Transcript Slide 1

How to Write a Winning Research Proposal


Principal Components of Research Proposals

Research Problem Problem Solver Research Design Properly fit with sponsorship view points – Represented by examiners (refer the winning proposals) 2

Weaknesses in Research Proposals

  Research Problem – Unfocused Research Theme (difficult to evaluate) – Problem Statement too complex – – Unimportant Methods (see reference) Limited relevance, benefits Not properly fit with sponsorship – Represented by examiners (refer the winning proposals) 3

Weaknesses in Research Proposals

  Research Design – Unfocused Research Design (difficult to evaluate) – – – Inappropriate design, produce impossible data Inappropriate procedures for problem Lacking controls Not properly fit with sponsorship – Represented by examiners (refer the winning proposals 4

Proposal Characteristics

 Straightforward document – – No extraneous or irreverent material The first words are the most important  Not a literary production – Clear, sharp and precise – economy of words; no rambling sentences  Clearly organized – Structurally outline your thinking (heading etc) 5

Components of the Research Proposal

First Part

  Research Problem Description Research Objectives    Literature Review Importance/Benef its of the Study Research Design

Second Part

 Deliverables     Schedule Facilities and Special Resources References Budget Appendix 6

1. Problem Statement

 What is the ‘Current Status of Problem’ – – Current Problem, Current Methods, Current Analysis, Scope of your focus on ‘Current Status of Problem’ (nationally, internationally)  Why change the ‘current status’ and how – – What the dilemma behind (current methods, analysis) Why we like to change (current methods, analysis)  How we change the ‘Current Status’ – Brief explanation, explain thoroughly in methods 7

Tricks on Writing Problem Statement

 Reread and adjust your proposal to the ‘need of the problem’ of the sponsor  Convince the ‘sponsor’ to continue reading your proposal  Your method ‘self explanatory’ about ‘your ability’ to solve the problem 8

Purpose of the Problem Statement

      Clearly write your own ‘angle’ on the problem Clearly state the reason behind your proposal Specifies the condition(s) you want to change Supported by evidence (prior research by you) Show your prior research on the topic (results, publish paper) Even if the problem is obvious, your reviewers want to know how clearly you can state it 9

2. Research Objectives

  How you like to change ‘current status’ – state your hypotheses clearly – give the reviewer a concrete, achievable goal Verify the consistency of the proposal – checking to see that each objective is discussed in the research design, data analysis and results sections 10

Tricks on Research Objectives

    

Flows naturally from Problem Statement to Research Objectives Focus, concise and logically explained Consistent with your ability in the real problem (track record, publish paper etc) Take a look at the winning proposal for each sponsorship… reflecting their ‘way of thinking’ Scope of the Sponsor about those ideas (your idea and ability must be properly match)


Purpose of the Research Objectives Section

  Specify the outcome of your project, the end product(s) Keep you objectives – Specific: indicate precisely what you intend to change through your project – Measurable –what you accept as proof of project success – Logical – how each objective contributes to systematically to achieving your overall goal 12

Writing Tips for Objectives Section

 Don’t confuse your objectives (ends) with you methods (means).

 A good objective emphasizes what will be done, whereas a method will explain why or how it will be done.

 Include goals (ultimate) and objectives (immediate) 13

3. Literature Review

     Recent or historically significant research studies Always refer to the original source Discuss how the literature applies, show the weaknesses in the design, discuss how you would avoid similar problems Where is your position on this issue How is your idea different/better?

Write down what you already gain in the first session of this workshop 14

4. Importance/Benefits of the Study

 Importance of the doing the study – Time and Place, Facilities  What are the potential impact on – – Research community Applications community  If you find this difficult to write, then most likely you have not understood the problem 15

5. Research Design

 What you are going to do in technical terms.

– – – – May contain many subsections Be specific about what research methodology you will use and why Provide details of your proposed solutions to the problem and sub-problems Provide information for tasks such as sample selection, data collection, instrumentation, validation, procedures etc 16

Purpose of the Research Design

     Describes your project activities in detail Indicates how your objective will be accomplished Description should include the sequence, flow, and interrelationship of activities It should discuss the risks of your method, and indicate why your success is probable Relate what is unique about your approach.


