Transcript Slide 1

Detox for Health and Weight Off
Disease starts in the colon has been told to me by every teacher in the arena of health
& well-ness.
Seasonal detoxs are very beneficial to the entire body, 4 times a year. A month long
commitment will result in weight loss, lowered blood pressure , cholesterol and
blood sugar.
The Cleansing Trio has been my starting point since 1995. I first detox the colon with
ComforTone caps, anywhere from 1 to 5 until I get 3 GREAT bowel movements
per day. At that level of success, I add 3-4 detox drinks using ICP, an intestinal
cleansing powder in water or juice to increase the volume of fecal matter.
During this cleanse I eat lots of fruits and vegetables and 1-2 scoops of Balance
Complete with each meal.
Essentialzyme tabs – 2 per meal.
I eliminate all dairy, meat, alcohol and when I do eat meat or dairy after the cleanse, I
only eat organic food without steroids, hormones and chemicals as these
additives are weight gaining.
Drink lots and lots of pure water with citrus oils in it to facilitate the release of toxins
from the body and start the day with warm water and lemon juice & lemon oil.
Toxic colon
Liver congestion
Improper digestion, with a build-up of dried mucus
Dehydration – especially in the sinus cavities
Skin signs: brown spots, acne, drab skin color and pigmentation
My journey to wellness in 1988 , systemic candida from an
Restore colon good bacteria with Life 5 pro-biotic.
Rehemogen herbal tincure with red clover herb
Melrose oil blend: 10-20 drops in capsule, 3-4 x’s daily for a
week, very aggressive treatment
Other forms of fungus are athletes foot, dandruff, tinea
versicolor, toe nail fungus. A white coated tongue is indicative
of systemic candida. Avoid sugar and white flour to eliminate
cravings. see a live video with Dr. Tullio
The Five Day Nutritive Cleanse
This five day cleanse is simple and effective with no side effects like
feelings of weakness, headache, halitosis,or cravings.
It is so simple and here is an example of each day:
Breakfast: 2 scoops of Balance Complete in water or milk or milk
substitute, with 2 oz. of NingXia Red infusion and 1 Digest & Cleanse
capsule. Only fresh fruit and vegetables can be eaten when hungry.
Lunch: Same
Dinner: Same
After the 5 days, one may substitute the Balance Complete and
NingXia for one meal or two.
The Balance Complete 2 scoops has 11 grams of fiber and will greatly
assist in elimination.
Add ComfoTone capsules if needed for elimination or 2 Tab. of ground
flax soaked in your NingXia Red
The Fat Flush Plan by Ann Lousie Gittleman, Ph.D.
– The five hidden weight gain factors: Ignored or overlooked,
the five hidden weight gain factors include:
– An overworked liver
– Lack of fat-burning fats,
– Too much insulin
– The fat-stressed cycle
– A unique take on when a “fat is not a fat” flax & primrose
– Medications & herbs that can harm the liver: ibuprofen,
cholesterol lowering drugs, antidiabetic drugs, triglyceride
lowering drugs, anticonvulsants, estrogens used to treat
menopausal symptoms and birth control drugs.
– Herbs: chaparral, comfrey and pennyroyal
Reference books
“Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management”
Bernard Jensen, D.C. Ph.D., Nutritionist
Colon Health: The key to a vibrant life
By Norman W. Walker, D.Sc., Ph.D.
The Cure For All Disease
By Hulda Regehr Clark Ph.D., N.D.
Liver has the word “live” in it. It has hundreds of functions including filtering 2 pints of blood every 60
seconds. After successful colon cleansing I take 2 JuvaTone on an empty stomach. Start slowly with one
cap and increase to desired amount.
Let me share with you the power house ingredients in Juva Tone. Choline bitartrate has been used in the
treatment of many liver disorders, including elevated cholesterol levels, viral hepatitis and cirrhosis. Inositol
helps the liver rid itself of fat and bile. DI-methionine is one of the most powerful antioxidants in the body
and especially important to protect the liver.
Herbs: Oregon grape root, dandelion root, alfalfa sprouts, echinacea root, and parsley.
Esssential oils: geranium, German chamomile, rosemary, lemon, blue tansy,& myrtle.
Juva Flex can be placed in capsules and taken internally or rubbed over the liver.
Juva Cleanse oil , helichrysum, celery seed , ledum oils
Research as documented the antioxidant and liver protective properties.
JuvaPower, 8 oz. of powder add to liquid to assist liver detox.
GLF oil blend in capsules for liver and gall bladder.
Lemon juice in warm water to start the day.
Peppermint oil in water assists in opening the biliary ducts of the liver.
Use with caution with high blood pressure and pregnancy
Liver continued
My advice to you is to honor your body.
The products do not make you sick, your organs are
the culprit. If you stop the supplements, you stop the
cleansing process and the toxins go back down to a
deep level in your body tissue. You may slow down
the process, but do not stop until you have taken
one bottle of JuvaTone, # 3214, 150 caps, $ 30.75
A simple herbal blend of dandelion & milk thistle is a
great support for the liver.
Liver Flush by Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D.
Where’s the washroom I need to detoxify?
Oils to Release the emotions
If angry, the emotions may stagnate the liver.
Use Release, Forgivness , or Purification and
rub over liver.
 The liver is under the right breast.
 Use oil of choice followed with a warm
compress placed over liver.
 The Forgiveness Prayer daily for 40 days
and it starts with yourself.
Infrared Sauna
Kidney & Bladder Health
In Chinese medicine, as we age, our kidneys need more support.
Always support the entire body with your NingXia Red.
K & B herbal tincture: a great herbal and essential oil blend of juniper,
parsley, uva-ursi, dandelion, German chamomile, Royal jelly, geranium,
fennel, clove, Roman chamomile, sage, juniper.
