Revision: marking homework for Peace and Conflict h/w sheet.

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Transcript Revision: marking homework for Peace and Conflict h/w sheet.

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a homework sheet on environmental and
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What is crime? An act against the law.
What is judgement? The act of judging people
and their actions.
What is justice? Due allocation of reward and
punishment / the maintenance of what is right.
What is law? Rules made by Parliament and
enforceable by the courts.
Why do we need laws?
Humans live in groups, any group needs rules. We need
laws so that people know what behaviour to expect
from each other.
We need laws to protect the weak from the strong.
The British Philosopher Thomas Hobbes said that
without laws life would be ‘nasty, brutish and short.
Give two examples of how laws help in our lives?
 Laws about business deals and work help society to
operate. Would you bother to work if you weren’t
sure what you would be paid.
 If there were no rules for the road there would be a
lot more accidents.
Why does there need to be a connection between the law and justice?
If a law is unjust people will feel it is okay to break the law.
If some laws are unjust then they wont be doing what they are
supposed to do, which is to protect the weak and make sure people
are rewarded for their work / for doing the right thing.
People will campaign against unjust laws causing trouble in society
(demonstrations against £9,000 student university tuition fees)
If the laws do not create a just society (a society that is fair, people
will think that the legal system is not working and may start a civil
war. (Syria)
To help achieve a just society the UK has a Legal Aid system that
uses taxes to give free legal help to people who are less
well-off and who have been accused of crimes.
Civil Law
For settling disputes
between individuals
House of Lords
Final court of appeal
Criminal Law
For dealing with
criminal acts.
Court of Appeal
Court of Appeal
High Court
Crown Court
Deals with claims over
£10,000 – libel, tax, family
law etc
County Court
Deals with small claims,
straight forward adoption,
divorce, custody.
Judge and jury for indictable (a formal
accusation decided by the Magistrates
Court) offences.
Magistrates Court
Deals with committal proceedings for
Crown Courts.
Deals with less serious criminal cases,
traffic offences, marital disputes, public
house licences etc.
What are the four theories of
 Retribution
 Deterrence
 Reform
 Protection
What do these four words mean?
Retribution – the idea that punishments should make criminals pay
for what they have done wrong.
Deterrence – the idea that punishments should be of such a nature
that they will put people off (deter) committing crimes.
Reform – the idea that punishments should try to change criminals
so they will not commit crimes again.
Protection – the idea that punishment should protect society from
In the UK, if a person is found guilty of a crime, who decides what their
punishment will be? A judge or a magistrate.
There are different theories about what a punishment should do.
Why do many people think that retribution should be the main reason
for punishment?
 It makes criminals pay for their crimes. In the past a murders would
have been killed etc.
 It makes criminals suffer for what they have done wrong.
 It actually punishes the criminal
Why do people think that deterrence is an important part of
 If a punishment is so severe that no one would dare to commit the
 If people know that thieves have their hand cut off then they wont
 If people know that murderers will be executed, they will not
Why do many people think that reform is the best form of punishment?
 Many people think that the only way to stop crime is to turn
criminals into honest law-abiding citizens.
 Most criminals have had a bad upbringing and they do not know
how to live without crime.
 Reformative punishments give criminals education and qualifications
so that they can find a proper job (rehabilitation of offenders).
(rehabilitation – means to restore / return to normal life)
What kind of punishments protect society from criminals?
 Capital punishment for murderers (the death penalty) means that
the criminal cannot kill anyone else.
 Long prison sentences keep criminals out of society so that people
and property are protected.
 Community service keeps petty criminals off the streets in their
leisure time.
Explain how most forms of punishment are a mixture of these four
Prison can deter, protect, inflict retribution and give reformation.
Here are some examples of punishments, explain how they fit into
these four categories.
Fines (speeding, parking etc) – these are deterrents as they put people
off committing the crime, they suffer because of the loss of the money
Community service – a deterrent, and possibly a reformative
punishment as the criminal is giving back to society. It serves as a
protection of society as the petty criminal is taken off the streets
during this time.
What is sin? (Key Word) – an act against the will of God.
Why is justice important for Christians?
1. The Bible says that God is just and will reward the righteous (those
who are fair [just]) and punish those who sin.
2. The Bible says that people should be judged fairly and the world
ruled justly.
