Towards Understanding Islam and Muslims

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Transcript Towards Understanding Islam and Muslims

Towards Understanding Islam & Muslims


The Month of Fasting and Qur'an

Compiled by

Ahmad Sultan

[email protected]


Greetings of Islam

• AsSalamu Alaikum Peace be upon you • Wa Alaikum AsSalam and upon you be peace 2


• Basic terminology – Islam, Muslim, Allah, Worship • Islam as a System/Way of Life – Core Beliefs and Practices. • “Articles of Faith” • “Pillars of Islam” • Ramadan – Fasting, Breaking Fast, Night Prayers, Qur’an, Seclusion, End of Ramadan • Why do Muslims Fast?

– Spiritual, Moral, Mental and Physical impacts of fasting • Conclusion 3

Terms for Better Understanding

• • • All Arabic words have a three letter root without vowel sounds SLM S i L i M = safe, secure, sound • S A L A M = peace • I SL A M = submission, surrender, obedience • MU SL I M = the person who acts in accordance with Islam 4

What is Islam?

• • Pronounced with “s” not “z”


is related to one of the names of God ( A-Salam: The Peace ) • Islam means “attaining peace within oneself and with what’s around through submission to God” (The source of Peace) • Not named after a person/tribe, rather the Creator • It is the name of the religion. 5

What is Islam?

• Not a new religion – goes back to the prophet and patriarch Abraham – It is a continuation, and confirmation of the primordial (original) monotheistic message from the time of Adam • A way of life: a system that addresses social, economical, and political arenas maintaining in focus the belief in One God, and following His commandments 6

Who is a Muslim ?

• • Pronounced with short u/o, and “s” not “z” sound Anyone/thing that submits to God and follows His Commandments/Laws • Legal definition – Whosoever declares: • “There is no god but God and Mohammed is his servant and Messenger” • anyone can be a Muslim regardless of race, nationality, ethnicity or color 7

Who Are Muslims?

• • • 1.3 billion world wide NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE ARAB NOT ALL ARABS ARE MUSLIM • 18-20% Muslims are from the Arab world • Indonesia Largest (220million) • • 8 million in the U.S.

450,000 in Chicagoland


Allah (God)

• Allah is a contraction of Al-Elah = The God • He is The Creator • It is the same word used for God, as well, for Arabic speaking Christians and Jews • Term does not imply gender; like god/goddess • Term cannot be pluralized; like gods/goddesses Bible. O.T. Genesis. Arabic. 1821. Risius 9


• ABD – A Slave, Obedience with Submission, Worship, … • A E B A D A means – The functions of the slaves/servants in submission and obedience to the commands of their Lord in recognition of his greatness with heart filled with gratefulness to His bounties upon them – A comprehensive/collective name of all that Allah (God) likes and accepts in sayings and deeds whether apparent or concealed • In Islam, all aspects of life is A E B A D A, with proper intention and conduct according to Islamic teaching – “Say: my Salat (Prayer), acts of Sacrifice, life and death is for Allah, the Lord of the world. In that I was commanded, and I am among those who submit (Muslims) 10

Islam a Way of Life

• As a way of life, Islam provides systems of – Beliefs to free the minds, and encourages seeking knowledge – Worship to fulfill the spirit and increase the strength – Manners to grow personality and cooperation – Laws ensure rights, outline duties and guarantees justice for all 11

Core Beliefs and Practices

• Articles of Faith • Pillars of Islam


What Do Muslims Believe In?

God (Allah)




Day of Judgment

The One and only Other unseen creatures Divine revelation Guides to mankind Life After Death & Accountability

Articles of Faith


How do Muslims Practice?

1. Declaration of Faith (Shahada) 2. Prayer (Salah) 3. Alms Giving (Zakah) 4. Fasting Ramadan (Sawm) • 5. Pilgrimage (Hajj) Formal acts of A E B A D A. The Bedrock of Islam

Pillars of Islam



Declaration of Faith (Shahada) 14


• R A M A D AN: derived from RMD dehydration means: heat, thirst and • Ninth month in Islamic calendar (Lunar) • Fasting Ramadan is the fourth obligatory pillar of Islam • Month of Qur’an •

“The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for he guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong).”

Qur’an 2:185 • Activities – Fasting (


), Night Prayers (


), Seclusion (


), Ends with celebration (Eid ulFitr) – Closeness to God, increasing the performance of good deeds and generosity 15

Siyam (Fasting)

• S IY AM : derived from SAM means: Abstain (from doing something) – Abstaining from food, drink and intimate marital relations from dawn until sunset while having the inwardly intention of fasting • Obligatory at the age of puberty – Exempted are the travelers, the ill, the elderly and the pregnant, breastfeeding or menstruating woman • Not new to man –

”O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you that you may (learn) self-restraint (piety)..."

