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Transcript AGENDA 21 - AMERICA.....DON'T FORGET!

UN Agenda 21
“Agenda 21 is a carefully disguised attempt to hijack the
worthy cause of environmentalism in the pursuit of
political objectives.” Author, Ron Taylor
Presentation created by: Karen Bracken
The 3 E’s of Sustainable Development
Nature before man
Using the law to reengineer
humanity (Social Justice
instead of Individual
International redistribution of
America’s wealth
Replacement of free enterprise
with government/business
UN Agenda 21 Timeline
 1992 George Bush signs agreement in Rio for the
Administrative Implementation of Agenda 21
(Bush called it The Plan for One World Order)
 1993 Bill Clinton by EO creates the “Presidents
Council For Sustainable Development”
 1996 Sustainable America A New Consensus for
Prosperity, Opportunity and a Healthy
Environment for the Future (Feb.)
 1997 Counties and Mayors create - Joint Center
for Sustainable Communities
 2001 National Governors Assoc. Endorse Smart
 2011 Barrack Obama by EO 13575 creates the
“White House Rural Council”
 2012 Earth Summit 20th Anniversary June 4-6, In
General Categories of Agenda 21
 Global Land Use Policy
 Wildlands Project
 Smart Growth
 Global Education Policy
 International Baccalaureate
 Race To The Top
 No Child Left Behind
 Global Population Control and Reduction
 At its core, Sustainable Development is to
reduce human population.
 Jacques Cousteau said that 350,000 need to be
“eliminated every day for two decades to bring
the world’s population into balance!
Wildlands Project
Published in 1992 in a Special Edition of Earth First.
 The elimination of human presence on over 50%+ of the
American landscape. Activity on most of the remaining
land will be heavily controlled.
 “We must make this place an insecure and inhospitable
place for Capitalists and their projects - we must reclaim
the roads and plowed lands, halt dam construction, tear
down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to
wilderness millions of tens of millions of acres or
presently settled land.” Dave Foreman, Earth First.
 Mr. Foremen, a former board member of the Sierra Club,
and The Nature Conservancy stated, “my three main
goals would be to reduce human population to about 100
million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure
and see wilderness, with its full complement of species,
returning throughout the world.”
Smart Growth/Smart Meters
Smart Growth - Dense human settlements
subject to increasing controls on how we live and
increasing restrictions on our mobility. (rails, bikes,
Smart Meters - Control and monitor everything
you do. When you are home, when you are not home,
when you are on vaction. Turn off appliances and
lower thermostats. A21 proponents are all about
severe restrictions and controls.
Caused house fires and unexplained illness. Bills have
be increased 3 fold. Plagued with inaccurate readings.
NAFTA Super Highway/Tran Texas Corridor North American Union (I35 and I69)
 Governor Perry fought HARD to get this road built
 Built by a spanish company (Cintra) and Zachry
Construction of TX. This was a $7.2B investment
 12 lane road and rail super highway (4 football
fields wide.)
 From Canada to So. Mexico
 Eliminates the need for customs at the existing
 The TTC will allow the transport of Chinese goods
into the US via Mexico bypassing the more
expensive American ports and workers.
 No on or off ramps except at ports of entry. The
first port of entry is in Kansas City
 Critical step in building the North American Union
- open borders between Mexico-US-Canada
The Trans Texas Corridor
 Using the Coordination Process with the help
from American Stewards of Liberty (based in
TX) and 4 Mayors they were able to prove this
road would destroy TX economy and
neighborhoods. The construction was stopped!
 The bad news - Texas Governor Rick Perry
declared at the time, "We'll build it, but we'll just
change the name." Now the Corridor, which has
always been the cynosure of Perry's
transportation policy, is getting a new push.
Kelly Holt, The New American 2011
Individual Rights
US Declaration of
UN Declaration of
Human Rights
Protect the natural or
unalienable rights of each
Control the individual
for the greater good
of a global
In Short
Gov’t grants, restricts
You are born with rights. Gov’t
exists to protect them. You and the or withdraws your
product of your labor belong to you rights according to its
needs. You and the
product of your labor
belong to the
What COULD America Look Like in a UN
Agenda World?
World population reduced by 80-90%
Abolish private property rights and the middle class
Walkable cities, travel severely restricted
50%+ of all land will be turned back to Wildlands
(Wildlands Project) and heavily controlled activity on
most of the rest of the American land.
