Testing Screw-ups - University of Pennsylvania

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Testing Screw-ups
Howard Wainer
National Board of Medical Examiners
Rudiments of Quality Control
In any large enterprise, errors are inevitable.
Thus the quality of the enterprise must be
judged not only by the frequency and
seriousness of the errors but also by
how they are dealt with once they occur.
I will illustrate my talk today with three
principal examples:
A scoring error that was made by NCS Pearson, Inc. (under
contract to the College Entrance Examination Board) on October
8, 2005 on an administration of the SAT Reasoning test.
A September 2008 report published by the National Association
for College Admission Counseling in which one of the principal
recommendations was for colleges and universities to reconsider
requiring the SAT or the ACT for applicants.
A tragic misuse of the results on the PSSA third grade math test
in an elementary school in southeastern Pennsylvania, where a
teacher was suspended without pay because her class did
unexpectedly well.
One excuse for all of them was the plea that
resources were limited and they couldn’t
afford to do as complete a job as turned
out to be required.
This illustrates what is a guiding axiom,
(it is almost a commandment),
“If you think doing it right is expensive,
try doing it wrong.”
A guiding principle of quality control
In any complex process, zero errors is an
impossible dream.
Striving for zero errors will only inflate your
costs and hinder more important
development (because it will use up
resources that can be more effectively
used elsewhere).
Consider a process that has one error/thousand.
How can this be fixed?
Having inspectors won’t do it, because looking for a
rare error is so boring they will fall asleep and
miss it, or they will see proper things and
incorrectly call them errors.
Having recheckers check the checkers increases the
costs and introduces its own errors.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
As a dramatic example let us consider the accuracy of
mammograms at spotting carcinomas.
Radiologists correctly identify carcinomas in mammograms
about 85% of the time.
But they incorrectly identify benign spots as cancer about 10%
of the time.
To see what this means let’s consider what such errors yield in
Suppose you have a mammogram and it is positive.
What is the probability that you have cancer?
The probability of a false positive 10%
and of a correct positive is 85%.
There are 33.5 million mammograms administered each year
187,000 breast cancers are correctly diagnosed.
That means that there are about 33.3 million women without
cancer getting a mammogram and that 10% (3.33 million) of
them will get a positive initial diagnosis.
Simultaneously, 85% of the 187 thousand women with breast
cancer (159 thousand) will also get a positive diagnosis.
So the probability of someone with a positive
diagnosis actually having cancer is:
159,000/(159,000+3,330,000) = 159/(3,500)
= 4.5%
Or if you are diagnosed with breast cancer
from a mammogram,
more than 95% of the time you do not have
If you are diagnosed negative you
almost certainly are negative.
The best advice one might give someone
considering a mammogram is
“if its negative, believe it;
if it is positive, don’t believe it.”
It is natural to ask is the expense of doing such a
test on so many people worth this level of
Even if it is, it is still worth doing these error
calculations; especially to do them separately by
age/risk group.
Current intelligence strongly suggests that if you
have no other risk factors and are under 50
(under 60?), don’t bother.
This brings us to the QC dictum that,
“You cannot inspect quality into a
product, you must build it in.”
Nowhere is this better illustrated than
with US automobile manufacturing.
Because errors are inevitable,
the measure of the quality of a testing
program must be broader than just the
proportion of times errors are made,
although that is surely one part,
but also the seriousness of the errors,
and, most importantly,
how the errors are dealt with once
they are uncovered.
My experience, gathered over 40 years in the testing business,
has given me the distinct impression that while
technical errors in test scoring, test equating, test calibrating,
and all of the other minutiae that are required
in modern large-scale assessment occur with disappointing
frequency, their frequency and their import are
dwarfed by errors in score interpretation and
misuse; also by errors generated in attempting
to cover-up.
I will illustrate that today.
Example 1. Mis-scoring the SAT
On October 8, 2005 NCS Pearson, Inc., under
contract to the College Entrance Examination
Board, scored an administration of the SAT
Reasoning test.
Subsequently it was discovered that there was a
scanning error that had affected 5,024
examinees’ scores (out of almost 1.5 million).
After rescoring it was revealed that
4,411 test scores were too low and
613 were too high.
The exams that were underscored were revised
upward and the revised scores were reported to
the designated colleges and universities.
