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Social Studies
Domain I
Philosophical Foundations of
How Philosophy developed
into the structure and
function of U.S. Government
U.S. government’s
relationship to states and to
its citizens
Which of the following individuals
influenced Thomas Jefferson’s writing
of the Declaration of Independence?
A. Thomas Hobbes
B. John Locke
C. Alexander Hamilton
D. John C. Calhoun
Which of the following groups refused
to ratify the U.S. Constitution without a
Bill of Rights?
A. Federalist
B. Republicans
C. Know-Nothings
D. Anti-Federalists
Which of the following accurately
defines the term of office in Congress?
A. Senators serve four years and
Representatives serve 6 years.
B. Representatives serve four years and
Senators serve two years.
C. Senators serve 4 years and
Representatives serve 2 years.
D. Representatives serve 2 years and
Senators serve 6 years.
Which of the following explains that
government must protect people’s
A. Social Contract
B. Nullification
C. Domino Theory
D. Common Sense
Which of the following is a right
protected in both the 5th and 14th
A. Privacy
B. Speech
C. Due Process
D. Jury trial in civil cases of $20 or more
Which of the following is a way the
Legislative branch can place a check on
federal officials?
A. Veto
B. Impeachment
C. Judicial Review
D. Executive Order
Marbury v. Madison established which
of the following?
A. Separate but Equal
B. Reproductive Rights
C. Veto Powers of the President
D. Judicial Review
Which of the following is the Vice
President’s main role in the Senate?
A. Breaks a tie vote
B. Sets the Legislative Agenda
C. Appoints members to committees
D. Places bills on the Senate calendar
Presidential Veto
Congress Override
Supreme Court rules
A. Separation of Powers
B. Federalism
C. Checks & Balances
D. Nullification
No person shall be held to answer to a capital, or
otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or
indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in
the land or naval forces, or in the militia…
-From the Fifth Amendment
-to the U.S. Constitution
A. Judicial review
B. Due process of law
C. Popular sovereignty
D. Separation of powers
Which of the following is a mandatory
civic activity?
A. Voting
B. Jury duty
C. Join a political party
D. Write a representative
Which government body acts as the
jury in an impeachment trial in the
United States?
A. The Senate
B. The Cabinet
C. The Supreme Court
D. The House of Representatives
Which of the following advises the
President on specialized areas?
A. Muckrakers
B. Congressmen
C. Ambassadors
D. Cabinet Members
Which of the following is a power that
both the state and national
government share?
A. Issue professional license
B. Coin money
C. Create courts
D. Declare war
Based on the U.S. Constitution, which
development would cause a state to
gain representation in the House of
A. The election of a governor
B. The election of a president
C. The growth of a state’s population
D. The creation of a new state political
The U.S. Constitution gives state
governments the authority to be
involved in all of the following areas,
A. Tax collection
B. Public education
C. Treaty negotiation
D. Highway construction
What is the main purpose of the
national conventions that the
Republican and Democratic parties
hold every four years?
A. To organize state primaries
B. To develop legislative strategies
C. To caucus about foreign-policy issues
D. To nominate presidential candidates
What is the primary function of leaders
within the legislative branch of the U.S.
federal government?
A. To introduce bills proposed by the
B. To advance the goals of their political
C. To carry out federal laws passed by both
houses of Congress
D. To confirm the constitutionality of bills
with the Supreme Court
Which principle of U.S.
government is illustrated in the
previous diagram?
B. republicanism
C. Popular sovereignty
D.Checks and balances
What is the purpose of the 10
amendments to the U.S.
A. To limit the federal government’s
B. To expand the court’s authority to
review federal laws
C. To guarantee citizen’s voting rights
D. To establish checks and balances
between executive and legislative
Which of the following would result
if the population increased in the
A. The number of members in the House of
Representatives for each state would change.
B. The number of members in the Senate for each
state would change.
