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Dan Ortolani, Vice President Advanced Technology Services
WebFOCUS Roadmap
Core Guiding Principles
Customer-driven development projects are
highest priority and are most visible throughout
Support, Development & Product Management
Maximize Utilization:
• Offer robust set of tools and technologies for
every need and employee skill level
 ROI and Value Maximization:
• Ease of use, deployment, and scaling
• Integration of auxiliary tools and technologies
• Unique model & architecture to leverage
open source
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 2
WebFOCUS Roadmap
WebFOCUS Program Priorities
Exploit latest
Innovation Initiatives
BI Extension
• Customer-driven, incremental
• Implemented across product line
• Major new development effort
• New product offering or significant
upgrade to existing capabilities
• New products that expand
WebFOCUS platform via singlevendor, cost-effective alternatives
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 3
WebFOCUS Roadmap
WebFOCUS Release Highlights & Timelines
Current Release
-Release 7.6.11
-Release 7.7
Enhancements in
enhancements: strong
focus on report
enhancements needed
for competitive
WebFOCUS Magnify
evolves: Scalability &
Performance driven by
LEA implementations
PMF 5.2
New RStat
New Flex Enable
metadata & adaptor
RIA Development in
Developer Studio
generation of Guided
Ad-hoc applications
New Data Migrator
Active Technologies
Easier to build
zIIP support
- Release 7.7.x
- Release 8 introduced
Major upgrades
across the product line
Portal initiative
ESRI ArcGIS Server
Flex Support
Next generation of
InfoAssist , RStat, &
Magnify, Flex Enable
New security model
Real-time offerings
Ongoing innovation
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 4
WebFOCUS Release 7.6.11
Copyright 2010, Information Builders. Slide 5
WebFOCUS Roadmap: Release 7.6.11
Enhancements for BI Applications
 Incremental enhancements in Developer Studio based on field
and customer feedback
 Areas of Focus
 Speed guided ad-hoc forms development
 Provide significant upgrades in PDF formatting
 Drive toward more consistency in development across
most popular output types
 Incremental improvements in WYSIWYG report & forms
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 6
WebFOCUS Roadmap
Information Assurance
“Measures that protect and defend information and
information systems by ensuring their availability, integrity,
authentication, confidentiality, and non-repudiation. These
measures include providing for restoration of information
systems by incorporating protection, detection, and reaction
capabilities. “
- Source: US Government’s Information Assurance Glossary
Superset of Security Integration
Emphasis on strategic risk management
Defend against malicious hacker attacks
Critical for externally-facing Web-based applications
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 7
WebFOCUS Roadmap
WebFOCUS Commitment
IBI Committed to Provide Industry Leadership
Many WebFOCUS deployments are customer-facing,
partner-facing public internet applications
Major priority in our development program
 Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)
Only member Business Intelligence company
Proactive Approach:
Use latest Scanning tools, hacker techniques, code
reviews as means to identify potential vulnerabilities
*before* releases are finalized
Periodic audits and health checks implemented in
partnership with industry specialists
Certified @ Level 3 Application Security Verification
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 8
WebFOCUS Roadmap
Standard Authentication & Authorization
Reporting Server Security
Data security (in addition to RDBMS)
Managed Reporting/CUS
Reports, Reporting Objects, Shared
Reports, MyReports
Application Level:
Authentication, Single Sign-on
Isolate components across configuration
Partition application server, web server, Reporting Server
on separate tiers
Custom configurations
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 9
WebFOCUS Roadmap
Performance Management Framework
Strategic Objectives
Metrics Management
Strategy Modeling
Reporting & Analytics
Methodology and Predictive Formulas
Performance Management Framework
Operational Reports Operational Analytics
Operational Systems
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 10
WebFOCUS Roadmap
PMF 5.2 Major Themes
 Attractive and well Put together
 Dashboard Animation and Personalization
 Full Analytics and Social tools
 Intelligent and Accomplished
 Blend Enterprise Risk with Performance Strategies
 Built-in Business Science Expertise
 Broad and Open world view
 Web 2.0 mashups, Industry Metrics Catalog, CPM from
Tagetik, WebFOCUS and iWay integration
 Vertical and Horizontal Starter Kits
 Commercial, Public, and Finance
 While Labeled for custom implementations
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 11
Copyright 2010, Information Builders. Slide 11
WebFOCUS Release 7.7
Copyright 2010, Information Builders. Slide 12
WebFOCUS Roadmap: Release 7.7
Active Technologies & InfoAssist
Build Active Reports Flex Dashboards from within Info
Implementation of new Flex-based charts in Active Report
chart menu
Add new RIA components to Active Dashboards, e.g.,
multiple combo boxes, tabs, etc.