The College Board decided that “it would be unfair
to re-report the scores of the 613 test takers”
whose scores were improperly too high and hence
did not correct them.
A motion for a preliminary injunction to force the
re-scoring of these students’ tests was then filed
in the United States District Court for the
District of Minnesota
(Civil Action no, 06-1481 PAM/JSM).
The College Board reported that:
“550 of 613 test takers had scores that were
overstated by only 10 points; an additional
58 had scores that were overstated by
only 20 points.
Only five test takers,…, had score
differences greater than 20 points,”
(three had 30 point gains, one 40 and one 50).
Why not correct the errors?
What were the statistical arguments used by
College Board to not revise the erroneously
too-high scores?
1. “None of the 613 test takers had overstated scores
that were in excess of the standard error of
measurement” or (in excess of)
2.“the standard error of the difference for the SAT.”
3.“More than one-third of the test takers – 215 out of
613 – had higher SAT scores on file”
A statistical expansion
The College Board’s argument is that if two
scores are not significantly different (e.g.
10-30 points) they are not different.
This is often called,
“The margin of error fallacy”
If it could be, it is.
An empirical challenge
Let me propose a wager aimed at those who buy the College
Board argument. Let us gather a large sample, say 100,000
pairs of students, where each pair go to the same college
and have the same major, but one has a 30 point higher
(though not statistically significantly different) SAT score.
If you truly believe that such a pair are indistinguishable you
should be willing to take either one as eventually earning a
higher GPA in college.
So here is the bet – I’ll take the higher scoring one
(for say $10 each).
The amount of money I win (or lose) should be an indicant of
the truth of the College Board’s argument.
Tests have three possible goals:
They can be used as:
1. measuring instruments,
2. contests, or
3. prods.
Sometimes tests are asked to serve multiple purposes,
but the character of a test required to fulfill one of
these goals is often at odds with what would be
required for another.
But there is always a primary purpose, and a specific
test is usually constructed to accomplish its primary
goal as well as possible.
A typical instance of tests being used for
measurement are diagnostic tests that probe
an examinee’s strengths and weaknesses with
the goal of suggesting remediation.
For tests of this sort the statistical
machinery of standard errors is of obvious
importance, for one would want to be sure
that the weaknesses noted are likely to be
real so that the remediation is not chasing
A test used as a contest does not require such
machinery, for the goal is to choose a winner.
Consider, as an example, the Olympic 100m dash – no
one suggests that a difference of one-hundredth of a
second in the finish portends a “significant”
difference, nor that if the race were to be run again
the same result would necessarily occur.
The only outcome of interest is “who won.”
Of key aspect here is that,
the most important characteristic of
test as contest is that it be fair;
we cannot have stopwatches of different speeds on
different runners.
Do these arguments hold water?
The SAT is, first and foremost, a contest.
Winners are admitted, given scholarships, etc.
losers are not.
The College Board’s argument that because the range
of inflated test scores is within the standard error of
measurement or standard error of difference then
the scoring errors are “not material” is specious.
The idea of a standard error is to provide some idea of
the stability of the score if the test should be taken
repeatedly without any change in the examinee’s
But that is not relevant in a contest.
For the SAT, what matters is not what your
score might have been had you taken it many
more times, but rather what your score
actually was – indeed what it was in
comparison with the others who took it and
are in competition with you for admission,
for scholarships, etc.
Gain in percentile rank
Gain in percentile rank associated
with a 10 point gain in score
The results shown in this figure tell us many things.
Two of them are:
A ten-point gain in the middle of the distribution yields a bigger increase
in someone’s percentile rank than would be the case in the tails (to be
expected since the people are more densely packed in the middle and so a
ten-point jump carries you over more of them in the middle), and
The gain can be as much as 3.5 percentile ranks.
But 1,475,623 people took the SAT in 2005, which means that we can scale the figure
in terms of people instead of percentiles.
So very low or very high scoring examinees will move ahead of only four or five thousand other
test takers through the addition of an extra, unearned, ten-points.
But someone who scores near the middle of the distribution (where, indeed, most people are) will
leapfrog ahead of as many as 54,000 other examinees.
Note that the error in scoring was tiny, affecting only a
small number of examinees.
The big problem was caused by the College Board’s
decision to leave erroneous scores uncorrected
to make up some statistical gobbly-gook to try to justify
a scientifically and ethically indefensible position.
