NATO JCBRN Center of Excellence (COE) M&S Cell (Background)

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Transcript NATO JCBRN Center of Excellence (COE) M&S Cell (Background)

Simulation Capabilities of the CBRN COE and
their Application to the NATO CMDR COE
18 September 2013
Presented by
Harry H. Thompson, III
for the
Interagency Cooperation in Crisis Management and
Disaster Response: Tools and Practices for Training
Sofia, Bulgaria
Slide 2
• NATO CBRN Center of Excellence (COE)
• M&S Cell Project Background
• M&S Cell Mission
• Simulation/Tools Requirements
• Battle Command (BC) Simulation
• CBRN Simulation Suite (CBSS)
• Emergency Disaster Management Simulation
• EDMSIM demos
• ITEC 2014
NATO JCBRN Center of Excellence (COE) M&S
Cell (Background)
• Bi-lateral effort between the Czech Republic Ministry of Defence
(MOD) and the US government Office of Defence Cooperation
(ODC) initiative to provide an M&S capability to the JCBRN Defence
• Contract awarded to Alion Science and Technology, a US company, to
lead the project including identifying and obtaining the unique CRBN
tools and software and providing the training for the M&S Cell.
• M&S Cell provides simulation and analytical support across the COE
• M&S Cell provides the COE with the capability to conduct and
• Training
• Exercises
• Analysis (technical, operational, training and force structure)
Technical Operations
JCBRN Defense COE Modelling and Simulation Cell Mission
• Analyse NATO and partner countries CBRN training programs
for effectiveness and commonality
• Analyse JCBRN consequence management training programs
to determine those that can contribute to the COE
• Determine how the COE can help NATO and partners produce more
effective JCBRN training programs
• Develop training strategies for the best use and integration of JCBNR
analytical tools and methods
• Analyse in a range of situations and environments CBRN courses
of action, operational plans, forces structures, procedures
• Examine the operational implications of a CBRN event
• Determine how to use JCBRN analytical tools and methods in support
of actual operations
• Analyse the effectiveness of JCBNR defense, detection and
decontamination tools and methods
• Analyse the effectiveness of the analytical tools and simulations that
support the COE
• Determine the best analytical tools and methods to support the COE
• Develop technical capabilities to support the JCBRN mission
Slide 5
NATO CBRN Center of Excellence (COE)
• Work over the past several years to successfully establish M&S cell
with CBRN COE with unique NATO M&S capabilities.
• One of main CBRN COE M&S requirements is for a simulation capable
of support large scale disaster/crisis management situations.
• Must be easy to use and not require technical large support staff to
• Provide real time large scale training event in single or distributed location
• Rapid and easy database development with real world terrain
• Ability to interoperate with other simulations, tools and C&C devices
• As part of fielding, extensive research done into potential solutions,
three tools were selected. From VT MAK Technologies (Battle
Command) and ITT Corporation (CB Sim Suite) and C4i Consultants
from Calgary, Canada, Emergency Disaster Management Simulation
(EDMSIM) was selected and all are operating well at COE.
Battle Command (BC) Overview
Battle Command is:
FOCUS: Ground Maneuver
• Ground combat simulation
• Interactive
• Thirty-two sided
• Closed
• Realistic, flexible, simple
• Stochastic
• Thinking enemy
• Menu-driven
• Interactive C2 of forces
SUPPORTS: Tactical Training
from Squad to Brigade
• Collective training
• Leader development training
• Course of action analysis
• Mission rehearsals
• Analytical studies
• Rapid scenario build
• Unit level health status
• Fights individual systems
• Replay/After Action Review (AAR)
• Can be distributed (HLA Compliant)
• Windows based
• Easy menu language translation
Battle Command
 An Intermediate Level Decision
Making Tool
 Capable of Running in StandAlone or Networked
 Allows instructors and trainers
to easily create and run
exercises that address
important training objectives
 Can be set up to support
multiple languages
 Can play up to 32 different
sides in a simulation
 Scenarios can be rapidly
 AAR logger capability provides
a record of decisions and
actions from an exercise
Chemical Biological Simulation (CB Sim) Suite Overview
CB Sim Suite is:
• Performance based
representations of:
 CB environments
 Detection and messaging
 Platform exposure/toxicity
 Distributed environment
Hazard Transport Server
Sensor Server
Exposure and Effects Server
Not a stand alone simulation
SUPPORTS: Tactical Training, Analysis,
Test & Evaluation, Research &
• Individual level to Brigade
FOCUS: Enhanced CBRN M&S functionality
Realistic, flexible, simple
Mature well developed tool
Community recognized Transport &
Dispersion (T&D) engines
Based on moving entity and hazard
Fragility factor for each entity
User defined sensors
Uses complex 3D terrain
Moving or stationary sensors
Physics based representation of sensors
Can be distributed (HLA, DIS, TENA
CB Simulation Suite Architecture
CB Suite provides enhanced and increased CBRN functionality to whatever simulation it is connected. For
the JCBRN COE, CB Suite is provided that increased CBRN functionality to the Battle Command
Real-time Sensors
Hazard Environment
CB Dial-a-Sensor™-Real-Time
DIS/HLA/TENA Simulation Network
Met Server
CB Exposure
Toxicity Server
Battle Command
Note: Green Box denotes CB Sim Suite component
CB Dial-aSensor™
Offline Sensor
Performance Data
Entity Contamination
Slide 10
Emergency Disaster Management Simulation
• EDMSIM is a constructive simulation to train leaders and their staffs in local,
regional, national and joint operations centers
• This software is purpose-built for training of all organizations involved in
emergency and disaster response, public health and safety, capacity
building and low intensity conflicts (eg. Military, Reserves/National Guard,
police, fire, EMS, border services, public health agencies)
• EDMSIM is an entity-based system meaning that items within the simulation
are tracked down to the individual person or vehicle.