Qur'an 2: 183 16

Siyam (Fasting)


DAWN Pre-Dawn Meal Fasting DAY Regular activity NIGHT SUNSET Break-Fast Meal

Qiyam (Night Prayer)

Fasting DAY SUNSET Break-Fast Meal Regular activity NIGHT Time of Qiyam • QIYAM: QAM: Stand • “

Verily, the rising by night is very hard and most potent and good for governing oneself, and most suitable for (understanding) the Word (of Allah)” Qur’an 73:6

Fasting DAWN Pre-Dawn Meal Voluntary (


) Night Prayers 18

Aitikaf (Seclusion)

• A ITI K A F : – AKF : Sticking to something and holding oneself on/within it – Staying in the Mosque or Mesjid (place of prostration) with the intention to getting closer to God In Columbus, Ohio, a Moroccan computer science student at Ohio State finds a quiet spot to read the Koran while waiting for evening prayer at the Omar Ibn Kahttab mosque.



Aitikaf (Seclusion)

• Last ten days of Ramadan during which falls the night the Qur’an was first revelation to Prophet Muhammad – The Night of Decree/Power/Fat e (

Laylatu Al Qadr

) Muslim worshippers study at the Islamic Cultural Center of New York.

(Jeff Christensen/REUTERS/TimePix)


The Night of Decree/Power/Fate

(Laylatu Al-Qadr) 1.

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power: 2.


And what will explain to thee what the night of power is? The Night of Power is better than a thousand months. 4.


Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah.s permission, on every errand: Peace!...This until the rise of morn!

Qur’an 97 21


The First Source of Islam

• 114 Chapters (Suras) – Each with a title, and start with “In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful” (113) – Not one word has changed over the centuries • Revealed over 23 years – First verses reveled in one of the last nights of Ramadan (Lailatul-Qadr) – The exact words revealedby God through the Angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) • Memorized by Millions 22

The Qur’an

• Its basic theme is the relationship between God and His creatures • It provides guidelines for a just society, proper human conduct and an equitable economic system Copy of the Qur’an of Caliph Uthman, kept in Tashkent 23

End of Ramadan

1. Alms Giving (Zakatu Al-Fitr)

• Charity of breaking the Fast (Zakatu Al-Fitr) – Alms given prior to the end of the month of Ramadan to the needy – Normally given in grain or the food of the locality – It is different than one pays on wealth – Everyone must pay – Way of sharing the blessings 24

End of Ramadan

2. Prayer and Sermon (SalatulEid and Khutba)

• • • • Eid prayer is strongly recommended and an important tradition in Islam: men, women and children participate.

Self Preparation for 'Id Prayer

– It is a time for everyone to be in their best appearance – There is also a tradition that one should eat something, preferably dates, before going to the Eid al-Fitr prayer


– The time for the Eid prayer is mid morning – Followed by a community sermon or khutba


– It is better to hold 'Id prayers in an open place or ground if there is no obstacle like rain or bad weather. Eid Prayer -Kashmir 25

End of Ramadan

3. Feast (Eidu Al-Fitr)

• Celebration that marks the end of Ramadan. • Visit family members • Enjoy meals together • Wear new clothes • Children receive gifts from relatives • Amusement rides for children are set up in the streets Egyptian women decorate their daughters with balloons after performing morning prayers of Eid al-Fitr, the end of the Islamic month of Ramadan.

Eid Celebration – Amusement Ride Damascus 26

End of Ramadan in America

4. Feast (Edu Al-Fitr) cont.

The holy day of Eid al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan. Members of the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, Michigan, celebrate the day with prayers.


Eid Celebration – Eid Stamp USA President George W. Bush takes a small break to hear what Alexandria Hudome, 3, has to say as he reads a poem to Muslim children during Eid Al-Fitr at the White House December 17, 2001 27


• Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic Lunar Calendar • During Ramadan – Muslims perform Siyam (Fasting), the third pillar of Islam is performed – Qur’an was revealed – Month to renew the spiritual and self disciplinary aspects through extra prayers at night, reciting the Qur’an, contemplation, acts of charity, and socialization 28


• • • • • • • • “The Nobel Qur’an”, Translations of the meanings by Yousef Ali, Picthal, and Shaker. – “Fiqh as-Sunna”, As-Sayyed Sabiq Islam in Your Life – Spirituality – – “Fasting & Ramadan”, Dr. Jamal Badawi – “Rules of Siyam”, Sheikh Muhammad Al-Hanooti – “Ramadan, The Blessed Month”, Sheikh Muhammad Al-Hanooti – Why Do Muslims Break Their Fast with Dates?

– “Seize the Ramadan Opportunity”, Safa Alshiraida