C. The number of federal judges would change.
D. The term of office of the President would
decrease in number of years.
Which idea from Social Contract
Theory is expressed within the U.S.
Declaration of Independence?
A. Congress must consist of two legislative
B. Political term limits are necessary for all
elected officials.
C. Government authority comes from the
consent of the governed.
D. Individual citizens must be protected by
a federal bill of rights.
Which concept relates to the
Seneca Falls conference?
B. Women’s Rights.
C. Containment.
Chief of
of Nation
What role is the President of the
U.S. serving when he enforces the
Commander in Chief
Party Leader
Chief of State
Chief Executive
What role is the President
playing when he makes a treaty
with another country?
Commander in Chief
Party Leader
Foreign Policy Leader
Chief Executive
Which created the U.S. Congress?
A.The Federalist.
B. Judiciary Act of 1789.
C. Benjamin Franklin.
D.Great Compromise.
Which was written to convince the
states to approve the U.S.
A.The Federalist.
B. Common Sense.
C. Articles of Confederation.
D.Monroe Doctrine.
Domain II
European Colonization to
the Civil War
Rhode Island
Half-Way Covenant
Salem Witch Trials
A. Cold War tensions
B. Sectionalism
C. Religious Tensions in the colonies
D. Containment
Boycott new taxes
Committees of
Sons of Liberty
A. Religious tensions
B. Native American conflict
C. Tensions between colonies and Great
Britain before the Revolution
D. Conscription
•The Sons of Liberty
•The Daughters of Liberty
•The committees of correspondence
Which issue caused British colonists to form
the organizations in the list?
A. The British Parliament had passed a series of
taxes on its North American colonies.
B. Native Americans had attacked British colonial
outposts within the Northwest Territory
C. British naval vessels had seized colonial ships
and forced citizens into the British navy.
D. Armed slave rebellions had begun throughout
And reason…teaches all mankind who will but
consult it, that being all equal and independent, no
one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty,
or possessions.
-John Locke,
-Second Treatise of Civil Government, 1689
Which document was influenced by the above ideas and
A. The U.S. Constitution
B. The Mayflower Compact
C. The Articles of Confederation
D. The U.S. Declaration of Independence
The term Manifest Destiny directly
relates to which recurring theme in
U.S. history during the 1800s?
A. abolition
B. federalism
C. Social reform
D. Territorial expansion
What was the importance of the
Monroe Doctrine of 1823?
A. It reinforced tensions between
proslavery and antislavery factions.
B. It authorized the creation of a
permanent professional military.
C. It established the U.S. policy of
preventing other nations from
interfering in Latin America.
D. It proclaimed Eastward expansion.
In which of the following was there a
blockade or interruption in U.S. trade
across the Atlantic?
A. War of 1812
B. Spanish-American war
C. Mexican-American war
D. Vietnam war
Popular Sovereignty was used to
determine the westward expansion of
slavery in which of the following?
A. Missouri compromise and Nullification Crisis
B. Dred Scott Decision and Fugitive Slave Act
C. Wilmot Proviso and John Brown’s raid
D. Compromise of 1850 and Kansas-Nebraska
President John Adams became
involved with which U.S. foreign-policy
issue in the late 1790s?
A. Purchasing the Louisiana Territory
B. Avoiding full-scale war with France
C. Strengthening the Monroe Doctrine
D. Arranging for the annexation of Texas
Which principle of the U.S.
government did the Nullification
Crisis of 1832 directly challenge?
B. Judicial review
C. Popular sovereignty
D.Checks and balances
Which term best describes the period
during which white male suffrage
greatly expanded in the United
A.Manifest Destiny
B. The Enlightenment
C. The Great Awakening
D. Jacksonian Democracy
Which convinced the people in the
colonies that the time had come to
move toward independence from
Great Britain?
A.The Federalist
B. Spirit of the Laws
C. Declaration of Independence
D.Common Sense
Which was a result of the French &
Indian War?