• Can handle and track more than a million entities during exercise operarions.
• EDMSIM is multi-language capable allowing users to train in their own
• EDMSIM is designed to have a small hardware footprint and minimal
contractor support
• EDMSIM has been interfaced directly to military C2 systems
EDMSIM System Overview
EDMSIM is a system that seamlessly combines an
Electronic Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) with a real-time
Computer Simulation and C2 System Stimulator (C2 interface)
Master Scenario Events List
20 March 2010
C4i Consultants - Company Proprietary & Confidential
Electronic Master Scenario Events List (MSEL)
MSEL is a collection of pre-scripted
events intended to guide an
exercise towards specific events
and/or specific outcomes
Events scripted to occur at
specific times in the exercise or
based on simulation triggers
Pictures, video, documents and
presentations can be attached to
MSEL messages
Windows or Internet-Based
MSEL development and execution
MSEL provides scripted injects to
players similar to standard
email and captures reply for post
exercise review
20 March 2010
C4i Consultants - Company Proprietary & Confidential
EDMSIM Description
EDMSIM Simulation with Many Uses
• Train Emergency Operation Center Staff
• Create Civil Defense Plans
• Validate Civil Defense Plans
• Run Civil Defense Exercises
• Briefing Tool During Events
• Train Command and Control Systems
• Train on Process and Procedures
Emergencies & Disasters - Examples
Nuclear/Chemical Attack Events
Radiological Release
Pandemic/Disease Events
Toxic Spill
Mass Casualty Events
Shootings, Bombings & Terrorist
Port and Maritime Incidents
Any Other Disaster or Event
Disasters can QUICKLY & EASILY be changed, moved or new scenarios created
EDMSIM System Overview
• System Components
• EXCON Station (Exercise Control or Higher Control (HICON))
• control and monitoring of exercise
• scenario creation and database modification
• umpiring of events (if required)
• conduct Post-Exercise Reviews (supported by automatic replay of exercise)
• LOCON Stations (Lower Control)
• operated by soldiers, first responders and other “frontline” players
• display status and location of entities under real control of players
• control simulated resources
• operators react to what they see on screen and scripted inputs electronically
delivered (email, video, pictures, documents, presentations, etc).
• Primary Training Audience (eg. Commander and Operations Center)
• Play exercise between EXCON and LOCON stations
• Can play exercise in usual operations centre and with usual C2 systems
• Will only know what LOCON stations report and what they see directly in exercise,
including what they see via automated position reporting (eg. GPS)
20 March 2010
C4i Consultants - Company Proprietary & Confidential
EDMSIM Example of a Large Exercise
Higher Headquarters
Staff being trained
“Exactly like
during an event”
Field Personnel using EDMSIM to Train
Slide 17
• Earthquake
• Bio Event (Pandemic)
• 10kt Seattle Surface Burst
Slide 18
• CBRN COE has unique operational crisis management
and disaster response simulation training and analysis
• Capability can be distributed or part of a simulation
• CBRN COE M&S Section is currently seeking
customers/users/requirements for this capability. Being
used by the CBRN Reachback Center.
• CMDR COE needs to explore a similar approach to
provide for their own unique training and analysis
simulation capability for crisis management and disaster
response activities.
Slide 19
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Contact Information
Harry H. Thompson, III
Vice President, Program Management
International Programs Business Manager
Alion Science and Technology
[email protected]
(912) 538-9770
ITEC 2014 Civil Support, Protect and Disaster Management Theme Chair
January 2008