3. There are many statements in the New Testament about how
Christians should treat people fairly and equally.
4. Statements from the Christian Churches about treating people
5. Jubilee 2000 was a campaign to persuade the governments of rich
countries to cancel the debts of the poor countries.
6. The World Council of Churches says churches across the world
should work for ‘Justice, peace and the integrity of creation’.
Give one quote that supports the importance of justice for Christians.
(There are three here, choose one which you think you will be able to
...And there is no God apart
from me, a righteous God
and a Saviour....
Isaiah 45:21
Blessed are those who
hunger and thirst for
Matthew 5:6
...Anyone who does not do
what is right is not a child of
God; nor is anyone who does
not love his brother.
1 John 3:10
Why is justice important for Muslims?
The Qur’an says that God is just and will reward the righteous
(those who are fair [just]) and punish those who sin.
The Qur’an says that Muslims should treat people fairly.
Muslims believe that it is part of their role as vice-gerents
(stewards) of God’s creation to treat people fairly.
The Shariah (Islamic law) is based on justice for everyone with
everyone being treated equally. (fatwa - a ruling on a point of
Islamic law that is given by a recognized authority)
Islam teaches that it is unjust to be involved in the charging of
interest because it takes money from the poor and gives it to the
rich. The pillar of Zakah (giving to charity) and the work of groups
such as Muslim Aid and Islamic Relief are all truing to bring justice
into the world.
What is capital punishment? It is punishment which takes away the
criminal’s life. This process is called the death penalty (execution).
What is a capital offence? This is a crime which can be punished by the
death penalty.
When did the United Kingdom abolish the death penalty? 1969
Why do some people think that capital punishment is a good idea? Some
people think that it is a good idea because it takes a life for a life and
deters people from murdering others.
Why do some people think that capital punishment is a bad idea?
Some people think that it is a bad punishment because there is evidence
that it does not deter and mistakes in a criminal trial can lead to innocent
people being killed for crimes they did not commit.
What are the non-religious arguments in favour of capital punishment?
If people know they will die if they murder someone, it will put most
people off murdering; there will be fewer murders.
Murderers and terrorists threaten society, and the best way to protect
society from them is to take away their lives.
Human life is the most important thing there is. The value of human
life can only be shown by using the worst possible punishment.
Retribution is a major part of punishment and the only retribution for
murder is the death penalty.
What are the non-religious arguments against capital punishment?
No court system can be sure that the correct verdict is always given. Wrongly
convicted people can be released from prison, but not if they have been executed.
Statistics of countries with the death penalty and those without the death penalty
show that, if anything, those countries with the death penalty have a higher murder
Murderers who know they are going to be killed of caught are more likely to kill more
people to avoid being caught.
Terrorists who are executed are hailed (respected) as martyrs (someone who has died
for the cause that they believe in).
Executing murderers shows that society does not regard human life as sacred.
Murderers often regard life imprisonment as worse than the death penalty as they try
to commit suicide (for example Harold Shipman and Ian Brady)
How many attitudes to capital punishment are there in Christianity and
what are they? Two.
1. Many Christians think that capital punishment goes against Christian
2. Others believe it can be used to keep order in society.
What reasons do Christians give for being against capital punishment?
1. Jesus came to save/reform sinners, but you cannot reform a dead
2. Jesus said an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is WRONG for
3. Christianity teaches that all life is sacred. If abortion and euthanasia
are wrong then so is capital punishment.
4. Most Christian Churches have made statements condemning capital
These Christians would also agree with the nonreligious arguments against capital punishment.
What reasons do Christians give for believing that capital punishment
can be used to prevent murder and keep order in society?
The Bible gives the death penalty as the punishment for various
The Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England have not
cancelled their statements that capital punishment can be used by
the state.
The Christian Church itself used capital punishment in the past for
the crime of heresy (not believing official church teachings –
speaking out against them).
Christian thinkers such as St Thomas Aquinas said that the
protection of society is a more important part of punishment than
the reform of a criminal.
These Christians would also use all the non-religious arguments in
favour of capital punishment.
Islam allows capital punishment for three offences, what are they?
Apostasy (Muslims who leave Islam)
Why do most Muslims agree with capital punishment?
 Muhammad made several statements agreeing with capital
punishment for murder, adultery and apostasy.
