Transcript Slide 1

2015 International Workshop on Disaster Reduction & Risk Management
April 14 – 16, 2015
National Taiwan University of Science
and Technology, Taipei City, Taiwan
Call for Posters
In order to consolidate disaster reduction technology from
different agencies in Taiwan, the Ministry of Science and
Technology (MOST) completed planning work for the “National
Disaster Management Platform” in 2009. The plan was
submitted to the National Disaster Reduction Committee in
October 2009 for approval. However, in the aftermath of
Typhoon Morakot that year, the government’s need for the
National Disaster Management Platform became more pressing.
As a result, the Platform was promoted to a higher level within
the government organization, and MOST was charged with its
development and operation in order to ensure the coordination
and sharing across government agencies. In response, MOST,
which plays a key role in the development of science and
technology in Taiwan, initiated a four year (2011-2014) project
called “The MOST Program on Applying Science and Technology
for Disaster Reduction (ASTDR)” to ensure that technological
innovations can be quickly applied to practical disaster reduction
work. In conjunction with the Symposium on the 2011-2014
Outcomes from the ASTDR Program, the 2015 International
Workshop on Disaster Reduction & Risk Management is
organized to share the outcomes of the ASTDR program and
exchange ideas on national disaster reduction and risk
management with international scholars, experts, and
administrators in disaster reduction. The theme of the workshop
is Assessing Disaster Impacts and Response Capabilities. The
workshop will feature keynote and invited presentations with
discussions on this subject and related topics. The posters in the
poster session will address a wide variety of topics related to
Disaster Reduction & Risk Management and provide good
opportunities for more in-depth discussions among participants
during the Workshop.
You are cordially invited to submit a poster for the
2015 International Workshop on Disaster Reduction &
Risk Management Original research posters,
educational and professional case studies, and editorial
essays are all welcome. Posters must be original,
unpublished, and written in English. Abstracts and
posters will be reviewed by the International Program
Advisory Committee. Authors will be notified of the
results via e-mail.
Workshop Chairs
Workshop Chairs:
Chung-Liang Chien
Ministry of Science and Technology
Coordinator of organizing committee:
Kuo-Hsiang Chou
Executive Yuan
Yue-Gau Chen
Hongey Chen
Ministry of Science and Technology
All accepted posters will be published in the printed
conference proceedings and will also be available in
electronic form. At least one author of each accepted
poster is expected to register and present the poster.
Executive secretary :
Shang-Hsien Hsieh
National Taiwan University
Important Dates
Topics of interest for the Workshop include but are not
limited to:
• Enhancing and applying disaster management
information systems
• Strong earthquake scenarios in metropolitan areas
and prevention technology
• Extreme weather disaster risk assessment and
adaptation strategies
• Sediment-related disasters and mitigation
• River basin flood prevention and management
• Infrastructure assessment and monitoring
• Assessing and strengthening disaster response
March 02, 2015
March 16, 2015
March 13, 2015
April 03, 2015
April 07, 2015
April 14-16, 2015
Poster submission Due
Acceptance Notification
Early Registration
Final Posters Due
Final Registration
The workshop will be held at the
International Building, National Taiwan
University of Science and Technology,
Taipei City, Taiwan.
For more information, please contact:
[email protected]