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ImagiNation Edutainment
The Company
The idea that learning can be fun and fun can
promote business, was the transforming factor that
projected us as an education & entertainment
oriented organization.
Imagination Edutaintment India Pvt Ltd.
KidZania- our strengths
• Universal concept with a successful track record
• Offers a short duration of interactive experience that
encourages repeat visits
• Safe environment that integrates education and
• Located indoors hence weather neutral
KidZania – our vision
•To feature the best role play educational entertainment for
our visitors
•To deliver the most effective interactive medium of
communication for our marketing partners
•To provide the most recreational & supportive
development environment for our team members
• To supply the highest level of commitment & participation
to the enhancement of our communities and environment
KidZania – our values
The mission
“… the Spirit of KidZania should touch the
minds and the hearts of every child,
Mumbai, India
Our First Location in India-Mumbai
Planned Opening in April 2013
Location – R City Mall, LBS
Marg Ghatkopar.
One of the Largest
and most modern
shopping mall in
Under construction
Visitor’s profile
 Families with children from 2 to 12
(mainly weekends/ holidays/ vacations)
 School groups attracted by the highly educational
nature of the concept & its secured daytrips
Birthday parties & event celebrations
 Tourists from India and overseas.
Ultimate Role-Playing
Our basic principle: “Play adult roles”
 Become a doctor, firefighter, banker, policeman, Tax collector, drive your
own car or more than 70 other roles
Proven Concept
 Embedded in children - they do it every day
 Timeless game – a doll for girls, the purest representation of role playing, is
the most antique toy known to mankind
 Universal Game – children around the globe play the same games with
different artifacts
 Natural Game – needs no instructions or guidance
A new concept for family entertainment
 Designed for kids 1 to 12 years old
 Attractive and unattended market niche
 Entertaining, educational and integral development
Taken to its maximum expression
 Simple concept
 Perfect execution
An Entire City
Organized as a real city
 Streets - pedestrian and motor
 Blocks, Buildings and houses
 Vehicles - cars, buses, fire truck, ambulance
3 Main Areas
 Airport – Access
 Central Square
 Suburbs & industry
Most representative industries
 Public Services: Fire Station, Hospital, Police Station, Tax office, University &
passport office.
 Private Services: Bank, Dentist, Barbershop, Vet Clinic, Vault, Courier
 Retail: Beauty Salon, Photo Studio, Jewelry, Perfume Shop, Supermarket,
Shoeshine, Department Store, Convenience Store, Newsstand
 Restaurants: Pizza Shop, Burger Shop, Traditional food Shop
 Media: TV Studio, Radio Station, Newspaper Edition, Telephone Company
 Residential: Window Washing, Character’s House
 Construction: Construction Site, House Painting, City Clock
 Industrial: Candy Factory, Pastry Shop, Ice Cream Factory, Milk factory, Bottling
Company, Chocolate Factory, Re-cycling plant
 Automotive: Car Dealership, Car Wash, Gas Station, Auto Repair Shop
 Transportation: Airport, Urban Transportation Buses, Bus Station
 Culture: Painting School, Culinary School, Fashion Studio, Arts & Crafts
Workshop, Pottery, Fashion Boutique
 Entertainment: Theater, Disco Lounge, Magic Studio
 Sports: Climbing Building, Cricket, Training Center.
Each establishment is a kid-size detailed
replica of a real life establishment
 Exact replicas of familiar or exciting locations
 Highly realistic settings
Each establishment has its own
representative areas
 Example: The Hospital has an ER, surgery room, nursery, check-up
Each area has its required elements
 Props with the highest levels of realism, exact copies of their real life
 Hospital example: X rays, beds, surgery instruments, frocks in
surgery room
Children choose from 70 different roles
 We provide the tools, children provide the imagination
Highly Educational
Unique Ideology
 Authentic, powerful and unprecedented developmental experience
 Intersection of reality and entertainment
 Help kids understand and manage the world they are growing into
 Inculcate values of model citizens, paying Taxes and conserving the environment.
Distinctive attitude
 Fun while empowering, motivating and highly educational
 Kids getting real life skills
Kids learn:
 The world of work
 Fundamentals of financial literacy (economic understanding)
Value Oriented Entertainment
 Promotes social values
 Self esteem
 Creativity
 Cooperation and getting along with others
 Empowerment
 Independence
 No violence, no guns, no combats
 Community Involvement
Cognitive Basics
 Curriculum content matches school programs by grade
 Activities designed by pedagogues (Educational Community endorsement)
Revolutionary Concept
Unique and
First of its kind in the world – some similar activities in isolated places,
basically museums
New Branded Role Playing Edutainment Category –cities, farms, sports
No video games
No coin-operated games
No rides
Experience is created by the children themselves
Every visit is new and different
Highly trained personnel provides assistance and direction
Visitor freedom – Children choose the roles, they are and feel free; No visitorflow control
Participatory nature – different experience every time around
More than 70 different activities – cannot see all in 1 day
Most activities change through time
Money earned/saved boosts repetition
Loyalty (“Frequent Visitor”) programs
Redemption in the form of a Department Store boosts repetition
Located inside a shopping center
 Every-day activity; weather conditions don’t affect operations or attendance
 Increases mall’s value offer to the entire family
 Reduces infrastructure investment
5 Hour experience, 364 days of the year
 We only close on Mother’s Day
 Operating hours:
Regular school days
Weekends, holidays & vacations:
1 shift:
2 shifts:
09 -19 hrs.
