror must receive a “Pass” rating for each technical factor to be
deemed technically acceptable
• IMPORTANT – Submit Best Offer Initially; Award May be Made without
Request for Proposal (RFP) (cont.)
• Section A; Solicitation and Offer form must be signed by authorized
Company Representative
• The Solicitation and Offer form, upper right, reflects (by default) that
offer’s are good for 60 days – this period may be adjusted
• Acknowledgement of Amendments
- Signed Amendments Must be Included with Offer
• Insurance must be maintained during the entire performance period
• Performance & Payment bonds are required
• Bid bonds may be required
Summary of Work / Specifications / Drawings
• The Summary of Work defines the basic requirements (scope) and includes an index of
the applicable specifications and drawings
• Offeror Responsibilities
IMPORTANT – Read the entire Solicitation
Understanding Offer Evaluation Criteria; Both Technical & Business Management
Follow all Instructions for Submission of Offer
Complete & Sign All Documents Requested with Offer
Late, Partial or Incomplete Offers May Not be Considered
• Important Dates
Deadlines for Questions
Offer Closing Date
• Point of Contact
During the Solicitation Phase – Subcontract Administrator
Contact Information
Ralph Helton
UPF Construction Subcontracts Manager
(865) 576-9097
[email protected]
90 Union Valley Road
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8042
Questions & Answers
This work of authorship and those incorporated herein were prepared by
Contractor as accounts of work sponsored by an agency of the United States
Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor
Contractor, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied,
or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness,
use made, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process
disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.
Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by
trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily
constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United
States Government or any agency or Contractor thereof. The views and opinions
of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the
United States Government or any agency or Contractor thereof.