Enhancing Effective Transition Outcomes - NDPC-SD

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Improving Post-School Outcomes
for Youth with Intellectual Disabilities
A Focus on Employment
Debra Hart M.Ed.
Principal Investigator
Meg Grigal, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator and
Director-The Postsecondary
Education Research Center
(PERC) Project
Co-PI, Center on Postsecondary
Education for Students with ID
National Centers for Postsecondary
Education for Students with Intellectual
& Developmental Disabilities
Institute for Community Inclusion
University of Massachusetts/ Boston
[email protected]
TransCen, Inc.
[email protected]
What do these students
have in common?
• Intellectual disabilities such as mental
retardation or a developmental disability
• Life skills /transition program for 18-21
year old students
• Low expectations
• Outcomes—day habilitation program,
sheltered workshop, or underemployment
• Interest in continuing to learn and in going
to college
Definition of Intellectual
Disability (HEOA 2008)
(A) with mental retardation or cognitive impairment,
characterized by significant limitations in—
(i) intellectual and cognitive functioning; and
(ii) adaptive behavior as expressed in conceptual,
social, and practical adaptive skills; and
(B) who is currently, or was formerly, eligible for a free
appropriate public education under IDEA
What is happening nationally?
The Importance of Employment
• For youth with disabilities, one of the most important
research findings shows that work experience during high
school helps them get jobs at higher wages after they
—NCWD/Youth, Hot topic: Work-Based Learning, 2003 Volume 2
The Importance of Employment
• Secondary school students with disabilities who worked
for pay outside the home in the preceding year before exit
and/or have participated in a work-study program at
school, have an increased chance for employment in their
post school years
—Changes over time in the Early Postschool Outcomes of Youth
with Disabilities: A Report of Findings from the National
Longitudinal Transition Study (NLTS) and the NLTS2
Postsecondary Education & Employment
• 26% more likely to exit the VR program
with employment
• earned a 73% higher weekly income
Data Set: RSA 911
—Migliore, A. & Butterworth, J., Hart, D. 2009. Postsecondary Education and
Employment Outcomes for Youth with Intellectual Disabilities. Fast Facts Series,
No. 1. Boston, MA: Institute for Community Inclusion
What we know
• National Council on Disability (NCD) study
• No data that correlated VR services with
employment outcomes for youth with disabilities
• Data confirmed increased success from
participation in postsecondary education
—The Rehabilitation Act: Outcomes for Transition
Age Youth
How does college impact transition?
• Who gets to go to college?
• What is done to prepare students for college?
• What are the outcomes of college?
• Who can provide support for college?
The Postsecondary Education Research
Center (PERC) Project
• The purpose of the PERC Project is to
demonstrate and research exemplary
practices supporting students with
intellectual disabilities ages 18-21 in
postsecondary settings
PERC Goals
• Conduct site improvement activities
• Support PERC site to provide statewide
technical assistance
• Collect and synthesize data on the
efficacy and outcomes of the model
• Disseminate findings nationally
Mixed or Hybrid Model
• Program Center and Coordinator
– Concurrent/Dual Enrollment
– Employment
– Individualized instruction
Project 2005-2009
2 States
2 School Systems
4 Programs Sites
30 High Schools
39 students in 2008/2009
Preliminary Data
MD PERC Site: Employment
• 90% in paid work (coffee barista, usher, office
assistant, file clerk, performing arts center, utility
worker, grocery store, retail, child care, hotels,
federal government)
– Work an average of 20.5 hours per week for
average $7.80/hour
Preliminary Data
CT PERC Site - Employment
• 60% in paid work (clothing retail,
restaurants, grocery stores, child care,
production assistant).
– Work an average of 15 hours per week for an
average of $8.00/hour
College Career Connection
C3 Findings
Students with ID who had some type of
postsecondary education were much more likely to:
Obtain competitive employment
Require fewer on the job supports
Earn higher wages
Have higher self-esteem
Have expanded social networks
What can impact students
employment outcomes?
• Person centered planning
• Clearly articulated measurable goals
• Highly skilled and trained staff in
Obtaining paid employment for
students with intellectual disabilities
• Requires skill, training, and experience in
job development
• Connections in the community
• An understanding of employer’s needs
• An understanding of a student’s skills
Work-based Learning
• Only leads to employment if done with
careful planning and monitoring
• Should be time limited-focus on specific
skill development and/or career focus
• Work with student to determine goals,
monitor progress, determine implications
for next steps
Do you BELIEVE your students
can work?
Your program goals and staffing
will have a greater impact on a
student becoming employed
than will a student’s skills
The Higher Education Opportunity
Act Amendments 2008
Allows students with ID, attending postsecondary programs to
be eligible for Pell Grants, Supplemental Educational
Opportunity Grants and the Federal Work-Study Program.
Authorizes the development of inclusive model comprehensive
transition and post-secondary programs.
Authorizes the establishment of a coordinating center for the
new model programs.
Establishes a national center to provide support services and
best practices for colleges, students with disabilities, and their
Center on Postsecondary
Education and Students with
Intellectual Disabilities
• Funded through NIDRR
• 2008-2011
• Institute for Community Inclusion,
UMASS Boston
• TransCen, Inc.
Center on Postsecondary
Education and Students
with Intellectual
• Conduct Secondary Analysis of NSLTS2,
RSA 911, ACS
• Conduct national survey of PSE programs
for students with ID
• Compile, create, & disseminate training and
technical assistance materials
National Consortium to Enhance
Postsecondary Education for
Individuals with Developmental
• 5 year project coordinated by Institute for
Community Inclusion/UMASS, Boston with 7
UCEDD partners nationwide (funded by ADD)
For more information
For more information on the
Center or Consortium visit: