Transcript Slide 1

providing clarity. releasing potential
Improving the Transparency of Qualifications
Maryanne Hall, Europass Co-ordinator
Chris Bye, Project Development Officer
Dora Timar, Accreditations and Recognitions Manager,
(International) City & Guilds
November 2008
Introduction to Europass
helps individuals demonstrate what they
can do
is a tool that has been developed by the
European Commission
makes it easier for individuals to find
employment or a study/training course
promotes mobility, which in turn
increases employability
Europass Documents
There are five documents that help improve the transparency of
qualifications throughout Europe:
Europass CV
Europass Language Passport
Europass Mobility
Europass Diploma Supplement
Europass Certificate Supplement
European Curriculum Vitae
 Europass Curriculum Vitae (CV) helps users highlight their skills,
qualifications and work experience. It provides a template to help
users draw attention to the attributes that will set them apart from
It is available to anyone wanting to work in Europe irrespective of their
educational or employment history
It allows users to highlight their skills rather than their ability to format a
The information is presented in a standardised European format which can
be easily understood by employers and education providers in Europe
It can be completed and edited online through the Europass website
Europass Language Passport
 The Europass Language Passport makes it possible for users to
record their language abilities. Users can record language courses
they have completed, any language experience they have and rank
their proficiency to a common European scale of language
Users can record their language skills and abilities, including language
courses and informal learning experiences
Individuals can use the Europass Language Passport alongside their CV to
provide further information on their language abilities, useful for employers
and education providers
The common European scale, used on the Language Passport, allows
users to rate their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in a
particular language
Europass Mobility
Europass Mobility allows users to record a period that they have spent
learning or training abroad
These experiences can help increase cultural awareness and improve
Europass Mobility can also help with the recognition of an individual’s
Europass Mobility will allow employers to easily see the transferable skills
an individual gained during their time abroad
Employers will see the language skills and any qualifications gained
during their time spent abroad
It ensures that employers/education providers are aware that an individual
took part in a genuine development programme as the Mobility document
validates the experience
Diploma Supplement
 Benefits of the Diploma Supplement to individuals:
 It contains more information than a transcript
 It generally increases mobility and helps employers to see what
skills and competencies students have gained during their time
at university.
 UK students need to compete
 One document
 It helps to enable student mobility
Europass Diploma Supplement
Benefits of the Diploma Supplement for Organisations:
 It demonstrates the desire of the university to enhance student
employability at national and international level
 It facilitates the admission of students into its own institution
 It enhances upward mobility and improves connections with
other institutions in Europe
 It provides a positive reflection of a university’s involvement
towards the EHEA (European Higher Education Area)
Europass Certificate Supplement
 Europass Certificate Supplement
 The Certificate Supplement allows users to communicate
details of a qualification
 It enhances information that is already included in the
official certificate
 It helps employers to understand the unique skills an
individual has gained and at what level
Europass can help students
Europass helps in the understanding of qualifications, competences
and skills across borders
It provides information in a standardised format, which is used in all
EU countries
It presents information in a clear and transparent manner, making
it easier to understand what an individual can offer
It enables individuals to be able to make the most of opportunities on a
European level and enhances mobility
This will be City & Guilds slides
• See City & Guilds slides and include them in this section!
Inland Mobility Pilot
• UK and Dutch NEC chosen by the European Commission to pilot a
new inland mobility scheme
• The existing Europass Mobility document is suitable for those
involved in internationally based work, training or study
• However there has been growing demand for a document to reflect
authentication of time spent training, working or studying within the
confines of an individual’s own country
• The pilot will be implemented to assess the suitability of a new
document and results will be fed back to the Commission
• The pilot will be run in association with City & Guilds using two of
their learning centres
providing clarity. releasing potential
Thank You