Transcript Slide 1

Norma Butler Bossard
Elementary School
September 16, 2014
Our School Day
The classroom building opens at 7:45 a.m.
Classroom doors open at 8:25 a.m.
Class work begins promptly at 8:25 a.m.
Students arriving after 8:35 a.m. will be
marked tardy.
• Parents, please note that you may not park in
the Faculty/Staff parking lots or the
school’s/neighbor’s driveways in the morning.
Our Class Schedule
• Monday, Wednesday, Friday: PE with
Mr. Caroni
• Tuesday: Music with Ms. Barica
• Thursday: Art with Ms. Mays
Note: Will be made
available on class webpage.
• Every absence must be followed by a
written note from home on the day that the
student returns to school.
• The note must include the following
– Student’s name
– Date(s) of absence
– Reason for absence
– Parent’s signature
Tardies/Leave Early
• Any student who has a total of 5 or
more tardies/excused early each
grading period will not qualify to
receive a perfect attendance award.
Early Sign Out –
Board Policy 5200
• Students are to be counted in attendance only if they are
actually present for at least two (2) hours of the day or engaged
in a school-approved educational activity which constitutes a
part of the instructional program for the student. Therefore, a
student Released Early before 10:20 am, for students in grades
K-1 and 10:35 am for students in grades 2-5, will be marked
absent for the day.
• The early release of students causes disruption to the academic
performance of all students and may create safety and security
concerns. No students shall be released within the final 30
minutes of the school day unless authorized by the Principal or
Principal’s designee (i.e., emergency, sickness).
– Our school day ends at 3:05 pm
– Parents, please be advised that you must have the
purple dismissal pass in order for the teacher to
dismiss your child.
• If you forget your purple dismissal pass, you
must go to the main office and receive a written
notification to be given to the teacher.
– If you are changing the way your child is going
home, a note must be written to the teacher, even
if it is for just one day. No emails will be allowed
for any dismissal changes.
Home Learning
• Students will have home learning everyday and sometimes
Friday and will be written in the Agenda and be kept
in their Home Learning folder on a daily basis.
• The purpose of Home Learning is to reinforce
concepts being taught in the classroom and create
• Reading log must also be completed daily, including
weekends, they will be collected at the end of the
Home Learning
• Parents, it is important that you check your child’s
home learning folder each night.
• If your child has 3 No Homework Slips he or she
will receive a detention.
• During special units of study, family home learning
projects will be sent home.
Take Home
Tuesday Folder
• A Take Home Tuesday Folder has been
issued to all students. Important school
notices will be sent home in this folder
every Tuesday.
• This folder must be returned every
Items in Book Bag
• Home Learning Folder
• Student’s Agenda
• Spelling Journal = Daily Spelling Home
Learning Assignments
• Students Math Practice Book
• Library Books
School Uniforms
• Norma Butler Bossard Elementary is a mandatory uniform
school; therefore, your child is expected to wear his/her
uniform everyday.
• Our school uniform consists of:
– Khaki shorts or pants for boys
– Khaki shorts, pants, skirts or skorts for girls(no
– Navy blue or gold solid/striped polo shirts
– Closed shoes or sneakers (no sandals or crocks)
• Our school T- shirt may be worn every Friday with bluejeans.
The school T-shirt should also be worn when students are
participating in field trips
Classroom Management Plan
In order to create and maintain a positive learning
environment, students must follow our classroom rules.
Classroom Rules
Follow directions and listen carefully.
Raise your hand to speak.
Stay in your seat and work quietly.
Be kind and share with others.
Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Keep everything neat and in its place.
Always do your best!
Classroom Management Plan
• Please review these rules with your child. Conduct
grades will be based on the observance of these rules.
• The first time a student misbehaves, he/she will be given
a verbal warning.
• Any misbehavior following this warning will require your
child to flip his/her conduct card on the behavior chart.
• Your child’s conduct will be documented each day on a
behavior chart that will be used to track your child’s
• If a student’s behavior becomes a problem in class, a
behavior sheet will be sent home requesting a parent’s
signature. This documentation will be used to determine
your child’s report card grade in conduct.
* Please note that if your child’s behavior does
not improve, this will affect his/her participation
on fieldtrips or special activities.