Writing Tips for Research Design

    Begin with your objectives Describe the precise steps you will follow to carry out each objective, including what will be done, and who will do it.

Keep asking and answering the “What’s next?” question.

Once you have determined the sequence of events, derive into a time-and-task chart 18

5. References

     Up-to-date Highly relevant with the problem Original source – First Order : Journal Publications and Books – Second Order : Proceeding Publications – Third Order : Technical Report Don’t include private communications Don’t cite support for common knowledge (weakening yourself) 19

Reference and Citation

 Carefully relate your new work to existing work, show how your work builds on previous knowledge, and how it differs from other relevant results.

 References – demonstrate the claims of new, knowledge of the research area, pointers to background reading 20

6. Schedule

 Include the major phases of the project  exploratory studies, data analysis, report generation 21

7. Deliverables

 Measurement instruments  Algorithms  Computer programs / prototypes  Comparative evaluation  Other technical reports 22

8. Budget and Resources

 Access to special systems or computers  specialized computer algorithms  Itemized Budget  Budget Narrative  This part is usually an appendix.


Suggested Organization

        Title, Abstract, Keywords Introduction and Overview – Background information; problem statement – – – Hypotheses and objectives Assumptions and delimitations Importance and benefits Related Work/Literature Review Research Design and Methodology Plan of Work and Outcomes Conclusions and Future Work References Budget (appendix) 24

Strengthening Your Proposal

 Review checklist for features of proposal  Peer Review before submit 25

Guide to Writing the Research Proposal


5 Key Questions to Answer in Your Problem Statement

Does your problem statement: – Demonstrate a precise understanding of the problem you are attempting to solve?

– Clearly convey the focus of your project early in the narrative?

– Indicate the relationship of your project to a larger set of problems and justify why your particular focus has been chosen? – Demonstrate that your problem is feasible to solve?

– Make others what to read it further?


5 Key Questions to Answer for Purpose and Objectives

Does this section – Clearly describe your project’s objective, hypotheses and/or research question?

– Bury them in a morass of narrative?

– Demonstrate that your objectives are important, significant and timely?

– Include objectives that comprehensively describe the intended outcomes of the project?

– State objectives, hypothesis or questions in a way they can be evaluated or tested later 28

Key Questions to Answer for Research Design/Data Analysis

Does the research design and data analysis section – Describe why analysis is needed in the project?

– Clearly identify the purpose of your analysis?

– Demonstrate that an appropriate analysis procedure is included for each project objective – Provide a general organizational plan or model?

– Demonstrate what information will be needed to complete the analysis, the potential sources and the instruments that will be used to collect it.


Additional Considerations


Scientific Writing

    Prosaic (ordinary and not showing any imagination) Clear, accurate, but not dull (membosankan) To the point –but not over condensing Ego less – you are writing for the readers not yourself 31

Scientific Tone

     Objective and accurate To inform not entertain Do not over qualify – modify every claim with caveats and cautions Use examples if they aid in clarification Use to contrast a new idea with some impossibly bad alternative, to put the new idea in a favorable light 32

Scientific Motivation

 Brief summaries at the beginning and end of each section  The connection between one paragraph and the next should be obvious  Make sure your reader has sufficient knowledge to understand what follows 33

Citation Style

 References should not be anonymous – Other work [6] -> Marsden [6] has …  In self-references, readers should know that you are using yourself to support your argument not independent authorities  Avoid unnecessary discussion of references, Several authors …., we cite … 34

Citation style

 Ordinal-number style, name-and-date style, superscripted ordinal numbers, and strings.

 Use anyone, but use one!

 Entries ordered – By appearance of citation – alphabetically 35


 Anyone who made a contribution  Advice, proofreading, technical support, funding resources  Don’t list your family, unless they really contributed to the scientific contents 36


 Don’t – Present opinions as fact – Distort truths – Plagiarize – Imply that previously published results are original – Papers available on the internet – authors put out an informal publication and becomes accepted as a formal. It is expected that the informal version will be removed 37