A.Colonies were declared
B. Colonists were taxes
C. France became a dominant
power in North America
D.Bacon’s Rebellion
Which concept refers to how the
French & Indian war laid the
foundation for the American
B. Nullification
C. Isolationism
D.Domino Theory
How did the French help the U.S.
during the American Revolution?
A. Lend-Lease Act to supply
armored tanks and machine
B. French army and navy helped
capture Lord Cornwallis
C. Diplomatic Recognition only
D. Helped only in financial ways
Which accurately explains how
Mercantilism and the colonies?
A. Great Britain sent raw materials to the
colonies and the colonies manufactured
finished products
B. Colonies were created because of
C. Colonies were required to trade mostly
with the French
D. Mercantilism equated to Communism
Which accurately explains the
impact of Interchangeable Parts?
A. The need for slaves diminished in the
Southern U.S.
B. It resulted in the mass production of Ford
C. It resulted in the rapid rise of Industrial
growth in the North before the Civil War
D. It guaranteed U.S. involvement in WWI
Which of the following cause the
rise of Jim Crow laws in the South?
A. Brown v. Board of Education
B. Roe v. Wade
C. Sanford v. Scott
D. Plessy v. Ferguson
Our first and fundamental maxim should be, never to
entangle ourselves in the broils of Europe. Our second,
never to suffer Europe to intermeddle with cross-Atlantic
affairs. America, North and South, has a set of interests
distinct from those of Europe…Our endeavor should surely
be, to make our hemisphere that of freedom.
Thomas Jefferson,
-Letter to James Monroe Oct. 24, 1823
A. The U.S. Constitution
B. The Mayflower Compact
C. The Articles of Confederation
D. The Monroe Doctrine
Which of the following was an 19th
century reform movement that led to
Prohibition in the 20th Century?
A.Women’s suffrage
B. Temperance
C. Abolition
D.Civil Rights
The route in Transatlantic trade that
brought slaves to North America in the
17th century was called
B. Temperance.
C. Middle Passage.
D.Manifest Destiny
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and
the Homestead Act of 1862 have which
of the following in common?
A.Both encouraged slavery.
B. Both were women’s reform
C. Both were passed under the
Articles of Confederation.
D.Both hurt Native Americans
Which of the following increased the
need for slaves in the south?
A.15th Amendment.
B. Cotton Gin.
C. Prohibition.
D.Nullification Crisis of 1832
Which of the following determined
how the expansion of slavery was dealt
A.Missouri Compromise.
B. Wilmot Proviso.
C. Prohibition.
D.Nullification Crisis of 1832.
Domain III
Reconstruction to the
Radical Republicans and President
Abraham Lincoln would have agreed
on which of the following?
A. Leniency in accepting Southern states
back into the Union.
B. Land grants to former slaves.
C. Freeing the slaves.
D. Allowing former confederate officers to
hold public office.
Which of the following explains the
goal of the Emancipation
A. Outlawed slavery in the border states.
B. Mandated African American soldiers
fight in the Confederate army.
C. Caused the Nullification Crisis.
D. Extended abolishing slavery as part of
the Northern war effort.
infiltration of U.S.
government/ military
Labor Strikes in
A. Revolution
B. Red Scare
C. Westward Migration
D. Federalism
Why was Samuel Gompers an
important figure in the history of U.S.
Labor movement?
A. He served as the first leader of the
American Federation of Labor.
B. He wrote New Deal legislation protecting
the rights of workers.
C. He published articles condemning the use
of strikes by labor unions.
D. He led the opposition to legal restrictions
on immigrant workers.
How did the effort to build the
hydrogen bomb in the 1950s affect
U.S.- Soviet relations?
A. It united scientists from both nations.
B. It increased the nations’ fears of one
C. It led both nations to join the same treaty
D. It caused direct armed conflict between the
In 1954, which basic principle of the
U.S. Constitution did the Supreme
Court rule on in the case of Brown v.
