1 Corinthians

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Transcript 1 Corinthians

1ST Corinthians
Structure – Bird’s Eye View
Chloe’s information– division (1 Cor 1-4)
Immorality (ch. 5)
Law suit (ch. 6)
Male and female (ch. 7)
Freedom (ch. 8)
Spiritual gifts (ch. 12)
Offering of money (ch. 16)
Chapter 1: Greetings (v.1-3)
When was Paul called by Jesus? Why did
Paul address himself as an apostle?
What is an apostle?
When did Paul become an apostle?
What is the concept of a “saint” in the
Where is the church of Corinth?
Chapter 1: Thanksgiving (v.4-9)
Enriched by God (grace from God)
In speech
In all knowledge
Not behind in every gift
Chapter 1: Division of the Church
Information from Chloe: There was division
Belonging to Paul
Belonging to Apollos
Belonging to Peter
Belonging to Christ
Questions: What causes people to have
Questions: How do you solve the problem of
division? (1 Cor 3:21-23; 4:6ff)
Chapter 1: The Salvation of the
Cross (1:18-25)
The cross is the power of God (1:18)
The cross is the wisdom of God (1:21)
To destroy the wisdom of man. (1:19)
Through death to destroy Satan who controls death. (Heb 2:14)
The cross cannot be accepted by man (1:22f)
Win over death. (1 Cor 15:55)
Man can be justified by faith. (Rm3:25)
The Jews wanted miracles, yet Christ was a stumbling rock.
The Greeks wanted wisdom, yet the cross was a fool.
The cross will be accepted by the chosen one (1:24)
Spiritual Wisdom
How surpassing is spiritual wisdom? (2:6-8)
Differs from earthly wisdom (2:6)
Spiritual man can understand (2:6)
Earthly man cannot understand (2:8a)
One cannot see with their eyes, hear with their ears
How to obtain spiritual wisdom? (2:10-12)
The Holy Spirit will reveal to us (2:10)
The Holy Spirit lets us know the things that are freely
given to us (2:12)
Chapter 5: The Church Shall Not
Allow Sexual Immorality
Rebuking the church (5:1f)
Telling the church what to do (5:3-5)
Call the congregation meeting.
In the name of Jesus cast the evil one to Satan.
Telling the church why (5:5-8)
Some one had his father’s wife.
The church was puffed up for her “great love”
The spiritual can be saved, the flesh can be destroyed.
Get rid of yeast.
Telling the church the principles to deal with the evil one
How to deal with the sinners (inside church vs. outside church)
Chapter 6: No Lawsuits Between
Brothers and Sisters
Members shall not seek judgment outside the
It is a fault to sue brothers among you (6:7)
It shames the church - strife among members (6:5)
Demotes the noble status of members (6:2f)
Would you rather suffer yourself for your brother? (Ps
The unrighteousness cannot inherit the kingdom
of God (6:9)
Chapter 6: Be Careful About Your
All things are permissible, but… (6:12; 10:23f)
Food, sex, and body (6:13)
God resurrected Jesus and will resurrect us.
Christ and body (6:15)
Food is for body and body for food, but both perish.
Body is not for fornication, but for the Lord.
Resurrection and body (6:14)
Make sure your body can glorify God.
Make sure your body can edify man.
Make sure your body is not controlled by anything.
Our bodies are members of Christ.
Do not defile body by sexual immorality.
Glorify God with your body (6:18-20)
Chapter 7: Concerning Male and
General rules:
It is better for a man not to touch a woman (7:1)
Men and women shall have their own spouse
Offering sex to your spouse is a duty (7:3)
Praying hard for a short time could be the only
reason of no sex with spouse (7:5)
Chapter 7: Concerning Male and
Singlehood (7:7)
Paul enjoyed his single life. He hoped
others could be like him.(7:7)
 Paul did not order people to be single (7:6)
 One needs to have the gift to remain single.
