Understanding Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hubs

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MASH Understanding Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hubs


What is a MASH?

The MASH brings together a core membership which includes Children’s Social Care, Police, Probation, Education, Housing, Youth Offending Service and Health. These agencies are key components to the process which must encourage them to share fully, and to build bridges to key decision makers e.g. Head teachers • The aim of the MASH is Prevention - to identify risk and harm to allow timely and appropriate interventions • The MASH provides a co-location which allows the tension between privacy and sharing information to be undertaken safely and is seen as a key tool to building strong partnership work to identify vulnerable children earlier.

• The MASH provides a common process, which is adapted to fit locally, to allow clarity on sharing within and between boroughs 2

Essential Criteria for a Mash

(1) There are five core elements that must be included: 1.



All notifications relating to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children go through the hub A collocated team of professionals from core agencies delivering an integrated service with the aim to research, interpret and determine what is appropriate and relevant to share The hub is fire walled, keeping MASH activity confidential and separate from operational activity and providing a confidential record system of activity to support this.

Essential Criteria for a Mash

(2) There are five core elements that must be included: 4.


An agreed process for analysing and assessing risk, based on the fullest information picture and dissemination of a suitable information product to the most appropriate agency for necessary action A process to identify victims and emerging harm through research and analysis.

London Mash Project

The Vision

‘To identify and make safe at the earliest opportunity all vulnerable people in our communities through the sharing of information and intelligence across the safeguarding partnership’ 5

Why do we need MASH?

To improve the sharing of information and intelligence across the safeguarding Partnership.

Workers have a duty of care and decisions to share information are dealt with on a case by case basis within the statutory framework to ensure information is available to make the best decision •

To improve safeguarding and decision making.

MASH is critical to ensuring all partners have the confidence and trust to engage fully in effective working • •

To provide analysis of partnership information to identify harm and future harm

The MASH will provide an agreed process for analysing and assessing risk, based on the fullest information and the dissemination of suitable information will be shared with the most appropriate agency for action.

The Hub is ‘firewalled’ and information disclosed within its confines is treated as secure.

Its activity is confidential and kept separate from operational activity because some information will be sensitive and shared on a ‘need to know’ basis. 6

Will everyone have a MASH?

• The London MASH Project is an ambitious pan-London programme to improve the way that local safeguarding partnerships deal with child protection referrals… Steered by a high level strategic partnership of local government, health, police, probation and the GLA, the ambition is for every borough in London to implement MASH in their own area by the end of the 2013/14 financial year.


Safeguarding best practice

Research indicates that: • Early identification of children's needs provides the best outcomes for children • Early identification of risk has the best impact as its allows agencies to respond quickly with the most effective interventions 8

What will the MASH do?

Pre-MASH process. Provide a multi agency team to screen what threshold level the referral meets Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Assess the threshold level the referral meets using the continuum of need Allocate for investigation to the most suitable agency Allocate for investigation Information gathering and risk assessment 9

The London Continuum of Need

How will it work?

When a referral comes into children’s social care it will be assessed by the MASH team manager, based on the London Continuum of Need and associated prioritisation criteria. It will be coded either Blue, Green Amber or Red.

not suitable and will be screened prior to being considered for MASH (no further action) concerns regarding a child’s wellbeing (CAF/ level 2 services) significant concerns but immediate action to safeguard the child is not required (section 17) (MASH Level 3) potential child protection issue (section 47) (MASH Level 4) 11

The 3 Key outcomes

• Early identification and understanding of risk • Victim identification and intervention • Harm identification and reduction 12

What are the benefits?

S – Safeguarding A – Analysis V – Value Added E - Efficiency

Through sharing our intelligence we can identify vulnerable children and dangerous adults more quickly By breaking down the information we can uncover the common areas such as repeat victims, profiling i.e. themes and traits, helping us to make informed decisions More information to work with, leading to earlier interventions and a confident informed staff One single point for notification, common thresholds and risk assessment used by all agencies, less duplication 13

Partners in MASH

YOT Housing Children’s Social care

Local MASH Team

Health Police Education Probation To be a MASH, it is a requirement that, as a minimum, the partners identified above are co-located or named individual to contact who understands MASH

Local MASH

• Add information about where your MASH is located, for example; • The Head of MASH has day to day management responsibility for the MASH. However, line management arrangements do not change for partner agencies • Each agency will continue to access their own systems in the MASH. There is no requirement to access or learn new systems 15

Local MASH structure chart

• Add structure chart


The MASH process

• Enquiry • Check if child / family open to children’s services • If not an open case... then • Head of MASH decides whether to MASH • Head of MASH – BRAG/RAG rates the case 17

Where will my local MASH be based?

The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub for

(add local information)

will be based at: 18

Set 1 – Exercise 1 A referral was received by the MASH from a neighbour...


Set 1 – Exercise 2 Quiz


For further information….

• http://www.londonscb.gov.uk/mash/ .