Transcript Slide 1

This is the place!!
Looking for volunteers to help with
- Queen’s Romp (Sun 26 Apr) (x12; 0715-1000)
- CGSC Triathlon (Sat 2 May)
3. Upcoming Triathlons:
- Spring Migration (Emporia) 19 Apr
- CGSC TRI 2 May
- TriZou (Columbia, MO) 3 May
- Heritage Park Duathlon (Olathe) 9 May
- Kansas City Triathlon 17 May (First open water swim race of the season)
- Omaha Women’s TRI 7 Jun
- Legend TRI 7 Jun
- Topeka Tinman 20 June
- Prairie Punisher 11 July (?)
- Shawnee Mission Triathlon 12 July
4. Next meeting(s)
- 22 April (Two Topics) Transitions and Wetsuits. (HNS)
- 23 & 24 Apr - Harney Gym Parking Lot – 4-5:30 pm (Practice).
- 9 May – Practice Swim at Lonestar Lake. Details TBP.
- 22 May – Legend 70.3 Practice Ride at Clinton Lake. Details TBP.
- 28 May – Decal Night and Legend TRI Prebrief (Baan Thai)
- 10 June – “Bring You Bling” Night at Mama Mia’s. (Details TBP)
5. PAIR DAY – Sat 28 March
6. Tonight’s Presentations:
- “Hydration / Nutrition 101”
Book is now $7.95 (from their website)
Basic Rules about Hydration and Nutrition
•They are different – Hydration is fluids, Nutrition is fuel. You need both.
•Your body has about 2 hrs of fuel and about 1 hr of fluids in it at “START.”
•You go thru fluids faster than fuel.
•Your body uses up both faster than you can replace them. (“Sink analogy”)
•You can only “assimilate” at about 1/3 the rate you lose.
•The trick is to learn to replace “smartly.” “Replenish” vs “Replace,”
(or “Quality” vs “Quantity”).
Too much can result in cramps, vomiting, diarrhea (Hyponatremia).
Too little can result in “bonking” (running out).
Very common to “drink too much.”
Never get too far behind in replenishment. You can’t catch up!
You’ve got to find the right amount, and the “right type.”
•You’ll need to consume about 16-24oz of water per hour.
•Try different fluids and fuel. Find out what works for you.
•Learn to drink and eat on the bike ride.
What am I concerned about besides Thirst?
• Calories (“Fuel”) (“Gasoline” for your car.)
You can only absorb approx 240-280 calories / hr.
 Gels are an easy source of calories.
 Gatorade® / Hammer HEED® a/o Perpetuem®* / Infinit®* / Accelerade*
• Electrolytes (“Motor oil”) (Keeping all my systems in the green.)
 More important the longer the race.
 Gatorade® / Accelerade®* / Hammer Endurolyte Capsules®*
 You need approx 1-3 E-Caps* per hour. (No salt tablets.)
• Fluids (“Coolant”) (Keeping my core temperature in the green.)
16-24 oz / hr
 Water (Most important of all!)
(*70.3+ athletes)
• 1 Gel = @ 100 cal
• Ideal for Olympic distance, and long runs (1/2 Marathons+)
• (Rule of Thumb: @ 2 per hour after the first hour)
Available at:
Will meet your ‘mineral’ needs
(calcium, magnesium, sodium, chloride, etc…)
No need to take ‘salt’ tablets.
Only 50 cal in 8 oz
Half Iron*
Full Iron*
< 2 hrs
2-4 hrs
4-7 hrs
11-17 hrs
•1 x water btl
•1 x water btl
•1 x energy drink
•1 btl per hr
•4 oz fluid at
water points
•1 btl per hr
•4 oz fluid at
water points
•2-3 gels
•1-2 gels per hr
•(CLIF bar?)
•1-3 E-Caps per hr
•Carbs / protein
•Endurance mix
•1-2 gels per hr(?)
•1-3 E-Caps per hr
•Need complex
carbs, protein
•Endurance mix
Assumes you ate a sufficient well balanced dinner the night before
and a decent “race day” breakfast.
During the Bike Ride
• Get on and start riding. Let your stomach and HR settle down first.
• Drink @ 4-5 oz every 15 min = 16-20 oz per hr. More if it’s hot!
• If your race goes more than 2 hrs, add energy drink and calories (gels.)
2 gels (200 cal) + 16 oz of Gatorade (100 cal) = total of 300 cal.
(Perfect for a 25 mile Olympic distance bike ride! @20mph = 1 hr 15 min)
• Cooler drinks absorb quicker / better. Consider an insulated bottle.
• Solids are harder to digest and absorb than liquids.
• Half Iron+ you will probably need to “eat” something on the bike
 CLIF® Bars (cut into bite size chunks)
 Little pretzels
 Ritz PB crackers
Calories and Protein
Endurance mixes*
•TRI Club (powder)
•Commissary (liquid)
Daily Protein needs?
.7 x body wt (lbs) = # g
Ex: 150lb person needs 105g
•Whole Foods
• 240 cal / 10g Protein
Quick Protein Guide
Egg – 6
Slice of cheese – 8
Slice of pork bacon – 5
Slice of turkey bacon -2
8 oz glass of milk – 8
Banana - 1
Protein bars 6-20
CLIF bar – 10
Boost - 15
Cottage cheese – 12
String cheese – 8
Yogurt – 7
Almonds – 20
Peanut butter – 20
Lunch meat - 10
Fish – 16-25
Poultry – 20-25
Beans – 7
Pork – 19
Couscous - 15
What do I eat before the race?
• Don’t “overeat” the night before.
• Pasta (carbohydrates) is typical. Best - two nights before.
• Eat something you know will “sit” OK in your stomach.
• Don’t try anything new, including restaurants.
• Typical race breakfast:
 2-3 hrs before the race.
 1/4 blueberry bagel with peanut butter.
 1/2 cup of Cheerios® and skim milk (or a bowl
of oatmeal).
 1 bottle of Boost® about 30-45 min before start.
 Caffeine is OK.
• 15g protein
• RDA of vitamins
• 240 calories
• Soy protein
After a Workout Session
Within 1 hour. Best time to “feed the machine.”
Your body needs carbs and protein to repair muscles.
Try to eat a well balanced meal within 2 hrs of finishing a workout / race.
Whey Protein (Isolate better than Concentrate) is best for muscle recovery.
Soy protein is best before and during a workout.
5. Other post race snacks: bananas and chocolate milk, daily vitamins.
6. Hammer Recoverite® or Hammer Whey® (for the serious folks).
Things to Remember
(Good “Rules of Thumb”)
1. “Replenish” vs “replace.” You can only assimilate @ 1/3 of what you lose (rate).
2. Water is most important of all.
3. Train in the heat! (But work up to it.)
4. Liquids absorb faster / easier than solids. Cooler - faster yet.
5. Drink 1 bottle of water per hr on the bike. Know what 4 oz of fluid “feels like.”
6. 2 gels per hr along with Gatorade® / Accelerade® will provide adequate calories.
7. Races > 3 hrs should include protein (Accelerade® / Hammer Perpetuem®).
8. Don’t try anything new on race day. Finalize your plan 2 weeks prior.
9. Eat / drink to help your body with recovery within 1 hr after finishing.
10. You should eat a well balanced meal within 2 hrs of finishing a workout / race.
Accel Sports Products
MSRP / Internet* / TRI Club
Accelerade Powder
Mix (30 servings)
Endurox R4 Recovery
Mix (14 servings)
Accel Gels
(24 pack –
mixed flavors)
*Does not include tax or S&H