EPA Brownfields Competitive Grants (ARC)

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Transcript EPA Brownfields Competitive Grants (ARC)

Funding Opportunities:
Environmental Site
Assessment and Cleanup
January 20, 2011
C. John Dominguez, Vice President, School Site Solutions, Inc.
Funding Opportunities
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
 Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, Clean Up
(ARC) Grants
 Targeted Brownfield Assessment (TBA)
Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)
 Revolving Loan Fund (RLF)
State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
 Orphan Site Cleanup Fund (OSCF)
Real Property where the expansion,
redevelopment or reuse may be
complicated by the presence of hazardous
substances or petroleum products.
EPA Brownfields Competitive
Grants (ARC)
 Revolving Loan Fund
 Cleanup
Grants address sites contaminated
with Hazardous Substances or
US EPA Brownfields Grants:
Types: Assessment, RLF & Cleanup (ARC)
Eligible Entities:
Local Governments
School Districts
Indian Tribes
Nonprofits organizations (cleanup grants only)
Details: www.epa.gov/brownfields/applicat.htm
US EPA Brownfields Grants:
National Competition: TBD
18-page narrative proposal + 2-page
transmittal letter
Letters of support from community-based
Letter of support from State Environmental
Authority (DTSC or RWQCB)
US EPA Brownfields Grants:
Applicant Eligibility:
1 community-wide hazardous substances
assessment grant ($200,000 max)
1 community-wide petroleum assessment
grant ($200,000 max)
1 site-specific assessment grant ($200,000
hazardous substances or $200,000 petroleum;
waiver up to $350,000)
3 cleanup grants ($200,000 max each)
US EPA Brownfields Grants:
Assessment Grants: What You Get
$200,000 max each (no match required)
Can submit 1 community-wide assessment
application for both haz sub & pet ($400,000)
Can do investigation & cleanup planning
Delineate community involvement plan to be
implemented upon grant award
Coalition/Partnership Grant: $1 mil for min. 3
eligible entities (option; no other assessment
US EPA Brownfields Grants:
Cleanup Grants:
$200,000 max each for up to 3 per entity
20% match required (in kind services &
project mgmt ok, no admin; hardship waivers)
Phase II must be completed
Community notification prior to application
Only confirmation sampling
Only 1 grant per “site” (open to definition)
Requires current property ownership
Revolving Load Fund
What you get
Governmental entities only
Coalitions/Partnerships may apply
Up to $1 million per eligible entity
Make low interest loans and subgrants to
carryout cleanup activities only
Cost share requirement of 20%
EPA Targeted Brownfields
Assessment (TBA) Region 9
New Funding in October 2010/No match
Eligible entities submit on-line
Identify potential reuse of property
EPA Targeted Brownfields
Assessment (TBA) Region 9
EPA’s contractors complete the Phase 1 or
Phase II assessment
Can include cleanup planning and cost
Must have site access
Property ownership not required
State Water Quality
Resources Board
Orphan Site Cleanup Fund
Petroleum Only
Grant Funds (No match required)
 For cleanup of sites contaminated by
leaking petroleum underground storage
 No financially responsible party
State Water Quality
Resources Board
Orphan Site Cleanup Fund
Site meets the definition of a brownfield
 Up to $1.5 million per grant application per
 Site is in a city or group of contiguous
cities of 50,000 or more
Contact Information:
Sandra Karinen, Hazardous Substances Scientist
Brownfields and Restoration Program
Department of Toxic Substances Control
C. John Dominguez, Vice President
School Site Solutions, Inc.
EPA Application Website