Create electronic interactive briefing books magazines for
large scale distribution
Compound documents consisting of text, images, datadriven content, e.g., annual report, bank statements, etc.
New styling, bursting, and distribution options
Upgraded chart aesthetics for Active HTML reports
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 13
WebFOCUS Roadmap: Release 7.7
Enhancements for BI Applications
 Developer Studio: Automatic Generation of Guided Ad-hoc
 Goal is to reduce development time and need for scripting
 HTML Composer is starting point
 Developers call Report Painter directly and choose report
components: fields, stylesheets, drill-downs, sorting, ON
TABLE SET options
 New “Guided Report” report parameterizes above options,
imports the report into HTML Composer, and automatically
generates the appropriate launch web
 Dialogue Manager script generated
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 14
WebFOCUS Roadmap: Release 7.7
Enhancements for BI Applications
 New & Upgraded adapters
 iWay Adapters configured from Reporting Server’s Data
Management Console
 Netezza is now available as named adapter Adapter
upgraded to support newer versions of native databases
 In-depth R&D around metadata & report formatting
enhancements needed to support conversion opportunities
 Emulate expected behavior for complex RDBMS structures
 Performance & other optimizations throughout the core codebase
 New initiative for IBM System z environments: FOCUS &
WebFOCUS: Exploit zIIP processor
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 15
WebFOCUS Roadmap: Release 7.7
New Release of Data Migrator
 Real-time Capability
 iWay Adapter Framework adapters now supported, allowing
for real-time access to transactional data directly from Data
 Integration with/callable from iWay Service Manager
 Effective combination in 2009 for competitive
 Change Data Capture
 Incremental transactions in operational sources identified
and automatically loaded into warehouse
 Enhancements Driven by Informatica Replacement
 Support for source code control
 New data relationships in GUI & Metadata
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 16
WebFOCUS Roadmap: Release 7.7
Enhancements for BI Applications
Distribute reports in any format
Workload Management & Fail-Over
Vertical & Horizontal scaling
Report Library: Reports are always
Cached reports shared within
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 17
WebFOCUS Release 8 Highlights
Copyright 2010, Information Builders. Slide 18
WebFOCUS Roadmap
WebFOCUS Upgrade Goals for Release 8
Customer Feedback
 Processes & costs are the same for service pack and
new feature release upgrades
 In 2010, most customers will have budget for one
release upgrade
 Upgrade drivers
 Specific feature set
 ERP or database vendor release
 New offerings & extensions
 New or upgraded hardware
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 19
WebFOCUS Roadmap
WebFOCUS Upgrade Goals for Release 8
Provide support, services and product features to
minimize impact of upgrade costs
Existing applications must function as in previous
release: Report scripts, forms, metadata, etc. will
work w/o any changes
Installation will respect configuration settings
Change management facilities will automatically
move all application objects (including
dashboards) and user definitions (e.g., roles, etc.)
Prior to release: Proactive customer outreach
effort to identify and support any widely-used
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 20
WebFOCUS Roadmap: Release 8
Development Environment
 User Interface and workflow changes planned
 Build Rich Internet Guided Ad-hoc Applications via
Developer Studio
 Implementation of RIA-based widgets
 Customizable pre-built interactive components
that can be used inside HTML pages to manage
navigation, animation, etc. w/in BI applications
 WebFOCUS AJAX- & Flex-based components within
Developer Studio
 WYSIWYG Capability in Report Painter environment
 Advanced Charting with much simplified UI
 Options available via ribbon-style navigation UI
 One charting tool for Developer Studio & InfoAssist
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 21
WebFOCUS Roadmap: Release 8
 Advanced Features
 UI Customization
 More control
over UI
 Customizable
Application Ribbon
 Select specific
IA options on a
per report basis
 Cube browsing
within report output
 Tool & data in any
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 22
WebFOCUS Roadmap: Release 8
Customizing User Interactivity
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 23
WebFOCUS Roadmap: Release 8
Customizing User Interactivity
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 24
WebFOCUS Roadmap: Release 8
Customizing User Interactivity
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 25
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 26
WebFOCUS Roadmap: Release 8
New BI Portal Initiative
 Next Generation of Business Intelligence Portal
 Built with Rich Internet Application approach
 Consistent ribbon-style navigation for both building new
portal views and user-based personalization
 Component Approach
 Integrate with major industry portals
 Additional capability exclusively for SharePoint
 New Web Parts
 Report templates for SharePoint Lists
 Report from underlying data model
 View & manipulate archived report content
 Customer feedback is ongoing
 Need further customer feedback in this area
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 27
WebFOCUS Roadmap: Release 8
BI Portal Personalization & Customization
Default Tabs at
Report & Graph
View for “Today”
WebFOCUS Roadmap
BI Portal Personalization & Customization
Click “Settings”
to Open
WebFOCUS Roadmap
BI Portal Personalization & Customization
Multiple layout
Move to Right
WebFOCUS Roadmap
BI Portal Personalization & Customization
Click “Hide” to close configure mode
New Style Sheet changes background to Blue
WebFOCUS Roadmap
BI Portal Personalization & Customization
Choose Page
New Page
append Tab list
Customize Dashboard at User Level
WebFOCUS Roadmap
BI Portal Personalization & Customization
Objects to
layout and
Layout #1
Layout #2
WebFOCUS Roadmap
BI Portal Personalization & Customization
Report &
Graph into
WebFOCUS Roadmap
BI Portal Personalization & Customization
Finalize Dashboard properties, save and share
WebFOCUS Roadmap: Release 8
Next Generation of Security Integration
Reporting Server Security
DBA: Data security (in addition to RDBMS)
Authentication, Single Sign-on
Based on Roles
Set of permissions mapped to which
objects and tools a user or group of users
Can be highly customized, flexible
List, Create, Delete an object
Read, Update
Execute (report, report template, etc.)