Cranberry juice or EmerGen C with cranberry & 1,000 mg. Vit C
If you are on lots of medications, have knee pain, or suffer from
frequent urinary infections, try a kidney cleanse for 1 month.
According to Chinese medicine, the best time to build up the kidneys is
in the wintertime.
The emotion of FEAR can affect the kidneys, and of course, being
p___________ed off adds to the situation.
I have taken 5 drops each of Lemongrass & Juniper in a capsule
Daily to detox my kidney & bladder for several weeks.
Savory Drink or ???
Heart Health
We can only detoxify our heart of destructive acts, and emotions. When my
heart hurts for any reason, I take the herbal blend of HRT, the herbs of
hawthorne berry, garlic, lobelia, cayenne, & royal jelly.
I prefer to use the AromaLife and Joy oil blends to apply over my heart area and
the triple warmer points of my body.
My heart loves Mega Cal, a 1.1 mixture of calcium and magnesium. I also take
extra magnesium & potassium for a steady heartbeat, muscle relaxation, and
the 300 metabolic functions that magnesium supports in my body.
In the last 50 years, did you know that we have 34% less calcium and 24% less
magnesium in our diets today?
If bones are an issue, take 4,000 IU of Vit D daily; (FDA guide line).
This is the “happiness hormone”, Vit D and who couldn’t use more of this?
We get natural Vit D from the sun and fatty fish oil, like our Omega Blue .
Now let’s go over the individual essential oils to support the heart.
Ylang, Ylang, cypress, marjoram, lavender
High Blood Pressure
I recently noticed that my blood pressure was increasing and after
exploring the possible causes, I came up with the need to detoxify my
body of heavy metals. I took several droppers of Chelex tincture in
water several times a day. The Helichrysum in Chelex is proven to
bind to heavy metals and they get released through the avenues of
elimination, like stool and urine.
I used AromaLife and Palo Santo everyday on my wrists and neck ,
finding this to be most calming for my life style.
I increased my magnesium intake as this supports blood pressure.
Fifteen years ago, my blood pressure spiked and the only thing I knew
to take was a homeopath called Cadium and in three weeks everything
returned to normal. This I learned from Hulda Regehr Clark Ph.D, N.D.
De-bugging or Parasite Cleanse
Para Free , 190 capsule blend of black cumin, thyme, clove,
anise, nutmeg, fennel, vetiver, Idaho Tansy, Melaleuca, bay
laurel. Take 21 days – rest 7days
Di Gize oil blend is for animals and humans, tarragon, ginger,
peppermint, juniper, anise, fennel, lemongrass,and patchouli to
the bottom of feet for release of parasites. Use in retention
enema and rub on tummy for any digestive discomfort, like
dyspepsia, flatulence, intestinal spasms, sluggish digestion,
nausea, motion sickness, food poisoning.
Herbal blends of black walnut,and garlic tincture assist in
parasite cleanse.
Clove oil internally, Inner Defense and Longevity caps to
suppress new eggs from birthing.
I used to have arthritis and here is what I did. As scientists
around the world know, a single celled parasite known as
amoeba is the cause. I took an amoeba homeopathic and used
Peppermint and Believe blend on my joints for comfort.
I believe in taking a good herbal blood cleansing remedy like
Rehemogen tincture.
4 aches remedy: Apply the oil of Pan Away, Relieve It, Believe
or wintergreen first to area. Follow with an equal mixture of
lavender/lemongrass. If muscles are involved use basil or
marjoram next in layering. Now, seal with either Ortho Sport or
Ortho Ease massage oil blend.
For internal inflammation take Omega 3 fish oil. (Omega Blue )
Dental solutions for comfort
Heavy Metals try Chelex herbal tincture.
Helichrysum, French Medicinal uses: chelating agent
for blood cleansing, metallics, chemicals & toxins.
Cilantro herb for mercury poisoning
Sensitive teeth, use the Thieves oral care products.
Clove oil has up to 85% eugenol compound which is
an analgesic, used by dentistry.
When I have TMJ issues, I use oil blend of Valor and
follow with wintergreen over jaw
Lungs & Colon pair organs
Did you know that the Chinese believe that the lungs and colon are pair
organs? What this means is that one affects the other.
Do you have frequent colds and congestion?
Do you get excess mucus from dairy or GMO food like wheat?
My favorite herbs for the mucus condition is a mixture of fenugreek and
thyme and lobelia.
Oil blends of RC and Raven or any eucalyptus oil is a great comfort to
my lungs whether I have a cold or just plain coughing.
Horseradish is a great de-congestant of mucus or sinus .
Did the mucus begin in the colon and now affects the lungs?
Many find relief from doing the 10 day lemonade/maple syrup/ cayenne
cleanse to decongest the whole body. It will alkalynize the entire body.
Green Lemonade
Have you heard of eating “raw food”?
After taking a raw foods class, I decided that there was one thing I could do daily
and that was to make a raw food drink.
Raw food alkalynizes the entire body.
Read “Green For Life” by Victoria Boutenko
The Raw Food Detox Diet by Natalia Rose
In my Vita- Mix blender I start with juice of one /half lemon
A handful of kale, spinach, or other greens and water to cover plus some sort of
sweetener, like ½ banana, apple or several dates or figs which have been
soaked for at least 1 hour, 1 inch of fresh ginger optional. This needs to be
blended at high speed to achieve a liquid state. Chew the greens, they are good
for you.
My body is very acid/alka neutral and my bowel habits have changed for the
better. No more heartburn, less indigestion, no pain in my joints.
Karen Balistreri, Certified Aromacologist
Contact: Karen Balistreri, Young Living Platinum Star # 1273
262-236-0085 Cell 262-227-9874