Global ownership of all resources (fuel, food, water)
Animals will have more rights than humans
Complete government control over every aspect of
human life.
Replace Judeo-Christian values with Pantheism
Global economic policy and law
There will be two classes of people: Elite, Serf
Loss of National Sovereignty
Disarmed citizenry
UN Control of the military
 Children will have no alliance to parents or
 Educate children to be citizens of the world
 In the UNESCO program called “United Nations’
Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.”
It is their stated goal in this program to steal one
generation of children and teach them to place loyalty
to the state above loyalty to the family. Once this
objective has been realized, it is a simple task to then
inculcate the children with the basic tenets of
sustainable development. These tenets include:
End of national sovereignty
Abolition of private property
Restructuring of the family unit
Restriction of individual mobility and
Abandonment of constitutional rights
Relocation of people into smart growth
What is Unsustainable?
Paved/tarred roads/highways/rails
Logging activities/harvesting timber
Power line construction
Ski resorts/Golf Courses
Fossil fuels
Agricultural equipment
Grazing of livestock: cows, sheep, goats, horses etc.
Plowing of soil
Building of fences
Dam/reservoirs/straightening of rivers
Single family homes
Private property
Population Growth
Home Schooling
UN Biodiversity Assessment Report
White House Rural Council=Agenda 21?
Executive Order 13575, June 9, 2011
 Section 1. Policy. Sixteen percent of the American population
lives in rural counties. Strong, sustainable rural
communities (acceptable by the government - what is not
sustainable?)are essential to winning the future and ensuring
American competitiveness in the years ahead. These
communities supply our food, fiber, and energy,
safeguard our natural resources, (It appears as if the
government has discovered the rural communities hold an abundance
of opportunity that must be controlled. For the rural community
controls food, water and many of our most prized land marks. Control
the food you control the population (Monsanto is buying up seed
companies faster than we can blink)
 and are essential in the development of science and
innovation. Though rural communities face numerous
challenges, they also present enormous economic potential
(for who?).
 The Federal Government has an important role to play in order
to expand access to the capital necessary for economic
growth, promote innovation, improve access to health care
and education, (stimulus program?? The only way they will
improve education, access to health is when you are moved off
your rural land and into one of the human settlements) and expand
outdoor recreational activities on public lands. (there will be no
recreation on rural land because after the government takes the
land it will no longer be considered “public”)
 The language is deliberately vague - What is rural? Why do rural
communities all of a sudden need help from 24+ government
 Valerie Jarrett - sat on the board of Local Initiatives Support Corp
(LISC) They use the language of Agenda 21 and ICLEI. The web
page details their work is to build “Sustainable Communities”
 Melody Barnes - Former VP of George Soros funded Center for
American Progress
 John Holdren - Obama’s Science Czar - Head of the “Green
 In a book Holdren co-authored in 1977, the man now firmly
in control of science policy in this country wrote that:
 Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether
they wanted to or not;
 The population at large could be sterilized by infertility
drugs intentionally put into the nation's drinking water or in
 Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies
seized from them against their will and given away to other
couples to raise;
 People who "contribute to social deterioration" (i.e.
undesirables) "can be required by law to exercise
reproductive responsibility" -- in other words, be compelled
to have abortions or be sterilized.
 A transnational "Planetary Regime" should assume control
of the global economy and also dictate the most intimate
details of Americans' lives -- using an armed international
police force.
 Why does the government need to control 16%
of the population - because rural America still
has control over resources, over our food
supply, and they are generally resistant to
 60% of the land in Utah is owned by the Federal
Government. Utah is only 1 area in the world
with the largest deposit of clean coal. The other
is Indonesia (Why did Obama agree to buy oil
from Brazil when we have so much here in
America???) One of Obama’s campaign
supporters owns the clean coal land in
 28% of the land in FL is already owned by the
Federal Government.
 The Mission Statement also includes 4
 Many of these functions use verbiage straight
from Agenda 21
 Reference to NGO’s - Non Government
Organizations (these are unelected but
government funded groups that act like
community organizers) ICLEI is one of the well
known NGO’s.
 Three clicks of the mouse on the ICLEI website
and you are staring at their Agenda 21 page
 And all of this is paid for with our tax dollars.
We are paying for our own demise.