Classroom Management Plan
• Praise, Treats, Stickers, Treasure Chest, Special Privileges
• Positive notes and/or phone calls home
• *** Conduct grades will be based on the observance of
these rules. A behavior chart will be used to track the
students’ conduct each day.
• Each time a conduct card is flipped, the student’s conduct
drops a letter grade.
• If disruptive behavior continues, a student will lose special
privileges and a phone call home will be made.
** Please note that there is a NEW Code of Student
Conduct Acknowledgement that must be returned.
(It can be found on our school website.)
The Florida Standards
• Beginning with the 2014-2015 school year, Florida’s
public schools will transition to the new, Florida
Standards adopted in the February of 2014.
• Previously, the transition in Standards-based
education was to the Common Core State
Standards, which after public input and review, led
to the adoption of the Florida Standards for all
school districts in the state.
Why Are We Changing?
• Emphasize success in college and careers
• Prepare students with 21st century skills
• Provide more rigorous content and
application of knowledge
• Place emphasis on critical and analytical
• Establish clear, consistent guidelines for
What Subjects Are
• Language Arts Florida Standards (LAFS)
and Mathematics Florida Standards (MAFS)
provide a clear set of goals and expectations
• Define what students should know and be
able to do at each grade level – kindergarten
through grade 12
What Do They Mean For
Teaching and Learning?
text & academic language
Reading, writing, listening
and speaking grounded in
evidence from text
Build knowledge through
content-rich text
Different writing genres
Deeper understanding of
mathematical concepts
Builds habits of mind of
productive mathematical
Real-world applications
Modeling with pictures
What About the New
• MAFS and LAFS will be assessed with the new
Florida Standards Assessments (FSA)
• Spring 2015 administration of elementary school
assessments will include:
– English Language Arts (ELA): grades 3- 5*
– ELA Writing Component: grades 4 and 5*
– Mathematics: grades 3- 5*
*5th grade will have Computer Based Testing
What Are the Standards and
Assessments For Science
and Social Sciences?
• The 2008 Next Generation Sunshine State
Standards (NGSSS) remain for science and
social science
• Science FCAT 2.0 continues as the grade 5
science assessment
• Social Sciences supports literacy during K-5
required instruction
– Grades K-1: 60 minutes each week
– Grades 2-5: 120 minutes each week
How May I Help My Child?
• Read different types of books and informational text with
your child
• Ask your child to find answers to questions in the text of
books, newspaper articles, manuals, etc.
• Encourage your child to form and defend an opinion by
supporting it with facts, details and reasons from text
• Discuss mathematics ideas with your child have them
explain these to you using pictures, graphs, etc.
• Visit the Florida Standards Assessment online portal at: to become familiar with the new
Grading Scale
First Grade
Grade Point
Outstanding Progress
Above average
Average Progress
Lowest acceptable
• Students will receive weekly grades in
Language Arts
Content –Science and Social Studies
• Spanish, Art, Music and PE grades will be provided by the
assigned teachers to the class.
General Information
Free breakfast daily
School lunch costs $2.25 (Our lunch is at 10:35am)
Birthday Celebrations - Store bought cupcakes only and if you will be
coming to cafeteria to distribute them you must be a cleared
volunteer to pass out the goodies during our class lunch time.
Chaperone/Volunteer Policy – Parents must become a cleared volunteer every
Accelerated Reader
– If a student owes money to the cafeteria, he/she will receive an alternate
lunch each day until the balance is paid in full (cereal/milk)
– Lunch Application - apply for Free or Reduced Lunch online; See Ms.
Aquino in the main office if you need assistance
year. When volunteering in school or going on a field trip, parents must wear
the Friday t-shirt. Only cash will be collected this school year for field trips.
- Scholastic Book Clubs
• Adopt-a-Classroom
Electronic Notifications
• The District Electronic Grade Book provides automated email
notifications to parents and students who subscribe for this
• Parents and students who wish to start receiving automated
email subscriptions can do so via the Electronic Grade Book link
in the parent or student portals.
• Registration instructions, demonstration videos and a description
of all notifications can be found on the PIV resources page at:
Tips for Parents
• Please visit our school website.
• Click on the Parents tab, and then on
Open House for additional resources.
• Sign-In
• Visit the Book Fair
Mrs. Heredia’s Contact Information:
• Email Address:
– [email protected]
• Phone Number:
– (305) 254-5200