 Muhammad sentenced people to death for murder when he was ruler
of Madinah.
 The Shariah says that capital punishment is the punishment for
murder, adultery and apostasy.
These Muslims also agree with the non-religious arguments for capital
Why are there laws in the UK on tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs?
These laws are to reduce the social and health problems that drugs and alcohol
can cause.
What are the UK laws on tobacco?
1. It is illegal to sell cigarettes, cigars or tobacco to anyone under the age of
All tobacco packs must have a large health warning on the effects of
All adverts and sponsorship for tobacco products are banned.
It is against the law to smoke in all indoor public places, workplaces,
football grounds, and all parts of railway stations.
It is against the law to smoke when driving as the driver does not have
proper control of the vehicle.
It is against the law to drop cigarette ends (£50 on-the-spot litter fine).
What are the UK laws on alcohol?
It is illegal to give an alcoholic drink to a child under the age of 5.
Children under the age of 16 can go into a pub with adult supervision,
but cannot have any alcoholic drinks. However children can be banned
from a pub that has had problems with underage drinking.
Young people aged 16 or 17 can drink beer, wine or cider with a meal,
if it is bought by an adult and they are accompanied by an adult.
It is against the law for anyone under 18 to buy alcohol anywhere.
Some towns and cities have local by-laws banning drinking alcohol in
public (on the street, at the bus stop, in the park or on the beach).
What are the three categories of illegal drugs? A, B and C drugs
These drugs are called CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES and it is an offence
(against the law) to do what with them?
To possess a controlled substance unlawfully.
To possess a controlled substance with intent to supply or offer to
supply a controlled drug. (either to give to a friend or hoping to be able
to sell to friends or strangers).
To allow your premises (home or business/club) to be used for drug
The police have special powers to stop, detain and search people if they
think they have a controlled drug.
Give examples of some of the drugs that fall into the three categories.
Class A Drugs: Ecstasy, LSD, heroin, cocaine, crack, amphetamines (if
prepared for injection).
Class B Drugs: Amphetamines (pills), methylphenidate (Ritalin),
pholcodine, cannabis.
Class C Drugs: Tranquillisers, some pain killers, gamma hydroxybutyrate
(GHB), ketamine (these two drugs are associated with date
What are the arguments for legalising drugs?
If drugs are legal then governments can regulate (check the standard of the product) the
production and consumption (allowing the drugs to be sold over the counter at a
pharmacy with advise given). Public opinion polls are showing that half of those polled
support legalisation. In Denver Colorado you can get a red card from your doctor that
allows you to buy cannabis at stores in the town. Latin America is tired of trying to
combat the drug business where the death toll associated with combating the drug
business as high as that of a conventional war. (The Economist 23Feb-1st March 2013
pages 14,15 & 57)
What are the penalties (punishments) 1. for possession of these drugs (to
take yourself) and 2 for dealing (selling) these three categories of illegal
Class A Drugs (ecstacy, heroin etc)
POSSESSION: Seven years in prison or unlimited fine (or both)
DEALING: Up to life in prison.
Class B Drugs (ritalin, cannabis etc)
POSSESSION: Up to five years in prison or an unlimited fine (or both)
DEALING: Up to 14 years in prison.
Class C Drugs (GBH, ketamine etc)
POSSESSION: Up to two years in prison or an unlimited fine (or both)
DEALING: Up to 14 years in prison.
Why are drugs and alcohol controlled by law? They are controlled by law
because they cause so many social and health problems.
What are the health problems caused by tobacco?
1. Smoking increases the risk of at least 50 different medical conditions.
these include various cancers, bronchitis and emphysema.
2. In men smoking can cause impotence (inability to have sex).
3. The babies of women who smoke during pregnancy have a lower birth
weight, are weaker and may not develop normally.
4. Smoking during pregnancy also increases the risk of premature births (a
baby born early) and stillbirths (a baby who has died in the womb).
What are the social problems caused by tobacco?
The social problems caused by smoking are the effect of losing a loved one
because they have a disease they would not have had if they had not
smoked. The whole community pay for the healthcare and treatment of
those who choose to smoke.
What are the health problems caused by alcohol (drinking a lot, often)?