Apparently others agreed with my assessment of the validity of the
College Board’s argument, for on August 24, 2007 the New York
Times reported that the College Board and Pearson agreed to
pay $2.85 million ($4,650/person).
This was ratified by Judge Joan Ericksen on November 29,
Edna Johnson, a spokeswoman for the College Board, said,
“We were eager to put this behind us and focus on the future.”
Pearson spokesman Dave Hakensen said the company declined
Example 2.
National Association for College Admission Counseling’s
September 2008 report on admissions testing
On September 22, 2008, the New York Times carried the first of
three articles about a report, commissioned by announcement
by the National Association for College Admission Counseling,
that was critical of the current, widely used, college admissions
exams, the SAT and the ACT. The commission was chaired by
William R. Fitzsimmons, the dean of admissions and financial aid
at Harvard.
The report was reasonably wide-ranging and drew many conclusions
while offering alternatives.
Although well-meaning,
many of the suggestions only make sense
if you say them very fast.
Among their conclusions were:
Schools should consider making their admissions “SAT optional,” that
is allowing applicants to submit their SAT/ACT scores if they wish, but
they should not be mandatory. The commission cites the success that
pioneering schools with this policy have had in the past as proof of
Schools should consider eliminating the SAT/ACT altogether and
substituting instead achievement tests. They cite the unfair effect of
coaching as the motivation for this – they were not naïve enough to
suggest that because there was no coaching for achievement tests now
that, if they became more high stakes coaching for them would not be
offered, but rather that such coaching would be directly related to
schooling and hence more beneficial to education that coaching that
focuses on test-taking skills.
That the use of the PSAT with a rigid qualification cut-score for such
scholarship programs as the Merit Scholarships be immediately halted.
Recommendation 1. Make SAT optional:
It is useful to examine those schools that have instituted “SAT Optional” policies and
see if the admissions process been hampered in those schools.
The first reasonably competitive school to institute such a policy was Bowdoin College,
in 1969.
Bowdoin is a small, highly competitive, liberal arts college in Brunswick, Maine.
A shade under 400 students a year elect to matriculate at Bowdoin, and roughly a
quarter of them choose to not submit SAT scores.
In the following table is a summary of the classes at Bowdoin and five other
institutions whose entering freshman class had approximately the same average
SAT score.
At the other five institutions the students who didn’t submit SAT scores used ACT
scores instead.
Table 1 : Six Colleges/Universities with similar observed mean SAT
scores for the entering class of 1999.
Studen ts
Submitt ed
SAT Scores
Did not
Northwestern Un iversity
Bowdoin College
Carnegie Mel lon University
Barnard College
Georgia Tech
Colby College
Means and tota ls
To know how Bowdoin’s SAT policy is working
we will need to know two things:
How did the students who didn’t submit SAT scores
do at Bowdoin in comparison to those students that
did submit them?
2. Would the non-submitters performance at Bowdoin
have been predicted by their SAT scores had the
admissions office had access to them?
The first question is easily answered by looking at their first
year grades at Bowdoin.
Bowdoin students who did not send their SAT scores performed
worse in their first year courses than those who did submit them
All students
SAT scores
Did not submit
SAT scores
First Year Grade Point Average
We see that non-SAT submitters did about a
standard dev iation worse than stude nts who did
submit SAT scores.
We can conclude that if the admissions office were using
other variables to make up for the missing SAT scores,
those variables did not contain enough information to
prevent them from admitting a class that was
academically inferior to the rest.
But would their SAT scores have provided information missing
from other submitted information?
Ordinarily this would be a question that is impossible to answer,
for these students did not submit their SAT scores.
However all of these students actually took the SAT, and
through a special data-gathering effort at the Educational
Testing Service we found that the students who didn’t
submit these scores behaved sensibly.
And, realizing that their lower than average scores would not
help their cause at Bowdoin, chose to not submit them.
Here is the distribution of SAT scores for those who
submitted them as well as those who did not.
Those students w ho don't submi t SAT scores to Bow doi n score about 120
poi nts low er than those w ho do submi t thei r scores
S ubmitted
As it turns out, the SAT scores for the students who did not submit them
would have accurately predicted their lower performance at Bowdoin.