Board of Education of Topeka?
A. Trial by jury
B. Freedom of speech
C. Equal protection of the law
D. Separation of church and state
What was the result of the decline of
immigration from Europe to the
United States during World War I?
A. Both political parties called for the end of
isolationist policies.
B. Legal barriers to immigration from Asian
countries were removed.
C. Large numbers of African American workers
moved north to take industrial jobs.
D. American industry declined because of the
loss of the immigrant workforce.
Which issue was brought to U.S.
public awareness by Rachel Carson’s
book Silent Spring in 1962?
A. Labor conditions
B. Atomic weapons
C. Racial segregation
D. Environmental pollution
What was the significance of the
career of Henry Ford during the early
A. He strongly influenced the early
development of jazz music.
B. He exposed corrupt business practices.
C. He founded a large labor union.
D. He made automobiles more affordable
to common Americans.
The passage of the Eighteenth
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
in 1919 established?
A. The prohibition of alcohol
B. The direct election of senators
C. The right of labor Unions to organize
D. The power of voters to remove an
elected official
Which industry did John D. Rockefeller
monopolize during the late 1800s?
A. The oil industry
B. The railroad industry
C. The meatpacking industry
D. The steel industry
Which was not one of the Allied
powers during WWII?
A. Japan
B. Great Britain
C. United States
D. France
Which was not one of the Axis powers
during WWII?
A. Japan
B. Italy
C. United States
D. Germany
Which development directly
contributed to the increase shown in
the graph?
A.Social Security
B. The Wagner Act
C. The Marshall Plan
D.The Roosevelt Corollary
The U.S. offered financial assistance to
any nation resisting communism in
which of the following?
A.Emancipation Proclamation
B. The Wagner Act
C. The Truman Doctrine
D.The Roosevelt Corollary
The passage of the Nineteenth
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
in 1919 established?
A. The prohibition of alcohol
B. The direct election of senators
C. Women’s Suffrage
D. The power of voters to remove an
elected official
What was the historical context of the
1896 U.S. Supreme Court case Plessy v.
A. Business entrepreneurs had formed
B. Labor unions had organized strikes
throughout the nation
C. Southern states had passed Jim Crow laws
to limit the rights of African Americans.
D. Congress placed restrictions on Chinese
immigration in the U.S.
Which of the following caused Chinese
immigration to decline?
A.Wagner Act
B. Chinese Exclusion Act
C. Emancipation Proclamation
D.Half-way covenant
Which development directly resulted
from the Soviet Union’s launch of
Sputnik I?
A.The beginning of the space race
B. The creation of the Marshall Plan
C. The U.S. entry into the Korean War
D.The shift in U.S. policy toward
Which group did most of the work on
the Transcontinental Railroad?
A.Native Americans
B. Chinese
C. Slaves
What was the historical context of the
data shown in the table?
A. The U.S. strategy to remain neutral in
future conflicts
B. The U.S. attempt to contain the spread of
C. The U.S. plan to counteract the growth of
global terrorism
D. The U.S. effort to limit the development of
atomic technology
Hoovervilles were caused by which of
the following?
A.Widespread unemployment
B. Containment during WWII
C. Globalization
D.Rural electricity
Which of the following was a popular
jazz musician during the Harlem
A.Langston Hughes
B. A. Phillip Randolph
C. Louis Armstrong
D.W.E.B. Dubois
Which of the following was formed at
the immediately following the end of
A.Committees of Correspondence
B. Social Security
D.United Nations
Which of the following was established
during FDR’s Second New Deal?
B. Social Security
What was the foreign policy of the U.S.
during the first three years of WWI?
B. Interventionism
C. Containment
What was the foreign policy of the U.S.
during the Cold War?
B. Interventionism
C. Containment
Which of the following most accurately
describes Containment?