1. Serious liver problems and some stomach disorders.
2. Mental health problems.
3. Sexual difficulties such as impotence.
4. Heart disease, some cancers, obesity (alcohol has many calories).
5. Alcohol dependence (addiction).
6. About one in seven road deaths is caused by drinking alcohol.
What are the social problems caused by alcohol?
1. Antisocial behaviour in town centres on a Friday and Saturday night.
2. 41% of deaths from falls, 30% drowning deaths, 25% boating deaths and
50% of fire deaths have been caused by the people involved having
drunk too much alcohol.
3. 70% of murder victims and 40% of rape offenders had been drinking at
the time of the incident.
4. 50% of those who commit sex abuse crimes also abuse alcohol.
According to the Office for National Statistics how many drug related
deaths for each of these substances occurred in England and Wales from
2000 to 2004?
Opiates (heroin, morphine
25,000-200,000 (approx)
and methadone)
What are the health problems caused by taking illegal drugs?
1. The physical health of users can be damaged by the toxic effect of a
2. Many deaths of drug users are caused by infections, liver disease or
intentional self-harm.
3. Heavy users often have psychiatric illnesses (mental health problems).
What are the social problems caused by illegal drugs?
1. Category A,B & C drugs are illegal and so all drug dealers are illegal.
2. Violence between different gangs of suppliers.
3. The heavy cost of keeping up a heroine or cocaine habit forces users
into a lifetime of crime.
4. Some users become violent under a drug’s influence.
Why are all Christians against illegal drug use?
1. It is against the law.
2. St. Paul taught that a Christian’s body is a temple of the Holy Spirit
and taking drugs is abusing God’s temple.
3. Taking drugs makes it difficult to worship God properly or follow the
Christian way of life.
4. All Christian Churches teach that the use of illegal drugs is wrong.
Can you remember the quote associated with Christians being against
drug use?
Do you not know that your body is a temple
of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you
have received from God? You are not your
own; you were bought at a price. Therefore
honour God with your body.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (New Testament)
There are two attitudes to tobacco and alcohol in Christianity, what are
they? Most Christians believe the correct approach to tobacco and
alcohol is moderation (not too much of either). Some Christians do not
drink or smoke at all.
Why do most Christians tolerate moderate drinking and smoking?
1. The first miracle that Jesus performed was changing water into wine
at a wedding feast.
2. St. Paul said that Christians could drink in moderation.
3. Jesus drank wine during his life an even at his death on the cross.
4. Jesus used bread and wine at his Last Supper and told his disciples
to continue the tradition.
5. Most churches use alcoholic wine in their communion services, so
Christians must be able to drink wine in moderation.
6. Moderation is the teaching of the Catholic Church in the Catechism.
7. It is also the teaching of the Church of England in ‘What the
Churches say’. See quote on the next slide.
The drinking of alcohol, but not drunkenness, is affirmed in
scripture [the Bible]. The Church of England does not then
advocate total abstinence herself, but calls for moderate
drinking and points to the effects of drunkenness in marital
violence and crime. What the Churches Say, third edition
Which of the Christian denominations do not smoke or drink?
Members of the Pentecostal Churches, the Salvation Army and many Methodists
do not smoke or drink.
Why do these Christians believe it is wrong to smoke or drink alcohol?
They believe taking tobacco or alcohol is abusing God’s temple.
There are passages in the Bible warning against drunkenness. For example
Noah’s drunkenness brought shame to his family and led to him having sex
with his two daughters.
The Bible teaches that alcohol damages judgement, inflames the passions
and invites violence.
Christians should set a good example and have a healthy lifestyle.
Many of these Christians are involved in working with alcoholics and know
how they need to be supported by others refusing alcohol (recovering
alcoholics cannot have any alcohol at all).
Why are drugs and alcohol haram (not allowed) for all Muslims?
The Qur’an says intoxicants are a means by which Satan (the devil) tries
to keep people from God and from saying their prayers.
The Prophet Muhammad said that every intoxicant is forbidden to
Muslims (klhamr).
Muslims Lawyers say taking drugs or alcohol is a form of suicide because
you are harming your body, and suicide is forbidden.
Muhammad said several times that Muslims must not drink alcohol, and
must also have nothing to do with the production or sale of alcohol.
Satan’s plan is to excite enmity and hatred
between you with intoxicants and
gambling, and hinder you from the
remembrance of God, and from prayer: Will
ye not abstain?
Surah 5:93-94