In fact the correlation between grades and SAT scores was higher for those
who didn’t submit them (0.9) than for those who did (0.8).
So not having this information does not
improve the academic performance of
Bowdoin’s entering class – on the contrary
it diminishes it.
Why would a school opt for such a policy?
Why is less information preferred to more?
There are surely many answers to this, but one is seen in an augmented
version of the earlier table 1:
All Students
Did Not Submit
Bowdoin College 379
Carnegie Mellon University 1,132
Barnard College 419
Georgia Tech 1,667
Northwestern University 1,654
Colby College 463
Means and totals
We see that if all of the students in Bowdoin’s entering class
had their SAT scores included, the average SAT at
Bowdoin would shrink from 1323 to 1288, and instead of
being second among these six schools
they would have been tied for next to last.
Since mean SAT scores are a key component in
school rankings, a school can game those rankings
by allowing their lowest scoring students to not be
included in average.
I believe that Bowdoin’s adoption of this policy predates US News & World Report’s rankings, so that
was unlikely to have been their motivation,
but I cannot say the same thing for schools that
have chosen such a policy more recently.
Recommendation 2. Using Achievement Tests Instead
Driving the Commission’s recommendations was the notion that the
differential availability of commercial coaching made admissions testing
They recognized that the 100 point gain (on the 1200 point SAT scale)
coaching schools often tout as a typical outcome was hype and agreed with
the estimates from more neutral sources of about 20 points was more likely.
But, they deemed even 20 points too many.
The Commission pointed out that there was no wide-spread coaching for
achievement tests, but agreed that should the admissions option shift to
achievement tests the coaching would likely follow.
This would be no fairer to those applicants who could not afford extra
coaching, but at least the coaching would be of material more germane to
the subject matter and less related to test-taking strategies.
One can argue with the logic of this – that a test that is less
subject oriented and related more to the estimation of a
general aptitude might have greater generality.
And that a test that is less related to specific subject matter
might be fairer to those students whose schools have more
limited resources for teaching a broad range of courses.
I find these arguments persuasive, but I have no data at hand
to support them.
So instead I will take a different, albeit more technical, tack –
the psychometric reality associated with replacing general
aptitude tests with achievement tests means that making
the kinds of comparisons that schools need among different
candidates impossible.
When all students take the same tests we can compare their scores on the
same basis.
The SAT and ACT were constructed specifically to be suitable for a wide range
of curricula.
SAT–Math is based on mathematics no more advanced than 8th grade.
Contrast this with what would be the case with achievement tests.
There would need to be a range of tests and students would chose a subset of
them that best displayed both the coursework they have had and the areas
they felt they were best in.
Some might take chemistry, others physics;
some French, others music.
The current system has students typically taking three achievement tests
How can such very different tests be scored so that the outcome on different
tests can be compared?
Do you know more French than I know
Was Mozart a better composer than
Einstein was a physicist?
How can admissions officers make
sensible decisions through
incomparable scores?
How are SAT-II exams scored currently?
Or more specifically, how they had been scored for decades when I left the employ of ETS
nine years ago – I don’t know if they have changed anything in the interim.
They were all scored on the familiar 200-800 scales, but similar
scores on two different tests are only vaguely comparable.
How could they be comparable?
What is currently done is that tests in mathematics and science are
roughly equated using the SAT-Math, the aptitude test that
everyone takes, as an equating link.
In the same way tests in the humanities and social sciences are
equated using the SAT-Verbal.
This is not a great solution, but is the best that can be done in a very
difficult situation.
Comparing history with physics is not worth doing for even moderately
close comparisons.
One obvious approach would be to norm reference each test, so that
someone who scores average for all those who take a particular test
gets a 500 and someone a standard deviation higher gets a 600, etc.
This would work if the people who take each test were, in some sense, of
equal ability.
But that is not only unlikely, it is empirically false.
The average student taking the French achievement test would starve to
death in a French restaurant, whereas the average person who takes
the Hebrew achievement test, if dropped onto the streets of Tel
Aviv in the middle of the night would do fine.
Happily the latter students also do much better on the SAT-VERBAL
test and so the equating helps.
This is not true for the Spanish test, where a substantial portion of
those taking it come from Spanish speaking homes.
Substituting achievement tests is not a
feasible option unless admissions
officers are prepared to have subject
matter quotas.
