Transcript Slide 1

(Your Presentation/
Paper Title)
(Presenter’s Name)
(Company/Organization Name)
119th Metalcasting Congress
April 21-23, 2015 – Columbus, OH USA
This AFS PowerPoint Presentation Template has been
preformatted to provide font size and color combinations that will
ensure maximum visibility in the large Metalcasting Congress
conference rooms.
For maximum visibility in these large rooms, AFS recommends
that you maintain the setting in this template.
Please follow guidelines in AFS Presenting Author’s Information
when creating this presentation.
Continued on next slide
119th Metalcasting Congress
April 21-23, 2015 – Columbus, OH USA
To create new slides, use the ‘Insert + New Slide’, the new slide
icon or (CTRL+M). The new slide will automatically come up in the
congress format.
You can use the sample slides in this template by importing any
tables, charts, photos or artwork directly into the slide in the
boxes provided. You may also choose your own slide format by
inserting a new slide.
Send your presentation in to AFS prior to Congress. We will have
your presentation loaded on the computer and ready for you when
you arrive.
AFS will provide the computer and the projector. Plan on giving
your presentation from the podium using the AFS laptop computer
119th Metalcasting Congress
April 21-23, 2015 – Columbus, OH USA
All PowerPoint presentations must be submitted to AFS in advance of
the Congress presentation. Your presentation will be reviewed for
adherence to AFS standards. After approval, your presentation will be
pre-loaded on the Congress computer and ready for you to present
when you arrive.
You will be able to review your presentation in the AFS author’s
lounge at anytime during Congress show hours.
All PowerPoint Presentations are due at AFS by February 15th
119th Metalcasting Congress
April 21-23, 2015 – Columbus, OH USA
All presentations must conform to AFS commercialism standards. (see
AFS Author’s Guide for the 2014 Congress)
If you desire, your company logo can be attached to the opening slide
of your presentation only.
No other use of the logo is permitted and will not be allowed on other
Your name and company affiliation will be included in the official
program and on the opening slide for the session. Speaker contact
information may be included on the final slide.
119th Metalcasting Congress
April 21-23, 2015 – Columbus, OH USA
All presentations will be reviewed for commercialism. AFS reserves
the right to modify any presentation to remove commercial references.
If you change or modify your PowerPoint presentation and bring a
revised version (different than the one submitted before the congress)
to AFS staff on-site at the Congress, you will not be able to present
the revised PowerPoint until the presentation has been reviewed for
compliance with the commercialism guidelines. Please provide
adequate time for review.
AFS reserves the right to stop any presentation in progress which
violates the commercialism guidelines.
119th Metalcasting Congress
April 21-23, 2015 – Columbus, OH USA
Please follow these instructions if you plan to use any video
clips in your presentation.
Step 1: Select the “Insert Tab”
Step 2: Within the “Media” pane, select “Video” then
select “Video from File.”
Step 3: Browse for video
Do Not Copy and Paste the File or Video Itself in the PPT File
119th Metalcasting Congress
April 21-23, 2015 – Columbus, OH USA
VIDEO – Cont’d.
All video clips should be submitted in ‘AVI’ or ‘MPEG1’ formats.
Please use standard formats.
(For example AVI files encoded with mpeg4 is not standard and
requires special codes to run.)
File size: 150KB MPEG1 (352x240) is about 10.2MB and runs for
about 1 minute.
119th Metalcasting Congress
April 21-23, 2015 – Columbus, OH USA
For additional information, please
Web Site Address
Your name and company affiliation will be included in AFS
Congress promotional material, in the official program and on the
opening slide for the session. Speaker contact information may be
included on the final slide as indicated above if desired.
119th Metalcasting Congress
April 21-23, 2015 – Columbus, OH USA