A. U.S. foreign policy to keep the U.S.
neutral during WWII.
B. U.S. foreign policy after WWII to stop
the spread of communism.
C. Soviet foreign policy to spread
communism through the world.
D. Foreign policy of détente.
Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle resulted in
which of the following?
A.Anti-Trust laws
B. Creation of the EPA
C. Meat Inspection Act
D.Child Labor laws
Which individual was responsible for
the Red Scare of the 1950s?
A.Eleanor Roosevelt
B. Senator Huey Long
C. Ida Tarbell
D.Senator Joseph McCarthy
Which was an attempt by FDR to give
aid to Great Britain before the U.S.
entered WWII?
A.Lend-Lease Act
B. “Court-Packing” Bill
C. Wilmot Proviso
D.Kansas-Nebraska Act
Which of the following fought in an
attempt to combat Segregation in the
southern U.S.?
Which of the following explains why
Americans were afraid after the
launching of Sputnik I?
A. They were vulnerable to attacks
from space
B. They would face mass emigration
of citizens to the U.S.S.R.
C. Americans lost the right to vote
D. African Americans were placed in
internment camps
A period in time when there were
tensions between the U.S. and the
Soviet union?
A.New Deal
B. Progressive Era
C. Enlightenment
D.Cold War
Soviet and U.S. tensions during the
Cold War resulted from
A. Refusal of Russia to leave Forts in
the Ohio River Valley.
B. The fear of use of a Hydrogen bomb.
C. Fear of the spread of communism in
the Soviet Union.
D. Underconsumption and
The Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) was established to deal with
A.Civil Rights violations in the U.S.
B. Un-American activities within the
U.s. in the 1950s.
C. Child Labor & inner city
immigrant issues.
D.Environmental issues.
Domain IV
Physical & Cultural
Geography; development of
Regions in the World
Which is most important for the
settlement patterns of human
A. Oil reserves
B. Precious gems
C. Location of rivers
D. Iron ore deposits
Which natural resource is most
important for the growth of human
A. Oil reserves
B. Precious gems
C. Iron ore deposits
D. Groundwater supplies
Which geographic factor most
contributed to economic growth in the
northeaster United States?
A. Rich farmlands
B. Mild climate conditions
C. Access to commercial routes
D. Isolation from foreign invasions
Which physical characteristics of
colonial New York directly affected its
economic development during the late
A. Its vast gold and silver deposits
B. Its large harbor and river systems
C. Its poor soil quality and dry climate
D. Its mountain terrain and
geographical isolation
Which factor is the most important to
geographers studying a culture
A. Climate patterns
B. Political borders
C. Natural resources
D. Language families
The colonists became angry that they
could not cross the Appalachian
Mountains during the colonial period
because of the?
A. War of 1812
B. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
C. Proclamation of 1763
D. Monroe Doctrine
Which of the following impeded
migration of Americans to settle the
far Western region of the United
A. Atlantic Ocean
B. Mexico
C. Suez Canal
D. Rocky Mountains
Which of the following occurred
within the geographic area known as
the Great plains?
A. Creation of New Amsterdam
B. Dust Bowl
C. Rise of New York City
D. Chesapeake Bay trade
Which of the following lay within the
geographic area known as the Great
A. Puerto Rico
B. Oregon Territory
C. Louisiana Purchase
D. Chesapeake Bay
What was one result of the Louisiana
A. Doubled the size of the U.S.
B. Thomas Jefferson purchased the
Oregon Territory
C. Texas became an independent
D. Expansion of the Chesapeake Bay
Which of the following geographic
features aided the Southern colonies’
trade with Europe?
A. Chesapeake Bay
B. Great Lakes
C. Boston Harbor
D. Great Plains
Which of the following geographic
features explains where Pearl Harbor’s
location during WWII?
A. Chesapeake Bay
B. Great Lakes
C. Atlantic Ocean
D. Pacific Ocean
Which of the following geographic
features shortened travel from the
Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean for U.S.
