Transcript Slide 1

Financial Accountability
through the ease of
Self-Service and Internet Native Banner is the website address for Banner Products
User ID is the 7 digit employee ID number.
PIN is initially the employee’s birthdate in
MMDDYY format. Must be changed on
first login. The PIN is a six character
Choose the Finance link to access your budget
Click the link to Budget Queries.
Additional links for more services will be added
as they become available such as Purchase
Requisitions and Budget Transfers.
The Username to access INB is first initial and last name with no
spaces. The password is specific to INB.
Several options are available in the
budget query screen.
Three options currently exist when
creating a new query. The Status by
Account requires various input options
and provides a great amount of
information including click-through links.
Checking or not checking boxes on this screen
determines the columns of information on the
output of your query. At this point, it appears
that the scenario to the left will be the most
It is possible to save queries that you
create. It is suggested that you not save
queries until you have more experience
with the Budget Query function.
Checking the Shared box allows others to use
the Saved Query that is created. We will be
creating standard queries to be shared by all
budget directors.
Click the Continue box to move to the next
Many of the boxes to the left will
be required to access your
departmental information. We
will walk through some of the
common requirements.
Fiscal year is the second year
of the academic year. The
current fiscal year is 2012.
You can select the fiscal year
from the drop down box.
The Fiscal Period is the numbered
month of the fiscal year. November is
the 4th month of the fiscal year , so
Period 4 would be chosen from the drop
down box to access information from
August through November.
Comparison Fiscal Year and Period
should assist as we move forward in this
year and future years.
At this point in time, leave Commitment
Type as All.
Leave the Chart of Accounts set at 1.
The Fund box indicates the Fund
designation you wish to access. The
operating fund is 110000.
Let’s look up a departmental budget.
We’ve entered %Admissions% in the Code Lookup
Our search returned three departments that have
Admissions in the title. The first, 21520, is a rollup
account for the two following departments. The second,
Office of Admissions is the one we want. Let’s click it.
Notice that 21521 now fills the
Department box. If we want to see the
entire budget, we can now click Submit
Don’t forget to be sure the Include
Revenue Accounts box is checked if you
have revenue accounts.
Here’s the result of our budget query.
Blue numbers are click through links to
additional information.
Scroll down to see the remaining accounts
on the page. Each page displays 15
Click the Next 15 button to continue viewing
Note the Original Budget, the Total
Budget after adjustments, the
YearToDate Actual and the Available
Balance. No Encumbrances, PO’s or
Requisitions have been entered.
Let’s click through the actual
expense amount for supplies and
see some details.
Detailed transactions are listed for
the supplies-office account.
The Status by Organizational
Hierarchy allows the roll-up of
departments if you have multiple
levels of departments.
The Quick Query doesn’t require as much
information from you and gives a
snapshot of accounts but does not
provide click-through links to additional
We’ve skipped the report setup
screen and are at the
department information input
Fewer information columns are
presented and no click through links
are provided. This option does
provide a quick snapshot.
Internet Native Banner
Why is it called that and how can it help me?
Accessing restricted funds using INB.
A new browser window will open up with a login
screen that will require your INB login and password.
That would be your first initial and last name without
spaces and your password.
Click Connect.
In the Go To box, enter FGITBAL
and hit the Enter key.
Chart is always 1. Fiscal year
is the last two digits of the
last year in our fiscal years.
For example, 2011-2012 is 12.
Fund is a 6 digit code. Each
budget director with restricted
funds will receive a list of the
funds available.
After keying in the fund
code, click on the Next
Block icon circled above.
The general ledger balances for the account are
shown. Claim on Cash will be the amount this fund
has in the overall Cash Fund. Expenditure Control will
show the expenses this year and Revenue Control will
show the revenues this year. Temp Restricted Fund
Balance is the beginning balance for the fund in this
fiscal year.
Place your cursor in the account
number box for either Expenditure or
Revenue Control and click to highlight
the box. Then, click the Options Menu
The Option menu box pulls down.
Click on Query General Ledger
Activity Info to access activity for
the account highlighted.
Expenditure activity is displayed.
Click the X to close this screen and return to the previous screen.
Enjoy your
Budget Director Access