Next Step: Preparation for Residency Application

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Next Step: Preparation for
Residency Application
First Step
• MSPE: Letter from one of 3 letter-writers in
Memphis; one in Chattanooga; one in Knoxville
(begins August 13)
• ERAS: Electronic Residency Application System.
How you will apply to residency programs (You
will send out application September 13, but you
can begin working on it before hand)
• NRMP: National Residency Match Process (after
interviews, ranking of programs February 14)
End of M3 year:
Had clerkship experiences
Got an idea of what sort of doctor you wish to be
(Hopefully) have looked at the electronic resources
to decide what is a good fit
– Considered your M4 year for further exploration
or away/audition rotations
End of M3 year:
– Reviewed Charting Outcomes to the Match from
– Will send out the most recent version when
– Characteristics of applicants who matched in their
preferred specialty
• An advising program
– Look at the UT specialty pages for the list of
faculty members willing to discuss you application
for that specialty with you
– I have sent out additional names. Will be up on
website soon or email me
• I am always available- please come talk to me
• An Indecision Scale at AAMC/Careers in
Medicine website
• If still need clarity, let me help arrange a ‘day
or half-day’ with a doctor out in town.
Curriculum Vitae & Personal Statement
Strolling Through the Match
April 27, 2012
A ‘CV’ is…
● Your life course
● The course of your life
● An organized document of how you have spent
your professional life
 not intended to be a philosophical statement,
but rather a fact sheet with order and content
● On paper, it’s who you are professionally
• Your ERAS application will ask for CV type
material: EX: Research, you will cut and paste
• But, you will also need to have a CV
– For those who write your LOR
– For the chair of the department in the specialty
you are applying
– For the person who will write your MSPE (dean’s
● One page
● Good quality paper
● White or near white
● Ordered and structured
● The following are suggestions
● But this order flows well
Do NOT need to put your…
Marital status
Names of children
SS # or NRMP #
Place of Birth
Courses taken
Career plan
The Header (top of page)
● Identifying Information
 Full name
 Address
 Telephone number
 E-mail Address
The Body
• Education
Medical School
Graduate school (even if non-degreed)
years of attendance, major, degree
Add GPA, class standing ONLY if it’s
Alpha Omega Alpha, 2012
Presidential Scholarship, UTK, 2005 – 2009
Summer Honors Research Scholar, 2008
Vice President of Academic
Affairs, 2010-present
President of Class Notes, 2011-2013
Do NOT list all; limit your society
memberships unless an officer.
List medically
related employment first.
Electrocardiogram technician,
Methodist Hospital, Summer, 2009
Chemistry lab assistant, UT, Knoxville, 20062007
UT, Knoxville 2011-2012
Investigated cardiac output of rats under the
influence of nitrous oxide. Under supervision
of Dr. Thomas Mitras
Be prepared to
discuss your research.
Publications & Presentations
Presented National Association of Rat
Biologists, 2009.
“Effects of Nitrous Oxide on Cardiac Output of
Personal Interests
Painting, hiking, photography
Special Abilities
Capable in sign language, fluent in Spanish
• Try to keep to one page
 Exception: Research and publications
• Ask friends, family, faculty to proofread and
• Be prepared to discuss any research documented
• Explain any awards
• EX: Witherspoon scholarship: given to
outstanding freshman research in chemistry
About Research
• Some of you have a long research history and
have been advised to organize your CV a
certain way.
• One suggestion
– Research Project: Mentor; description
• Abstract (title, authors, date presented and where)
• Publication (site officially)
●One page
●Good quality paper
●White or near white
●Ordered and structured
• I am happy to read your drafts
Strolling Through the Match
April 27, 2012
A Personal Statement is…
● In contrast to CV, personal statement may be
● A narrative
● About the past that is relevant and as
importantly, what the future dream is
● Who you are that is not revealed in your
transcript or your CV
● Doesn’t describe your life chronologically
● An introductory sentence to capture interest
A Personal Statement tells…
● Why I chose medicine
● How I chose my specialty
● Where I see myself
● Insight into family and very special
● One page long
● Have others proofread: spelling,
proper English, flow &
appropriateness of content
● Use good paper & a font that is easy
to read
● Use humor
● Talk about fears, poignant events in
life if they are relevant
● Be positive about the traits you
possess that will help make you a
good resident
• Suggestions
 This is your own statement; individualize it
 Make an attempt to reveal who you are on
 Make it reader friendly
• Pitfalls
 Be careful talking about religion practices
 Not too long or too short
 Avoid one long paragraph
More issues with personal statements
• Don’t use it to explain bad grades or
explain step score failures
• And what about future plans?
● CV & PS quality will not make or break you
● May induce a great deal of interest and
augment ‘the numbers and grades’
● Poor grammar or sloppiness may hurt
● Bring a good copy of CV and personal statement
with you when you meet with faculty about
writing a reference letter
Hillel the Elder, Jewish Philosopher
“If I am not for myself, who will
be for me?”…
“… And, if not now, when?”
What do you think…
Plus or Pitfall?
“At this point in time, I see myself
pursuing a fellowship in sports
In the future, I see myself practicing
in a medium sized community
working with the local high school
and college teams while at the
same time serving the various
members of the community…”
What do you think…
Plus or Pitfall?
“From summer camp to teenage
youth director, I have always loved
being around kids – shy, screaming,
laughing, unreserved, honest kids…
The pediatric ward reinforced my
feelings in real time…
An equally rewarding aspect of
pediatrics is preventive medicine…”
What do you think…
Plus or Pitfall?
“In his essay on the profession of medicine,
Sir William Osler writes that the medical
field strives for a time, ‘when there should
be no more unnecessary death, when
sorrow and crying should be no more, and
there should not be any more pain.’…”
“Iee myself Though I intend to first and foremost become a
clinical physician, I also plan to participate in investigation and
education throughout my career…
The balance for which I search in my career will unite direct and
honest patient care with practical discovery and education. A
residency in internal medicine will provide the ideal foundation
for this pursuit…
I see myself not only as a future leader in providing health care
to my community, but also as a leader outside of medicine as a
respected citizen, neighborhood advocate, author, and role
What do you think…
Plus or Pitfall?
“In my journey through medical school, I have realized that
pursuing a career in family medicine will allow me to address
several of my special interests while also allowing me to serve me
community effectively…
My interest in adolescent populations is one of the main reasons I
am opting for a career in family medicine…
I also hope to address the needs of the special populations…”
“I have learned that people with substance abuse issues present a
special set of challenges, and I plan to use what I have learned in a
prevention effort in my community…
I had some academic difficulties in the basic sciences as a result of
my difficulties with test taking. I was able to address these
difficulties in a decelerated curriculum that allowed me to spread
out the traditional preclinical courses and focus on each course in
more depth…
Returning to a full-time curriculum for my clinical clerkships…
Though it was personally difficult for me to accept a change in the
course I had planned, I am grateful for the additional enriching
Getting Ready for the Match
What to do now?
● Write your personal statement
● Consider who should write you letters of
 contacting his/her secretary to schedule an
 Provide copy of cv, personal statement & ERAS
cover letter (download from SA web page)
● Debbey Hester schedules ALL MSPE appointments
 Scheduling begins July , 2013
Instructions for scheduling MSPE appointments will
be sent via UTHSC email late June
• Next up:
• Strolling through the Match
• April 29 4-6 PM
• The actual Match Process made clear
• How to find most current Match Data so you
can be prepared