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The Annapolis Valley near
Kentville, Nova Scotia (photo by
Bill Brooks/Masterfile).
Annapolis Lowlands
• John Foster/Masterfile
• Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories
• The Mackenzie River, in the Northwest Territories, is
Canada’s largest river system. This photo shows the delta
region, where oil and natural gas deposits are located.
Robin Smith/FPG International, LLC
Butchart Gardens near Victoria
World-famous Butchart Gardens is in Central Saanich municipality in the metropolitan area of Victoria,
British Columbia, Canada. A former limestone quarry with 50 acres of plants and blooms, it draws half a
million visitors a year.
Brian Vikander/Corbis
Great Slave Lake, Canada
Great Slave Lake is the largest lake in Canada and the deepest lake
in North America. As the source of the Mackenzie River, it lies at
the head of one of the world’s great waterways.
The arboretum at Queen Elizabeth Park,
Vancouver, is maintained by the University
of British Columbia (courtesy Canadian
Tourism Commission).
• Arboretum
Werner J. Bertsch/Bruce Coleman, Inc.
Horseshoe Falls
As the water plunges 57 m (187 ft) from the horseshoe-shaped lip of Canada’s Horseshoe
Falls, a dense spray rises high into the air. Also known as the Canadian Falls, this cataract is
the Canadian component of Niagara Falls, a set of waterfalls on the Niagara River on the
border between Canada and the United States. The city of Niagara Falls, Ontario, overlooks
Horseshoe Falls and is a popular tourist destination.
Quill Creek, Yukon Territory
Quill Creek flows from the Saint Elias Mountains in the southwestern part of the Yukon
Territory. The Saint Elias range contains the highest peaks in Canada and is the source of many
of the headwaters that feed the Yukon’s extensive system of creeks, rivers, and lakes.
Andre Gallant/New Brunswick Department of Tourism
Drummond, New Brunswick
New Brunswick is one of Canada’s least populated provinces. Almost half of New Brunswick’s
inhabitants live in rural areas, such as Drummond, shown here, where residents rely mainly on
farming and natural resources for their livelihood.
G.R. Roberts/Photo Researchers, Inc.
Winter Wheat Harvest, Ontario
Ontario is Canada’s leading agricultural province, with crops and livestock accounting for most of the
province’s annual farm production. Wheat, a major crop grown in Ontario, is shown here being harvested.
A threshing machine separates the seeds of the wheat plants from the husks and stems by mechanically
beating the stalks.
National Library of Canada
Immigrant Cultivates Land in Saskatchewan
Large numbers of Eastern Europeans immigrated to Canada early in the 20th century to farm in the
Prairie provinces. Karl Huget, an ethnic German from Russia, leads a team of horses plowing his
field in the Lemberg area of Saskatchewan in 1927. Huget had moved from the Volhynia region of
Russia (now in Ukraine) in 1914.
Art Twomey/Photo Researchers, Inc.
Cattle Ranch, Alberta
This rancher ropes calves at a cattle ranch in Alberta. Alberta is the leading producer of cattle in Canada, and
the livestock industry accounts for more than half of the province’s yearly farm income.
Judy Ledgerwood
Water Wheel
A farmer operates a water wheel, which is used to bring water from a nearby
stream to his fields. Rice, the most important crop in Cambodia, requires fields
to be flooded with a few inches of water. Farmers plant about four-fifths of their
cultivated land in rice.
Ray Richardson/Animals Animals
Wood Duck
The wood duck, Aix sponsa, lives in a variety of freshwater habitats in Canada, the
United States, and Mexico. It often swims in shallow water, foraging for the seeds of
aquatic plants. Like other ducks, the wood duck has webbed toes that function as
Sinielsen/Bruce Coleman, Inc.
Canada Goose
The Canada goose, Branta canadensis, is North America’s most
common goose. Naturally migrating as far north as arctic Canada
and as far south as central Mexico, it is gradually becoming a
year-round resident in grassy suburbs throughout much of Canada
and the United States. It grazes on the stems and shoots of grasses
and can reach weights of 11 kg (24 lb)
Burrowing Owl
The burrowing owl, Speotyto cunicularia, lives in the open grasslands and
farmlands of eastern
Canada and the United States. This brown and white owl hunts for small mammals,
birds, and reptiles for most of the year, but switches to insects during the summer.
Burrowing owls typically nest in burrows that have been abandoned by prairie dogs and
other animals.
Animals Animals
The first Sphynx cat, a mostly hairless breed, was born in Ontario, Canada, in 1966. It was the result of
natural mutation rather than a selective process by cat breeders. Preceding the Sphynx, the New Mexican
hairless had appeared in exhibitions early in the 20th century, but efforts to develop the hairless cat as a
breed did not begin until after this Canadian cat was born. The lack of a coat means the Sphynx can not
tolerate extreme temperatures.
• Black bears, the most common and
widespread in Canada, may also be brown
or cinnamon (Corel Professional Photos).
• Bear (Animal)
North American Mink
Luxurious, durable mink fur is a valuable commodity; to satisfy the fur industry, the
animals are bred for specific color varieties and raised on large farms. The North American
mink, shown here, averages about 60 cm (about 24 in) in length, including the tail.