MSP430 - Parte 2 -

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Transcript MSP430 - Parte 2 -

Mixed Signal Microcontroller – Parte 2
Afonso Ferreira Miguel
Source: slau056d – Texas instruments
There are three types of interrupts:
System reset
(Non)-maskable NMI
Maskable Interrupts
Maskable interrupts are caused by peripherals with
interrupt capability including the watchdog timer
overflow in interval-timer mode.
Each maskable interrupt source can be disabled
individually by an interrupt enable bit, or
all maskable interrupts can be disabled by the
general interrupt enable (GIE) bit in the status
register (SR).
Maskable Interrupts
Interrupt Acceptance
Any currently executing instruction is completed.
The PC, which points to the next instruction, is pushed onto the stack.
The SR is pushed onto the stack.
The interrupt with the highest priority is selected if multiple interrupts
occurred during the last instruction and are pending for service.
The interrupt request flag resets automatically on single-source flags.
Multiple source flags remain set for servicing by software.
The SR is cleared with the exception of SCG0, which is left
unchanged. This terminates any low-power mode. Because the GIE
bit is cleared, further interrupts are disabled.
The content of the interrupt vector is loaded into the PC: the program
continues with the interrupt service routine at that address.
Maskable Interrupts
Interrupt Acceptance
Maskable Interrupts
Return From Interrupt
The interrupt handling routine terminates with the
RETI (return from an interrupt service routine)
The return from the interrupt execute the following
The SR with all previous settings pops from the stack. All
previous settings of GIE, CPUOFF, etc. are now in effect,
regardless of the settings used during the interrupt service
The PC pops from the stack and begins execution at the point
where it was interrupted.
Maskable Interrupts
Return From Interrupt
Interrupt nesting is enabled if the GIE bit is set inside an interrupt service
routine. When interrupt nesting is enabled, any interrupt occurring during
an interrupt service routine will interrupt the routine, regardless of the
interrupt priorities.
MSP430F449 - Interrupt Vector
MSP430F449 - Interrupt Vector
Interrupts in ASM
MSP430F449 - Interrupt Vector
Interrupts in C
MSP430F449 - Interrupt Vector
Interrupts in C++
definida no
FLL+Clock Module
The frequency-locked loop (FLL+) clock
module supports low system cost and
ultralow-power consumption.
Using three internal clock signals, the user
can select the best balance of performance
and low power consumption.
FLL+Clock Module
LFXT1CLK: Low-frequency/high-frequency oscillator that can be used either
with low-frequency 32768-Hz watch crystals, or standard crystals, resonators, or
external clock sources in 450-kHz to 8-MHz range.
XT2CLK: Optional high-frequency oscillator that can be used with standard
crystals, resonators, or external clock sources in the 450-kHz to 8-MHz range.
DCOCLK: Internal digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) with RC-type
characteristics, stabilized by the FLL.
Four clock signals are available from the FLL+ module:
ACLK: Auxiliary clock. The ACLK is the LFXT1CLK clock source. ACLK is
software selectable for individual peripheral modules.
ACLK/n: Buffered output of the ACLK. The ACLK/n is ACLK divided by 1,2,4
or 8 and only used externally.
MCLK: Master clock. MCLK is software selectable as LFXT1CLK, XT2CLK (if
available), or DCOCLK. MCLK can be divided by 1, 2, 4, or 8 within the FLL
block. MCLK is used by the CPU and system.
SMCLK: Submain clock. SMCLK is software selectable as XT2CLK (if
available), or DCOCLK. SMCLK is software selectable for individual peripheral
FLL+Clock Module
FLL+Clock Module
After a PUC, MCLK and SMCLK are sourced
from DCOCLK at 32 times the ACLK
frequency. When a 32,768-Hz crystal is used
for ACLK, MCLK and SMCLK will stabilize
to 1.048576 MHz.
Timer A
Timer_A is a 16-bit timer/counter with three
or five capture/compare registers.
Timer_A can support multiple
capture/compares, PWM outputs, and interval
timing. Timer_A also has extensive interrupt
Interrupts may be generated from the counter
on overflow conditions and from each of the
capture/compare registers.
Timer A
Timer_A features include:
Asynchronous 16-bit timer/counter with four operating
Selectable and configurable clock source
Three or five configurable capture/compare registers
Configurable outputs with PWM capability
Asynchronous input and output latching
Interrupt vector register for fast decoding of all Timer_A
Timer A
The 16-bit timer/counter
register, TAR, increments
or decrements (depending
on mode of operation)
with each rising edge of
the clock signal.
TAR can be read or
written with software.
Additionally, the timer can
generate an interrupt when
it overflows.
TAR may be cleared by
setting the TACLR bit.
Setting TACLR also clears
the clock divider and
count direction for
up/down mode.
Timer A
Timer Modes
Timer A
Up Mode
The up mode is used if the timer period must be different from
0FFFFh counts.
The timer repeatedly counts up to the value of compare register
TACCR0, which defines the period.
The number of timer counts in the period is TACCR0+1.
When the timer value equals TACCR0 the timer restarts counting
from zero. If up mode is selected when the timer value is greater than
TACCR0, the timer immediately restarts counting from zero.
Timer A
The TACCR0 CCIFG interrupt flag is set
when the timer counts to the TACCR0 value.
The TAIFG interrupt flag is set when the
timer counts from TACCR0 to zero.
Timer A
Registradores Usados
TACTL: Configuração + flags
TACCR0: Valor limite
TAR: Contador
Timer A
Operation Modes
The MSP430 family is designed for ultralow-power
applications and uses different operating modes.
The operating modes take into account three different needs:
Speed and data throughput
Minimization of individual peripheral current consumption
Operation Modes
The low-power modes 0–4 are configured with the CPUOFF, OSCOFF,
SCG0, and SCG1 bits in the SR The advantage of including the CPUOFF,
OSCOFF, SCG0, and SCG1 mode-control bits in the status register is that
the present operating mode is saved onto the stack during an interrupt
service routine.
Entering and Exiting Low-Power
An enabled interrupt event wakes the MSP430 from
any of the low-power operating modes. The program
flow is:
Enter interrupt service routine:
The PC and SR are stored on the stack.
The CPUOFF, SCG1, and OSCOFF bits are automatically reset.
Options for returning from the interrupt service routine:
The original SR is popped from the stack, restoring the previous
operating mode.
The SR bits stored on the stack can be modified within the
interrupt service routine returning to a different operating mode
when the RETI instruction is executed.
Entering and Exiting Low-Power
Entering and Exiting Low-Power
Status Register (SR)
Entering and Exiting Low-Power
“msp430x44x.h” defines
Entering and Exiting Low-Power