Too inflexible for the modern world I
Recommendation 3. Halt the use of a cut-score on
the PSAT to qualify for Merit Scholarships
One of the principal goals of the Merit Scholarship program is to
distribute a limited amount of money to highly deserving students
without regard to their sex, ethnicity, or geographic location.
This is done by first using a very cheap and wide ranging screening
The PSAT is dirt-cheap and is taken by about 1.5 million students
The Commission objected to a rigid cut-off on the screening test.
They believed that if the cut-off was, say, at a score of 50, we could
not say that someone who scored 49 was different enough to
warrant excluding them from further consideration.
They suggested replacing the PSAT with a more thorough and
accurate set of measures for initial screening.
The problem with a hard and fast cut score is one that has plagued
testing for more than a century.
The Indian Civil Service system, on which the American Civil Service
system is based, found a clever way around it.
The passing mark to qualify for a civil service position was 20.
But if you received a 19 you were given one ‘honor point’ and qualified.
If you scored 18 you were given two honor points, and again qualified.
If you scored 17, you were given three honor points, and you qualified.
But if you scored 16 you did not qualify, for you were four points away.
I don’t know exactly what the logic was behind this system,
but I might guess that experience had shown that anyone
scoring below 17 was sufficiently unlikely to be successful in
obtaining a position,
that it was foolish to include them in the competition.
But having a sharp break at 16 might have been thought too
abrupt and so the method of honor points was concocted.
How does this compare with the Merit Scholarship
The initial screening selects 15,000 (top 1%) from
the original pool.
These 15,000 are then screened much more carefully
using both the SAT and ancillary information to
select down to the 1,500 winners (the top 10% of
the 15,000 semi-finalists).
Once this process is viewed as a whole
several things become obvious:
1. Since the winners are in the top 0.1% of the
population it is dead certain these are all likely to be
enormously talented individuals.
2.There will surely be many worthy individuals that
were missed, but that is inevitable if there is only
money for 1,500 winners.
3.Expanding the initial semifinal pool by even a few
points will expand the pool of semi-finalists
enormously (the normal curve grows exponentially),
and those given the equivalent of some PSAT “honor
points” are extraordinarily unlikely to win anyway,
given the strength of the competition.
What about making the screening a more rigorous process – rather
than just using the PSAT scores?
Such a screening must be more expensive, and to employ it as widely
would, I suspect, use up much more of the available resources
leaving little or nothing for the actual scholarships.
The irony is that utilizing a system like that proposed by the
Commission would either have to be much more limited in its initial
reach, or it would have to content itself with giving out many fewer
Of course, one could argue that more money should be raised to do a
better job in initial screening.
I would argue that if more money was available the same method of
allocating should be continued and used to either give out more
scholarships or bigger ones.
This completes more of the reasoning
behind my initial conclusion that some
of the recommendations of the
Commission only made sense if you
said them fast.
I tried to slow things down a bit.
Example 3. High test scores as evidence of cheating?
Each year Pennsylvania students are required to take a set of
standardized exams and the quality of instruction is inferred from
their aggregated scores.
The state as a whole is judged, as are the districts, the schools and
the teachers.
Everyone is exhorted to get the best performance possible out of the
students; but no more than that.
In 2006 in one third-grade class in a middle class district in
southeastern Pennsylvania 16 out of 25 students got perfect scores
on the math portion of the test.
Although the teacher was considered talented and had always done a
fine job in the past, this glittery performance was feared to be too
good to be true.
The school board investigated and brought in an expert from the
University of Pennsylvania (a recent graduate of the Graduate
School of Education) and paid him $200 to take a careful look at
the situation.
He spent the better part of 90 minutes doing just that and declared
that the probability of obtaining a score distribution like this with
just the usual instruction was vanishingly small, leaving open only
cheating as a plausible explanation.
The teacher was suspended without pay and other disciplinary
measures were taken.
The teachers’ union asked a big gun from the outside to look into the
A careful look revealed that the school district should be
ashamed of itself.
First, the PSSA 3rd grade math test has no top.
The distribution of scores is skewed toward the high end.
This is obvious in the frequency distribution of raw scores.
