Assessment - University of California, Irvine

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Transcript Assessment - University of California, Irvine

Foreign Language Pedagogy
EA 125
What is assessment for?
What do we want to assess?
How do teachers benefit from assessment?
How do students benefit from assessment?
How much assessment is necessary and
 What is the relationship between
assessment results and student
Types of Testing (p. 391)
 Achievement Test
 Proficiency Test
The Purpose of the Assessment
(p. 392)
 Administrative
• Placement/ Exemption
• Certification/ Promotion
 Instructional
• Diagnosis/ Evidence of progress
• Evaluation of teaching/curriculum
 Research
• Evaluation/ Experimentation
Teaching and Testing
 Teach for the Test.
• Criticism for standardized tests.
• Is this really bad?
 The test should reflect what students
have learned.
--Testing-Sampling principle of testing
 Tests=small sample of large domains
 Valuable inferences are about the
domains, not the samples
 Scores are useful only if one can
generalize from them to mastery of the
(from lecture ppt by Dr. Jimmy Kim)
 Observed test score=true score + error
Some threats to test-based
 Performance fluctuations (over time)
 Scoring inconsistency
 Inappropriate test preparations (and
 Biased items
 Excessive difficulty or easiness
 Idiosyncrasies of items used
(from lecture ppt by Dr. Jimmy Kim)
Core concept of validity
 Validity characterizes the ‘inference’
based on test scores, not the test itself.
 Validity is an evaluation of the
adequacy and appropriateness of the
‘interpretation and uses of assessment
(from lecture ppt by Dr. Jimmy Kim)
-Purposes of Grades 1. For administrative purpose
 2. To give students feedback about
their progress and achievement
 3. To provide guidance to students
about future course work
 4. To provide guidance to teachers for
instructional planning
 5. To motivate students.
 (Marzano, 2000)
-Argument by Kohn (1999) Primary reasons for de-grading
 1. Grades tend to reduce students’ interest
in the learning itself.
 2. Grades tend to reduce students’
preference for challenging tasks.
 3. Grades tend to reduce the quality of
students’ thinking.
-Argument by Kohn (1999)More reasons for de-grading
 Grades aren’t valid, reliable, or objective.
 Grades distort the curriculum.
 Grades waste a lot of time that could be
spent on learning.
 Grades encourage cheating.
 Grades spoil teachers’ relationships with
 Grades spoil students’ relationships with
each other.
Why do we teach?
Good teachers tell.
Excellent teachers explain.
Superior teachers model.
Great teachers inspire.
 (Author unknown)