10 -15 hrs. 16 - 21 hrs.
All-included, gated priced admission
 All activities included in the price
 Food, beverages & merchandising not included in price
 Children pay full price, adults pay discount price
 Special discounts apply to groups
State of the art security system
 All visitors wear an identification bracelet
 ID bracelets are electronically linked
 Adults may leave children (under their own responsibility) and pick them up later
Service Intensive, therefore labor intensive
 More than 450 employees
Guest Guides (part-timers):
Operations Support:
Office & Administration:
280 (140 per shift)
80 (Maintenance, janitors, etc.)
40 (Sales, accounting, HR, etc.)
Each establishment is sponsored by its
counterpart in real life
 Supermarket by Wal-Mart
 Pizza Restaurant by Domino’s
 Auto Dealership by General Motors
Partner participation enriches the
 Active partner involvement in establishments and activities
And improves further realism into the
 Preparing any pizza vs. preparing a Domino’s Pizza
 Driving any car vs. driving a Chevy
Partnership is a key element in our
 Partners’ investments are used for design, construction, fitting,
operation and maintenance of each establishment
Leading companies in each category
Unique Marketing Media
Non Conventional Marketing
 Compared with traditional media marketing, like TV, radio, print media,
outdoor advertising, direct marketing, etc.
Experiences that create Marketing
 Consumers receive thousand of marketing messages, and they have
become indifferent.
 To truly impact, you have to introduce the message in their daily activities
 Visitors freely choose brands and experience brands for different
products and services.
Experiential and Interactive Marketing
 Physical marketing: children interact, experience, play, try, eat, drink
smell, hear and take home our partners’ brand (products or services)
 Inequitable qualitative impact
Relevant positive long-lasting impressions
Create Brand Loyalty
 Focused in 1 to 12 year old kids, who induce purchasing aim and will
become future consumers
Direct and Long Term Impact
 Direct bond between the commercial partner and the establishment /
activity in The City
 Long Term Investment - 5 year contract vs. seasonal sponsorship
Results to Date
Our First Location
Opened September 1999
 10+ years of operations
Located in Mexico City
 20 million people in the metropolitan area
 26% under 14 years of age
 In the Santa Fe Region, a growth and wealthy area with easy
Placed inside Santa Fe Shopping
 Newest and most modern shopping mall in Mexico City
 Largest Shopping Center in Latin America
 Balanced mix of retail, entertainment and restaurants
Retail – 4 most important retailers in Mexico (Liverpool,
Palacio de Hierro, Sears and Sanborn’s), 300+
independent stores
Entertainment – 14 movie theaters, Gym, 2 FECs
Food – High-end restaurants, themed restaurants, fast
food court, cafes
Results to Date
1999 Best New Business
- Expansion Magazine
2000 Marketing Star
- ADCebra Magazine
2001 Best New Theme Park
- Themed Entertainment Association (TEA)
2003 Top Family Entertainment Center
- International Association of Amusement Parks and
Attractions (IAAPA)
2005 Great Brand
- Mexico’s Greatest Brands
2006 Top Family Entertainment Center
- International Association of Amusement Parks and
Attractions (IAAPA)
2006 Best Business Responsibility Practice
- Philanthropy Mexican Centre (CEMEFI)
Results to Date
KidZanias around the World
South Korea
• Seoul
 Mexico City
 Monterrey
• Dubai
 Tokyo
 Koshien
• Lisbon
• Jakarta
KidZanias under Construction
A Edutenimento Du Brazil
Azaredo Group
El Dorado Shopping Center
Sao Paulo
 Eduentretención Chile - Parque Araucano, Santiago
 Opening 2011
China - Shanghai
• Salim Group
• Laoximen
• Winter 2012
• Salim Group
• Siam Paragon, Bangkok
• Winter 2012
 KidZania de Mexico
 Centro Comerical Plaza
Inbursa Cuicuilco, Mexico City
 Opening 2011
• Edrak for Edutainment
• El Cairo
• 2012
• Imagination Edutainment
• R City mall, Mumbai
• Opening 2013
• Khazanah National
• The Curve Mall Center
• Opening 2011
• Dogu Bati Group AS y Akis
Gayrimenkul Yatirim AS
• Akasya Shopping Mall
• Opening 2012
Thank you!
Contact Details
Kidzania India
Imagination Edutainment India Private Limited.
2nd floor, B wing, Galleria, Hiranadani Gardens, Powai,
Mumbai 400076.
Conan De Souza
Head – Human Resources
Tel: +91 22 61271790, 91
E-mail: [email protected]