If no gift, better get married (7:8f; Mt 19:11)
Chapter 7: Concerning Male and
One shall not have divorce (7:10f) unless it
has to do with adultery (Mt 19:9)
One shall not divorce the unbelieving spouse
One can save their spouse’s spirituality (7:14)
 One can have legal intimacy, so the children have
legal parents.
If one spouse insists to depart, let it be (7:15)
Chapter 7: Concerning Male and
Virgins: I had no command of the Lord, but now I give my
judgment (Paul’s view)
The time is distressing, do not get married.
It is easier to be single to serve the Lord.
Virgins: I had no command of the Lord, but now I give my
judgment (Steve’s view)
Strictly abstinent prior to marriage: keep your virginity. (Heb 13:4)
It is better to remain single than marrying a Gentile. (2 Cor 6:14ff)
You shall marry for the Lord. (Rom 14:8)
Entrust your marriage into the hands of God. Be brave. ( Gen 24:5658)
Build a God-centered family, not a child-centered family.
Chapter 8: Concerning Food Offered to
Idols: Free to Eat in the Wrong Place?
Principle of action: knowledge + love (8:1-3)
Knowledge: puffs up
Love: builds up
Do not use your freedom, due to your knowledge, to
cause your brother to fall (8:4-13)
The brother, for whom Christ died, is destroyed by your
knowledge. (8:11)
When you sin against your brethren and wound their weak
consciences, you sin against Jesus Christ. (8;12)
If food is cause of my brothers’ falling, I will never eat meat, lest I
cause my brother to fall. (10:13)
Chapter 9: Concerning Food Offered to
Idols: Free to Eat in the Wrong Place?
Paul’s example. He was a apostle, yet... (9:1)
Paul gave up his freedom/right to eat and drink for
preaching the gospel. (9:1-4)
Paul gave up his freedom/right to marry in the Lord
and bring his wife around. (9:5)
“I have made no use of my rights…” (9:12,15,18)
“Though I am free from all men, I have made myself a
slave to all, that I might win the more.” (9:19)
Chapter 10: Concerning Food Offered to
Idols: Free to Eat in the Wrong Place?
Wilderness example:
Let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall.
Lord’s supper example:
What do I imply then? That food offered to idols is anything, or
that an idol is anything? No, I imply that when pagans sacrifice
they offer to demons and not to God. (10:19-20)
You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons.
Chapter 12: Concerning Spiritual
The original source of the spiritual gifts?
The benefits of spiritual gifts
It was given by the same Holy Spirit. (12:11)
Spiritual gifts are for the common good. (12:7)
Different gifts from the same Spirit (12:8-11)
words of wisdom
words of knowledge
working of miracles
discernment of spirits
speaking in tongues
interpretation of tongues
Chapter 12: Concerning Spiritual
Different services from the same Lord (12:11-26)
You are the body of Christ and individually members of it. (12:27)
Different workings/operations from the same God (12:28ff)
worker of miracles
speaking in tongues and interpreting of tongues
Chapter 12: Concerning Spiritual
Comparing with:
1 Corinthians 12:28ff
worker of miracles
speaking in tongue and
interpreting of tongues
Eph 4:11
sermon speaker/
RE teacher
help (GA employee)
Chapter 13: Concerning Spiritual Gifts –
The Greatest Gift is Love
Value of love shown by its absence (13:1-3)
Characteristics of love shown by its presence (13:4-7)
Abiding nature of love shown by comparison (13:8-13)
Love never fails/ceases. Gifts will cease. (13:8)
Love is limitless. Gifts are limited. (13:9)
Love exists in heaven. Gifts remain on earth. (13:13)
Chapter 14: Concerning Spiritual Gifts –
Desire Especially the Gift of Prophecy
Prophecy is for edification, exhortation, and
comfort (14:3)
Prophecy is to edify the church (14:4)
Chapter 16: Concerning Offering
One shall offer according to his income (16:2)
To approve someone to deliver the offering to
Jerusalem (16:3)
If I shall also go, please send someone to go
with me (16:4)
How to prevent the church from division?
What is the difference between separation and
division? (Paul and Barnabas separated later