Transcript Document

Increased support from
Jobcentre Plus –
Autumn 2009
Aim of the Event
To provide you with the latest information on the
help and support available to Jobcentre Plus
customers including:
Young Person’s Guarantee - Future Jobs
Fund (FJF) and Routes into Work (RiW);
Flexible New Deal (FND)
DWP Carer’s Strategy; and
Mental Health Co-ordinator
Autumn 2009
Merseyside Position – October 2009
Autumn 2009
JSA register
Off flows
What we achieved since April
Recruited additional staff, current headcount stands at 1596, with
an additional 146 to be recruited by 31st December.
Temporary staff contracts extended to 31st March 2010.
Estates – we are working on increasing our service delivery for
example; interviews being conducted in partner premises, building
works in some offices to increase desk space,
10,232 people have started work via Local Employment
Were the 1st district in NW to get our FJF vacancies on LMS &
also 1st to place a young person into a FJF job.
Supported 53 companies during redundancy situations, declaring
3017 redundancies.
Set up an extended partnership working team – Ways 2 Work in
West Everton
Autumn 2009
Support introduced in April 2009
Day 1
1 hour Jobcentre Plus led Group Jobsearch Sessions
1-2-1 Coaching Sessions
Specialist provider led support for professional & executive
1 day jobsearch seminars with contracted providers for nonprofessionals
6 month offer
£1,000 recruitment subsidy
Extra funding for work-focused training
Work-focused volunteering options
Help for customers that are looking to set-up and run their own
Autumn 2009
Increased support from autumn 2009
Support for young people
 Future Jobs Fund / Young Person’s Guarantee
 Pathways for under-25s on IB
Support for 12 month unemployed
 Flexible New Deal
Support for lone parents
 Options & Choices events for more parents
Autumn 2009
Increased support for young people
From day one of JSA claim:
 Group jobsearch sessions early in claim – from September
 Work trials access from day one of claim – from September
 Mentoring support from day one of claim – by end of 2009
After three months on JSA:
 Work experience placements – 2 weeks max – by end of 2009
 Extra hour of one-to-one Adviser between 3 & 6 months on JSA –
from January 2010
After six months on JSA:
 Internships – for graduates and non-graduates – by end of 2009
Autumn 2009
Young Person’s Guarantee
Guaranteed job, training or meaningful other activity for all 18-24 year
olds before they reach 12months on Jobseekers Allowance
Four elements:
 Routes into Work
 Future Jobs Fund
 Work-focused Training
 Community Task Force
The Young Person’s Guarantee will be fully effective from early 2010
–mandatory from April 2010.
Autumn 2009
Routes into Work
Provides help for young people to get a permanent job in a key
employment sector. Sector-specific pre-employment training
available if required. Employers may receive a recruitment subsidy.
Autumn 2009:
 Retail
 Hospitality, leisure, travel & tourism
 Adult social care – three pilot schemes
January 2010
 Adult social care – national
 Facilities management
 Security
More to come by April 2010
Autumn 2009
Future Jobs Fund
Future Jobs Fund
These are real jobs, paying at least national minimum wage, for at
least 25 hours a week, and lasting at least six months.
They are new jobs that would not have happened without the Future
Jobs Fund money and must benefit the individual and the local
Aimed at customers who are 18-24s and have been claiming JSA for
6 months. Also on Merseyside for 25+ JSA customers and those 18+
in receipt of other welfare benefits approaching 12 months..
All referrals must be made by Jobcentre Plus Advisers
Since October we have placed 73 customers into FJF jobs
Autumn 2009
Work-focused Training
Work-focused Training
Designed to help to find a sustainable job as quickly as possible.
Young people will work towards a level 2 or 3 qualification (or in
exceptional circumstances to a Skills for Life qualification)
 Young people will be expected to spend either 3 or 6 months in this
training before getting a job.
On Merseyside this will continue to be delivered via the New Deal for
Young People Full Time Education & Training Option until October
Autumn 2009
Community Task Force
Community Task Force
This will offer work experience placements of benefit to the
community, designed to enhance the employability and work related
skills of participants
 It will be flexible and tailored to customer circumstances where
 25 hours a week on placement, plus five hours a week
supplementary support activity
 On Merseyside this will continue to be delivered via the New Deal
for Young People Environment Task Force/Voluntary Sector Options
until October 2010.
Autumn 2009
Jobseeker’s Regime & Flexible New Deal
 On 12th April 2010 Merseyside will become a FND District.
This new replaces existing New Deals – except New Deal for Lone
Parents & New Deal for Partners, which both continue
 Tailored, individual support depending on customer needs and local
employment market requirements
More flexible and personalised help for customers delivered by
contracted providers
4 stage approach
Autumn 2009
Jobseeker’s Regime & Flexible New Deal
Jobcentre Plus
and skills
Fast tracked
Escalating Conditionality
The Flexible New Deal
0 months
Autumn 2009
3 months
6 months
12 months
24 months
What will the customer experience on FND?
Required elements of FND:
 Provider & customer are in regular contact
 Provider & customer agree an action plan
 Four weeks work or work-related activity designed to improve the
customer’s work prospects
 Fortnightly jobsearch reviews at Jobcentre
 FND lasts for 12 months
The content of FND will vary depending on:
 our provider’s programme
 and the support which is tailored to the individual’s needs and the local
employment market requirements
Autumn 2009
Pathways for under-25s on Incapacity Benefit
Pathways to Work
This programme helps people with a health condition or disability into
 Support includes increased Work Focused Interviews with a
Personal Adviser, training courses and rehabilitation programmes.
From 26/10/09
Existing customers aged 18-24 with a continuous claim to Incapacity
Benefit/Employment Support Allowance for 12 months or more
 must attend three mandatory Work Focused Interviews at monthly
 they will be offered the same support and options as all other
Pathways to Work customers
Autumn 2009
Lone Parent changes
Government policy is that work for parents is the best route out of
poverty for children. Therefore parents with older children should
look for work. From 26th October those Lone Parent customers with
their youngest child aged 10 and over
 Will no longer be entitled to claim Income Support solely on the
grounds of being a lone parent
We will contact customers 8 weeks before their Income Support
entitlement ends to invite them to an interview to discuss future
 If they are not in employment when their entitlement ends then they
can make a claim to JSA, or another benefit.
In addition lone parents with their youngest child aged 6 to 8 will be
invited to work-focused interviews every 3 months to prepare them for
changes that will affect them from Oct 2010.
Autumn 2009
Lone Parent changes
Help and support available to Lone Parents includes:
 Options and Choices events to enable them to meet local
employers and find out what work and support is available
 A weekly payment of £40 In Work Credit tax-free in the first year of
 In Work Advisory Support for six months
 Guaranteed job interviews, where possible, once job-ready
 An In-Work Emergency Discretionary Fund for advisers to help
lone parents when required.
Autumn 2009
Increased Support from Jobcentre Plus
Any questions?
Autumn 2009