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E - Commerce
Electronic Commerce
Definitions and Concepts
M. Mulyana Mubarak
Tujuan :
• Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui
definisi dan konsep dari ECommerce
• Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui
Dimensi dari E-Commerce
• Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui
Framework E-Commerce
• Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui
Klasifikasi dari E-Commerce
• William J. Buffan. E-Business and IS Solutions.
Addison-Wesley. 2000
• Harman, P., Rosen, M., Guttman, M., Developing
E-Business Systems & Architectures. Morgan
Kaufmann Publishing. 2001
• Harrington. Business Process Improvement.
McGraw-Hill. Inc., 1991
• Turban, et al., Electronic Commerce. Prentice
Hall International. 2001
Definitions and Concepts
• E-commerce didefinisikan dari
perspektif-persepektif berikut ini:
– Communications: penyampaian barang,
jasa, informasi atau pembayaran melalui
jaringan komputer atau alat-alat
elektronik lainnya
– Commercial (trading): memungkinkan
untuk melakukan pembelian dan
penjualan produk, servis dan informasi
melalui internet dan layanan online
Definitions and Concepts
• Business process: menjalankan bisnis
secara elektronik dengan melakukan
setiap tahapan bisnis secara utuh
melalui jaringan elektronik, sehingga
informasi bisnis secara fisik tergantikan
oleh sistem ini.
• Service: alat yang menunjukkan segala
hal terkait pemerintah, perusahaan,
konsumen dan management dengan
tujuan untuk memangkas biaya layanan
namun tetap mempertahankan kualitas
layanan konsumen serta meningkatkan
kecepatan layanan
Definitions and Concepts
• Learning: sangat dimungkinkan untuk
digunakan dalam program pelatihan dan
pendidikan secara online bagi siswa sekolah,
perguruan tinggi dan organisasi lainnya
termasuk organisasi bisnis
• Collaborative: sarana / kerangka yang bisa
digunakan untuk kolaborasi antar organisasi
dan internal organisasi
• Community: sebagai sarana berkumpulnya
anggota suatu komunitas untuk saling belajar,
bertransaksi dan berkolaborasi/bekerjasama
Definitions and Concepts
• e-business: pendefinisian EC secara
luas, yang mencakup:
– Pembelian dan Penjualan Barang dan
– Layanan Pelanggan
– Bekerjasama dengan partner bisnis
– Pelaksanaan Transaksi secara Elektronik
dalam suatu organisasi
Definitions and Concepts
Pure vs. Partial EC tergantung pada tingkat
digitalisasi (yaitu proses perubahan dari
fisik ke digital) dari:
1. Produk yang dijual;
2. Prosesnya; dan
3. Agen Distribusi (atau perantara digital)
• Brick-and-Mortar organizations
merupakan bentuk organisasi ekonomi
terdahulu yang menjalankan bisnisnya
secara off-line, menjual produk secara
fisik melalui agen-agen yang berbentuk
fisik pula.
Definitions and Concepts
• Organisasi Virtual menjalankan aktivitas
bisnisnya secara online
• Click-and-mortar organizations
menjalankan beberapa aktivitas EC, tapi
bisnis utamanya tetap dalam bentuk fisik
• Electronic market (e-marketplace)
merupakan tempat bisnis online
dimana pembeli dan penjual
berjumpa untuk saling
mempertukarkan barang, jasa dan
Definitions and Concepts
• Interorganizational information
systems (IOSs) memungkinkan
terjadinya proses transaksi dan arus
informasi antara dua atau lebih
• Intraorganizational
information systems
memungkinkan aktivitas EC
berlagnsung di antara
individu dalam sebuah
Exhibit 1.1: The Dimensions of
Electronic Commerce
The EC Framework,
Classification, and Content
• Two major types of e-commerce:
– business-to-consumer (B2C) : online
transactions are made between
businesses and individual consumers
– business-to-business (B2B):
businesses make online transactions
with other businesses
intrabusiness EC: EC conducted inside an
organization (e.g., business-to-employees
The EC Framework,
Classification, and Content
• Computer environments
– Internet: global networked
– Intranet: a corporate or government
network that uses Internet tools,
such as Web browsers, and Internet
– Extranet: a network that uses the
Internet to link multiple intranets
EC Framework
• EC applications are supported by
infrastructure and by five support
Public policy
Marketing and advertising
Support services
Business partnerships
Exhibit 1.2: A Framework for
Electronic Commerce
Classification of EC by
Transactions or Interactions
• business-to-consumer (B2C) :
online transactions are made
between businesses and
individual consumers
• business-to-business (B2B):
businesses make online
transactions with other
• e-tailing: online retailing, usually
Classification of EC by
Transactions or Interactions
• business-to-business-to-consumer
(B2B2C): e-commerce model in which a
business provides some product or
service to a client business that
maintains its own customers
• consumer-to-business (C2B):
e-commerce model in which individuals
use the Internet to sell products or
services to organizations or individuals
seek sellers to bid on products or
services they need
Classification of EC by
Transactions or Interactions
• consumer-to-consumer (C2C):
e-commerce model in which
consumers sell directly to other
• peer-to-peer (P2P): technology
that enables networked peer
computers to share data and
processing with each other
directly; can be used in C2C, B2B,
and B2C e-commerce
Classification of EC by
Transactions or Interactions
• mobile commerce (m-commerce):
e-commerce transactions and
activities conducted in a wireless
• location-based commerce (lcommerce): m-commerce
transactions targeted to individuals
in specific locations, at specific
Classification of EC by
Transactions or Interactions
• intrabusiness EC: e-commerce category
that includes all internal organizational
activities that involve the exchange of
goods, services, or information among
various units and individuals in an
• business-to-employees (B2E): ecommerce model in which an organization
delivers services, information, or products
to its individual employees
Classification of EC by
Transactions or Interactions
• collaborative commerce (c-commerce):
e-commerce model in which individuals
or groups communicate or collaborate
• e-learning: the online delivery of
information for purposes of training or
• exchange (electronic): a public
electronic market with many buyers
and sellers
Classification of EC by
Transactions or Interactions
• exchange-to-exchange (E2E): ecommerce model in which electronic
exchanges formally connect to one
another the purpose of exchanging
• e-government: e-commerce model in
which a government entity buys or
provides goods, services, or
information to businesses or
individual citizens