New model will be RDBMS-based and provide single
repository for the entire product (including Report Caster)
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 36
WebFOCUS Roadmap: Release 8
ESRI Integration
 ArcGIS Server Support:
Available in today’s 7.6.10
product release
 Based on customer and field
demand, new product strategy
is to integrate with ESRI’s
Flex-based map viewer
 IB to deliver value-add
components for bi-directional
integration with ArcGIS Server
 Current IB-developed viewer
will not be enhanced
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 37
WebFOCUS Roadmap: Release 8
Performance Enhancements for Data Visualization
 WebFOCUS Visual Discovery
 In-memory analytics
 New version exploits 64-bit architecture
 Tens-of-millions of records accessible in-memory
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 38
Update: BI Extension Offerings
Copyright 2010, Information Builders. Slide 39
WebFOCUS Roadmap
Key RStat Programs for 2010
 Free with Developer Studio
 Specialized services via Fractal
 Business Analytic Applications
BAA are based on industry
standard measurement
Solve a particular business
problem, instead of being a
Do not require data model –
most frequently built against existing
systems and flat files
Highly customizable on a case by
case basis…sold on ROI
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 40
Marketing Performance Analytics Example
WebFOCUS Roadmap
Key Trend: Convergence of Search & BI
Unified Information Access
BI and Search will remain
separate technologies
Search + BI = Unified
Information Access
Information Access
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 42
WebFOCUS Roadmap
WebFOCUS Magnify
 Provides real-time indexing of transactional information
 Searches, categorizes structured and unstructured information
 Easy access for any type of user
 New Initiatives:
 Scalability & performance enhancements driven by LEA
Support for Office 2007, many other file formats
Access to third-party and custom dictionaries
Synonym Searching
 Automatically broadens submitted searches by also
searching terms with meanings similar to the terms
WebFOCUS & iWay Blended Offerings
WebFOCUS Roadmap
iWay & WebFOCUS Blended Solutions
Part of EIM suite of products available with
iWay Data Quality Center: Real-time
Online, Event-based, Batch Data Cleansing,
Profiling, and Enrichment
Data Profiling reports
powered by WebFOCUS
Data Migrator
Real-time ETL
iWay CEP Enable
Real-time Complex
Event Processing
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 45
Best Practices for WebFOCUS
Advanced Technology Services
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 46
Best Practices for WebFOCUS Implementations
Documentation & ATS Enterprise Enablement
Result of year-long partnership with Sales Technical organization,
Documentation Services & Professional Services
Key Areas Covered:
Identifying Staffing and Leadership
 Designing the WebFOCUS Architecture
 Implementing the WebFOCUS Architecture
 Executing the Architecture Implementation
 Establishing Operational Procedures
 Support and Administration
 Training and Knowledge Transfer
 Change Management
 Deploying the Application to Production
Formal rollout in 1Q2010
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 47
Best Practices for WebFOCUS Implementations
Designing the Architecture – WebFOCUS design
 The Fundamentals of WebFOCUS Design
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 48
Best Practices for WebFOCUS Implementations
Designing the Architecture – Enterprise Data
 Enterprise Data
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 49
Best Practices for WebFOCUS Implementations
Designing the Architecture – WebFOCUS Environments
 WebFOCUS Environments
Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 50
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