Transcript Document

Fabry-Perot cavity for the
Compton polarimeter
Goal: 10-100 mJ/pulse
@ 5MHz repetition rate
& small diameter ≈ 50mm
(c.f. P. Schuler’s talks)
Fabry-Perot cavity:
Principle (HERA cavity, cw laser)
Gain 10000
e beam
When nLaser =n0 c/2L
•But : Dn/nLaser = 10-11
 resonance
for Gain=104  laser/cavity feedback
•Done by changing the laser frequency
Some of the advantages of using a
FP cavity
• Compact (& cheap) system compared
to a laser of same power (500W in
• Laser power small outside the cavity:
full power only at the electron-laser
– no thermal effects producing parasitic
birefringence & high quality frequency
controlled beam accurate control of the laser
beam polarisation
Proposal: Cavity filled with a pulsed laser for
a Compton polarimeter at FLC
≈ 5MHz
/ ≈10 nJ/pulse
Electron beam
Ti:sa oscillator
500 fs-1ps
Pulse laser
Fabry-Perot cavity
with Super mirrors
•A priori impossible because the laser frequency width
Dn ≈1/(1ps)=1012Hz for picosecond laser (c.f. 3kHz cavity
•In fact possible with mode lock lasers
Jones et al. Opt. Lett. 27 (2003) 1848, Jones at al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 15 (2001) 3288,
Hood et al. Phys. Rev. A64 (2004)033804, Potma et al. Opt. Lett. 28 (2003)1835
Mode lock laser
≈10 ns
Fourier transform →superposition of
N longitudinal laser mode – in phase
Dn~1012 Hz=1/(1ps)
If F.P. cavity length = laser cavity length
all modes are also resonant modes of the FP cavity
Available laser
pulse energy:
1-10nJ cavity
Gain ≈104
• Pulse width limited by dispersion in the super-mirror coatings
(Nb round trips=F/(2p) ≈ 5000 for F=30000  Gain ≈10000):
circulating pulse gets broader and broader power loss when
overlapped to the incoming pulses (constructive interferences reduced)
R.J. Jones et al. Opt. Lett. 27 (2003) 1848
Cavity gain
Width :
for gain=104
Reduction of the laser beam size at
the IP
• To get a 50 mm laser beam size at the
electron-laser beam IP
– Use of a quasi-concentric cavity
(mirror curvature radius ≈ half cavity length)
– BUT, mechanical tolerance mm & mrad needed
on relative mirror positions
– Active feedback on relative mirror position
needed (c.f. LIGO & VIRGO where nm
tolerances are reached)
Present status of FP cavities filled
with fs pulses
• Power amplification ≈ 120 and cavity
Finesse ≈ 300 for pulse width 2-3ps
(Potma et al. Opt. Lett. 28 (2003)1835 )
• Proposed R&D:
– Reach a Finesse ≈ 30000 in a first step
– And using a quasi-concentric FP cavity in a
second step
Cavities in operation (for Compton polarimetry)
• CEBAF (N. Falletto, NIM A459(2001)412): F≈24000
• HERA (upstream the HERMES experiment): F≈30000
– Installation: 2003 summer
– Laser & controllers dismounted after synch.
rad. damages (huge, generated by 2 new dipoles
– Presently: strong shielding and re-mounting
– after 1 year of radiation, cavity finesse is still
the same and locked again …
4 motorised miroirs
Optique input ligne
2003 installation
shielding (3 mm pb)
• Proposal: a high finesse FP cavity filled with a pulse laser
to produce 100mJ/pulse @5MHz
– Will contribute to a high precision on the polarisation
• This proposition make sense if the polarisation is to be
measured bunch by bunch
– If not, commercial laser with low rep. rate & high pulse
energy do exist
– But, this R&D may also be useful for other applications
related to FLC (e.g. polarised positrons)
• Laser/cavity feedback
– similar to cw laser case (Jones et al., Opt. Comm.175(2000)409)
• Stabilisation channels, e.g. MIRA (Coherent) Ti:sa
– 3 channels: 2 PZT mounted 2 mirrors & output coupler
mounted on translation stage
• High frequency correction signal by an EOM if
• Phase velocity & group velocity must be matched
to the cavity (both pulse-round-trip/pulse-repetition
matching and frequency matching are required)
– A priori not a problem for 0.3-1ps pulse width but
precise feedback techniques are known if needed