Frequency Distribution of PSSA 3rd grade math scores 2006
5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 3 0 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 7 3 8 3 9 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 4 7 4 8 4 9 5 0 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 7 5 8 5 9 6 0 6 1
Raw Score
Although only 2.03% of all 3rd
graders statewide had
perfect scores of 61 on the test,
about 22% had scores 58 or
There is only a very small
difference in performance
between perfect and very good.
In fact, more than half the children (54%) taking
this test scored 53 or greater.
Thus the test does not distinguish very well among
the best students – few would conclude that a 3rd
grader who gets 58 right out of 61 on a math test
was demonstrably worse than one who got 61 right.
And no one knowledgeable about the psychometric
variability of test scores would claim that such a
score difference was reliable enough to replicate
in repeated testing.
But the figure above is for the entire state.
What about Smith County?
What about John W. Tukey Elementary School?
To answer this we must compare these two areas of interest with the state using the
summary data available to us.
One such summary is shown in the table below:
PSSA 3rd Grade Math 2006
Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic
State PA
Smith County
JWT Elem. Schoo l
From this we see that Smith County does much better
than the state as a whole,
and the John Tukey School better still with fully 97% of its students
being classified as Advanced or Proficient.
There was no concern expressed about the reading test scores, and we
see that on the PSSA Reading test the students of the John Tukey
School did very well indeed.
Read Pseudo Score
Reading and math scores are reasonably highly related (r = 0.9)
and that
although the John Tukey School did very well on both tests they
actually did a little worse on math in 2006 than would have been
predicted by their reading scores, for they are below the regression
Read Pseudo Score
A natural question to ask now is not what the overall
score distribution on math is over the state, but
rather what is the conditional distribution of math
scores for those schools that scored about the same
in reading as the John Tukey School.
This conditional distribution is shown by the shaded
portion in the next figure.
Note that the John
Tukey school is in elite
company, and all
schools in their
company are within
whispering distance of
perfect outcomes.
Math Pseudo Score
Thus if any school is going to have a substantial number
of perfect scores the John Tukey school is surely a
23 non-Jones students with perfect math scores had a
mean reading score of 1549 with a standard error of
Whereas the 16 students in Ms. Jones’s class with
perfect math scores had a mean reading score of 1650
with a standard error of 41.
PSSA Reading Score
Shown on the right is a
graph showing these
The boxes enclose one
standard error of the
mean (68% of the
students under the usual
normal assumption) and
the vertical whiskers
depict the region between
1 and 2 standard errors of
the mean (encompassing
98% of the data under a
normal distribution).
PSSA Reading scores of those students
with perfect Math scores
We can see that Ms. Jones’s students' Reading scores are not below
the reference group's (as would be expected had she intervened).
On the contrary: her 16 perfect math students did significantly
better on Reading than non-Jones students who earned perfect Math
This suggests that Ms. Jones’s students' perfect Math scores are
not inconsistent with their Reading scores.
And, in fact, if the math test had a higher top her students would be
predicted to do better still.
Thus based on the data we have available we cannot reject the
hypothesis that Ms. Jones’s students came by their scores honestly.
Another way to think about this is to predict math scores from reading
scores and then to compare the predicted scores for the students whose
perfect scores are not being questioned to those from Ms. Jones’s class.
The results of this are:
Predicted PSSA math scores for
students who had perfect scores
Note that this plot uses the
regression model based on all
district data except Ms. Jones’s
Once again we see that the students in Ms. Jones’s class who
obtained perfect scores are predicted to do better than those
other students in the district whose perfect scores were
This provides additional evidence against the hypothesis that
the perfect scores obtained by Ms. Jones’s students are not
In short there is no empirical evidence that Ms. Jones’s
students’ scores are any less legitimate than those of students
from other classes in the district.
1. Work hard to avoid screw-ups by setting up processes
that provide ample resources (time, personnel and money)
to do a proper job. Don’t rely on checking to catch errors.
Remember Ford.
2. When screw-ups occur make them as public as necessary.
This will aid in finding their causes and reducing their
likelihood in the future. And fix them.
Remember Pearson and the College Board.
3. Keep an active eye on how your test scores are used and
discourage their misuse; privately at first, publicly if that
doesn’t work.
Remember the National Association for College Admission
Counseling & the John Tukey Middle School.
New directions – Doing Well by Doing Good
Offer (at modest cost – at least to begin
with) a high quality consulting service to
users of your scores on the bounds of
proper usage.