Transcript Slide 1

Rollout Guide

Executive Sponsor Project Team Administrato r IT and Developers Day 1 to 10 Day 11 to 20 Day 21 to 30 Day 31 to 40

Elect Project Team Guide Project Team and Enforce Project Deadlines Promote User Adoption among Executives, Managers, Trainers and Users. Conduct on-going meetings to revisit CRM and Business Processes.

Host Kickoff meeting & elect Administrator Review online Training Develop Implementation Strategy and Review Online Implementation Best Practices material Review Online Administrator Training Programs Finalize Implementa tion Plan Inform your organizatio n of your new CRM initiative Modify; User Security Settings, Forms, Fields, Page Layouts, Rename Standard Tabs, Standard Selection Lists & Create Custom Tabs.

Develop End User Training Material Migrate Data Validate Data & Customizations Develop Workflow Automation Take Online Training Program Integrate with existing business systems and Organization Web Sites Go live with

m and host Kickoff meeting Activate all Users Gather feedback from all users and departments then prioritize new features and change requests.

Monitor User Adoption and data quality. Implement changes and rollout new features. Manage users, roles and profiles.

Find new areas of integration and develop custom solutions

Executives & Management

Take online training and view best practice presentations provided by

Build Reports, Dashboards, Views for your Team and develop key materials including Documents, Email Templates and Mail Merge. Manage the platform and ensure users adopt the new system properly.

End User

Take Online Training Install Outlook Integration. Create Reports and Views. Take training program developed by Project Team. Leverage’s Online Help, Training and Support.

The Rollout Guide outlines the processes involved in a successful CRM Implementation. You are able to edit this map by adjusting

dates and tasks to better fit your specific Rollout Processes. If you require assistance with your companies CRM Implementation your can contact for details on our CRM Implementation Programs.

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