A. Chesapeake Bay
B. Great Lakes
C. Panama Canal
D. Erie Canal
Panama Canal
Which of the following explains the
purpose of the previous map?
A. Political borders
B. Topographical map
C. River systems
D. Culture
To divide the places on earth based on
physical features, geographers
commonly group places into?
A. Regions
B. cultures
C. locations
D. countries
Which factor do geographers most
commonly study to learn about the
culture of a nation?
A. The political borders of a nation
B. The geographical size of a nation
C. The religious practices of a nation’s
D. The technological abilities of a nation’s
Which factor has had the greatest
influence on shaping human culture in
the shaded region on the map?
B. agriculture
C. urbanization
Domain V
Pre-history to early
All of the following relate to a peoples
culture, EXCEPT?
A. Religion & Beliefs
B. Customs
C. Natural resources
D. Language
Fertile Soil
Elevation of
/ rainfall
How did Copernicus’s writings during
the 1500s help change the European
world view?
A. By challenging European ideas about the
B. By claiming that all human beings were
born with natural rights
C. By discouraging the use of reason to
examine traditional church teachings
D. By encouraging European explorers to
search for new ocean routes to Asia
Which geographical factor most
helped Spain and Portugal establish
new colonies during the Age of
A. Their diverse cultural practices
B. Their large population densities
C. Their abundance of precious metals
D. Their access to commercial
What was the function of the mandate
system created by the League of
Nations after World War I in 1919?
A. To rebuild the urban centers of Japan
B. To collect war reparations from Germany
C. To manage the former territories of the
Ottoman Empire
D. To maintain a new European alliance
against the Soviet Union
In which movement did King Henry
VIII play a significant role during
the 1500s?
A.The Enlightenment
B. The Great Awakening
C. The English Reformation
D.The Industrial Revolution
What was an important impact of the
astrolabe in Europe during the 1500s
and 1600s?
A. It helped engineers used Newton’s laws to
invent new machines
B. It improved the ability of explorers to
navigate across far distances
C. It increased the efficiency of book printing
through the use of movable type
D. It supported Kepler’s laws of planetary
Which political ideology directly
contributed to the Holocaust of the
B. liberalism
C. anarchism
Which development correctly
completes the list?
A. The slave population of Haiti began a
successful revolt.
B. The American colonies won their
independence from Great Britain
C. The popularity of Catholicism increased
among French peasants.
D. The influence of Enlightenment ideas
declined among French thinkers.
Which of the following were
A.Jefferson and Locke
B.Sarte and Rouseau
C.Michelangelo and Davinci
D.Luther and Calvin
Which of the following Concepts most
relate to the World Trade Organization
A.States’ rights
D.Luther and Calvin
Which phrase correctly completes the
diagram of Jesuit goals?
A.Limit the power of the Pope
B.Undertake missionary activity
C.Encourage democratic reform
D.Achieve peace with
Which group supported the counter
De Gama
De Vaca
Which was the first European Explorer
to discover North America?
A.John Cabot
B.Jacques Cartier
C.Hernando Cortes
D.Francisco Pizarro
Which best defines Adolph Hitler and
Benito Mussolini?
A. Enlightenment thinkers
B. French Philosophers
C. Generals in WWI
D. Fascist forces working
Which of the following caused massive
casualties during WWI?
A. Marshall Plan
B. Detente
C. Trench warfare
D. Lend-Lease Act
Which of the following was a cause of
A. assassination of Austrian
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
B. German policy of Expansionism
C. Impressment
D. Slavery
Which event changed the political
landscape in the Middle East in 1948?
A. The U.S. seizure of oil fields
B. The British takeover of Palestine
C. The creation of the state of Israel
D. The collapse of the Ottoman Empire
Which was the Allied attempt to push
the Nazi’s out of France?
B. Battle of Midway
C. Pearl Harbor