Transcript Slide 1

Conference Call Schedule
To support the training you have today, we will hold two conference calls next week to answer any
additional questions and concerns
Conference Call #1
Conference Call #2
Wednesday, September 16
Thursday, September 17
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Dial In: 888-998-2663
Dial In: 888-998-2663
Passcode: 6235253
Passcode: 6235253
We will also distribute a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document based on
your feedback!
Contact Information
Please contact the following people if you have any comments or questions regarding the program
Primary Contact (Until September 19)
 Louis Levine (Deloitte), (312) 513-8166, [email protected]
Additional Trainers / Contacts
 George Colone (McCormick): (773) 271-8400 x 4307, [email protected]
 Khari Humphries (Holy Angels): (773) 268-4819, [email protected]
 Dawn Jimenez (Park Manor): (312) 520-6731, [email protected]
 Sidney Johnson (King): (773) 638-5464, [email protected]
 Jim Pottinger (Cotter): (773) 348-1866, [email protected]
 Erin Rochford (Valentine): (773) 927-7373 x4713, [email protected]
 Juan Saenz (Logan Square): (773) 342-8800 x4210, [email protected]
 LaTrice Smith (GSC): (312) 235-8007, [email protected]
 Katie Huckaby (GSC): (312) 235-8008, [email protected]
 Ezohn Smith (GSC): (312) 235-8006, [email protected]