Transcript Slide 1

Cataloging Microfossils of Yakutat Bay, Alaska

Alexander D. Ullrich Dept. of Geology Appalachian St. University Boone, NC

Field Setting:

Yakutat Bay, Alaska

Hubbard Glacier-

Tidewater glacier emptying into Disenchantment Bay, AK.

High turbidity: high sed. discharge

Low salinity

Summer discharge causes thick mud layers

Iceberg calving causes winter diamicton layers

Study Area

Multicore 8

Catalog of foraminifera

Distal Multicore chosen

High-density, high diversity

Picked 300 individual population

Multicorer on R/V Alpha Helix tailfan olide/ancient_cataclysm.html


Tiny remains of bacteria, fungi, animals, plants, and protists

Extremely useful as environmental indicators

Foraminifera in particular:

Species indicate salinity, high/low energy, bathymetry, DO content, temperature

Seasonal variation n%20images/Microfoss.html


Single-celled protists with shells (tests), called “forams” or “bugs” (Phylum: Protozoa)

Consume algae, diatoms, other protists by extending protoplasm through aperture in test (psuedopodia)

Protoplasm is inside test chamber (chambers added as foram grows)

Often used in age-dating and correlation of rock

Extant species used to interpret environments and climates lindex/Forams/Eelco/med-agean2/pages/pl-02.htm

Pseudopodia Protoplasm

Results: Genera and Species Classification

Distinguishing features of a genus:

Planktic vs. Benthic

Results: Genera and Species Classification

Distinguishing features of a genus:

Planktic vs. Benthic

Agglutinated test vs. secreted test agglutinated secreted

Results: Genera and Species Classification

Distinguishing features of a genus: Limbate

Planktic vs. Benthic

Agglutinated test vs. secreted test

Limbate/Costate structures Costate

Results: Genera and Species Classification

Distinguishing features of a species:

Morphology of Aperture

(Echols and Armentrout, 1980)

Results: Genera and Species Classification

Distinguishing features of a species:

Morphology of Aperture

Coiling of test:



Trochospiral html.html

Results: Genera and Species Classification

Distinguishing features of a species:

Morphology of Aperture

Coiling of test:





Other morphological features (costate protrusion, limbate thickness, papillate presence, etc.)

Plate 1: Abundant Genera

1,2,3. Elphidium sp.A, 1000x 4,8. Buccella sp. A, 1000x 5,6. Epistominella sp. A, dextral, 1000x


Epistominella sp. A, sinistral, 1000x 9,10. Cassidulina minuta, 1000x 11, 12. Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, 1200x, 1100x 13, 14. Nonionella stella, 400x 15, 16. Nonionella labridorica, 400x

Plate 2: Limited Genera

1,2. Cribrostomoides sp. A, 1000x


Spiroplectammina sp. A, 1300x


Lagena sp. A, 500x


Triloculina sp. A, 700x


Triloculina sp. B, 400x


Bulimina sp. A, 400x


Bulimina sp. A, 200x


Fissurina sp. A, 1000x 10. Fissurina sp. A, 700x 11. Uvigerina sp. A, 250x 12. Fissurina sp. B, 1000x

Plate 3: Forams under a light microscope

1,2. Nonionella labridorica, 40x 3,4. Nonionella stella, 40x 5,6. Buccella sp. A, 51x


Epistominella sp. A, 51x


Bulimina sp. A, 51x


Cribrostomoides sp. A, 32x 10. Cassidulina limbata, 40x 11. Cassidulina norcrossi, 40x 12. Cassidulina sp. A, 40x 13. Cassidulina minuta, 64x 14. Fissurina sp. A, 51x


Goals included:

Gaining experience in SEM techniques and theory


Goals included:

Gaining experience in SEM techniques and theory

Foram picking techniques


Goals included:

Gaining experience in SEM techniques and theory

Foram picking techniques

Start gathering images of representative genera for catalog


Goals included:

Gaining experience in SEM techniques and theory

Foram picking techniques

Start gathering images of representative genera for catalogue

All goals were accomplished during semester


Goals included:

Gaining experience in SEM techniques and theory

Foram picking techniques

Start gathering images of representative genera for catalogue

All goals were accomplished during semester Questions:

Genera/species change from distal to proximal?


Goals included:

Gaining experience in SEM techniques and theory

Foram picking techniques

Start gathering images of representative genera for catalogue

All goals were accomplished during semester Questions:

Genera/species change from distal to proximal?

Environmental changes shown by distribution within sediment?


Goals included:

Gaining experience in SEM techniques and theory

Foram picking techniques

Start gathering images of representative genera for catalogue

All goals were accomplished during semester Questions:

Genera/species change from distal to proximal?

Environmental changes shown by distribution within sediment?

Seasonal variation?

Future Research: Senior Thesis

Targeting specific foraminifera species as environmental indicators

Specifically: Elphidium excavatum forma clavatum

Elphidium frigidum


Lipps, J.H., 1981, What,if anything, is micropaleontology?: Paleobiology, v. 7, no. 2, pp. 167-191.

Echols, R.J., and Armentrout, J.M., 1980, Holocene foraminiferal distribution patterns on the shelf and slope, Yakataga Yakutat area northern Gulf of Alaska: Proceedings of the Quaternary depositional environments of the Pacific Coast Pacific Coast Paleogeography Symposium, no. 4, pp. 281 303.

Bergen, F.W., and O’Neil, P., 1979, Distribution of Holocene foraminifera in the Gulf of Alaska: Journal of Paleontology, v. 53, no. 6, p. 1267-1292.

Quinterno, P., Carlson, P., and Bruce F. Molnia, 1980, Benthic foraminifers from the eastern Gulf of Alaska: Quaternary depositional Environments of the Pacific Coast: Pacific Coast Paleogeographic Symposium 4,

Special Thanks to:

Dr. Ruth Dewel, Dept. of Biology, ASU

Dr. Ellen Cowan, Dept. of Geology, ASU

Dr. Steven Hageman, Dept. of Geology, ASU

Dr. Sarah Zellers, Dept. of Geology, MSU

FEI Systems Technicians

The 2005 SEM Lab class