The assault on rural America is not new. WHRC just puts a
ribbon of respectability on an even nastier regime of
regulation and oppression
“The nine most terrifying words in the English language
are: “I’m from the government and I’m here to help”
…Ronald Reagan
Vilsack’s first order for the WHRC on 7/22/11 - he
appropriated $250M to install Smart Meters in rural areas
The Agenda 21 plan, which you may remember was being
discussed by the Clinton Administration, is to simply move
access to education, jobs, and healthcare to these urban
areas, effectively forcing the majority of rural residents to
“voluntarily” move.
Red Flag Words/Organizations
 Visioning/Consensus
 Sustainable, Sustainable Development
 Federal grant money (always has
 Smart Growth, Smart Meter, Smart Grid
 Your Town 2020, 2035 etc
 ICLEI (International Council for Local
Environmental Initiatives
 Sierra Club, EPA, USDA, Nature
Conservancy, DERM
 NGO - Non Government Organizations
 Conservation Easements, land trusts
 Stakeholders
How Do “They” Get In?
 ICLEI (International Council of Local Environmental
Initiative) Organization that trains and works with
local government to implement Sustainable
Development. They train local government never to
label local programs “Agenda 21” for fear of public
 Education - the goal of education today is to shape
attitudes and beliefs not educate. This way people
are more easily controlled. The Federal Dept. Of
Education has proclaimed 2006-2015 as the “Decade
of Sustainable Development Education”
 Sell the plan by using warm and fuzzy terminology*
 Sell the plan as “Preparing for the future”
 Saving the environment for future generations.
 Depending on an uninformed citizenry
 Delphi method of consensus. The outcome is
already determined.
Is Agenda 21 In My Neighborhood?
Sustainable Development Plan
Redevelopment Agencies (funded by our
property taxes)
Smart Growth Plan
Smart Grid *
Planned High Density Urban Development
Your Town 2020 or 2035
Pathways (Carroll County, MD)
Member of ICLEI
TN - Nashville, Knoxville, Chatanooga,
Cookeville, Hamilton Co., City of Franklin,
Gatlinburg, Oak Ridge, Signal Mtn are
members of ICLEI
What Can WE Do? MICE
 GET INVOLVED in your City/County
Commission. Go to the meetings.
 Get others to attend with you
 Door to door campaign/rally
 Run for office/inspire others to run/get rid
of any local City Council/Co Comm that buy
into A21. The local government is where
the power to stop A21 resides.
 Letter writing campaigns
 Set up meetings with local and state
 Create You Tube videos (be creative)
 Get people to support you
 File Petition to get APA/ICLEI out of your
 Is ICLEI involved in your community?
 Does your community have a growth plan?
 Know the players
 How much will it cost, who will pay for it, who
pays for it after the grants run out, what is the
return on the investment?
 If there are things in the plan you don’t
understand make them explain
 Become intimate with the details of the plan
 No your rights given to you by your creator. In
other words know your Constitution and Bill of
Attend every meeting and discuss
the plan at every meeting
Set up meetings with commission
members to discuss the plan and
how it relates to Agenda 21.
Form a coalition to lobby
local/state and federal leaders.
Attend candidate forums. What is
their position on Agenda 21? Will
they commit to kick ICLEI out of
your community.
 Talk to EVERYONE.
 Create a hand out. Do neighborhood front door blitzes.
 Have a neighborhood movie night. #1 Recommendations
- Rescuing a Broken America (Dr. Coffman),Agenda,
Invisible Empire, Inside Job, End Game.
 Go to for links to Agenda 21
 Google Agenda 21, Wildlands Project, Sustainable
Medicine, Biodiversity, Sustainable Development, ICLEI,
 Educate your commission members. Sustainable
Development vs Sustainable Freedom from is a good publication. Or Understanding
Sustainable Development Agenda 21 from
 Support Nullification, Know your Bill of Rights,
 Billboards, newspaper-TV ads, radio-TV interviews
“The 3 Click Challenge”
 When your City Council, Mayor or County
Commissioners tell you ICLEI is not
affiliated with the UN nor do they have
anything to do with Agenda 21 ask them to
take the “3 Click Challenge.”
 Click 1 - from any browser type in
 Click 2 - On ICLEI’s site, click on the tab
labeled PROGRAMS
 Click 3 - Scroll down and you will find
Did They Really Say That?
 “...current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the
affluent middle class involving high meat intake, use of
fossil fuels, appliances, home and work air
conditioning, and suburban housing are not
sustainable. ”Maurice Strong, Secretary General, U.N.
Conference on Environment and Development, 1992.
• “Participating in a U.N. advocated planning process
would very likely bring out many ... who would actively
work to defeat any elected official ... undertaking Local
Agenda 21. So we will call our process something else,
such as Comprehensive planning, growth
management, or smart growth.” 1998 J. Gary Lawrence,
a planner for the city of Seattle, and advisor to the
President’s Council on Sustainable Development
 Minor shifts in policy, marginal adjustments in ongoing
programs, moderate improvements in laws and
regulations, rhetoric offered in lieu of genuine change these are all forms of appeasement, designed to satisfy
the public desire to believe that sacrifice, struggle, and a
wrenching transformation of society will not be
necessary. Gore, Al, Earth in the Balance. Plume (1993):
 Generally, more highly educated people who have higher
incomes, consume more resources than poorly educated
people, who tend to have lower incomes. In this case,
more education increases the threat of sustainability.
Education for Sustainable Development Guide
 If we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare,
reproductive health services, we could lower [the
population] by perhaps 10 or 15 percent. -- Bill Gates
 "Land...cannot be treated as an ordinary
asset, controlled by individuals and
subject to the pressures and inefficiencies
of the market. Private land ownership is
also a principal instrument of
accumulation and concentration of wealth
and therefore contributes to social
injustice; if unchecked, it may become a
major obstacle in the planning and
implementation of development
schemes...Public control of land use is
therefore indispensable....” This quote is
from the Preamble from the UN Policy on
Land (Report of Habitat: UN Nation
Conference on Human Settlements)
“What everyone likes is the Big victory,
you load them cattle trucks for the last
time and they go driving off into the
sunset and they never come back...but
that’s not how you can win a
lot more victories by making them pay
for what they do...and by making it so
expensive in their operation and by
making so many changes...that he goes
broke, he can’t do it...How you win is
one at a time, he goes out of business,
he dies, you wait him out, but you win.”
Roy Elicker, Attorney, National Wildlife
Federation Counsel
 Individual rights will have to take a back seat to
the collective. Harvey Ruvin, Vice Chairman,
ICLEI. The Wildlands Project Harvey Ruvin is
now the City Clerk in Miami-Dade Co, FL
 “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the
industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our
responsibility to bring that about?” Maurice
Strong, founder of the UN Environment
 How fortunate for governments that the people
they administer don't think. Adolph Hitler
America Don’t Forget
 “Private property and freedom are inseparable.” George
 “To give a man his life, but deny him his liberty, is to take
from him all that makes his life worth living. To give him his
liberty, but take from him the property which is the fruit and
badge of his liberty, is to still leave him a slave.” George
Sutherland, Associate Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court
 “When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually
to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly
preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.” Dresden
 “Property must be secured, or liberty cannot exist.” John
 “Sustainability has less to do with the environment, and
everything to do with economics. It is an attack on
capitalism, and an attack on Americas middle class
lifestyle.” American Thinker 10/28/09 Carroll Co.
Commissioner Richard Rothschild
What Successes Have Occurred?
 Carroll County, MD - cancelled its membership in
ICLEI, removed the entire department set up to
implement Sustainable Development (2/11)
 Montgomery County, PA - cancelled their
membership in ICLEI - Sustainable Development
Plan stopped (3/11)
 Edmond, OK - after public outcry at a 3/7/11
meeting ICLEI membership was cancelled on
 Bradley County/City of Cleveland - vote on plan
delayed (4/11)
 South Carolina state Supervisor of the
Education (Dr. Zais) refused federal funds for
Race To The Top (5/11)
 8 other ICLEI memberships have been cancelled
What Abuses of Power Have Occurred
 6/09/11 President Obama passes EO 13575 The White House
Rural Council
 In Sonoma, CA there are 1500 miles of county roads. The
residents have been advised the county will no longer maintain
1350 miles of those roads. The plan is to cut off more and
more services to rural communities forcing them to move into
walkable cities.
 People are being sited for what the city considers junk on their
 Some cities residents must get a permit to plant a tree or cut
down a tree on their own property.
 Water has been cut off to the Central Valley in CA
 Miami-Dade, FL - farmers and rural homeowners are faced with
property be reclassified as Wet Lands
 Due to the efforts of American Stewards of Liberty and citizens
in TX The Trans Texas Corridor was stopped. I35 was stopped
but I69 was renamed and the plan changed and is being
What Will You Choose?
Sustainable Development??
(Equal Justice)
Sustainable Freedom??
(Individual Justice)