Re-digging the Wells

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Re-digging the Wells
Genesis 26:18-22
Genesis 26:18-22
18. Isaac reopened the water wells that
had been dug in the days of his
father Abraham and that the
Philistines had stopped up after
Abraham died. He gave them the
same names his father had given
19. Moreover, Isaac’s slaves dug in the
valley and found a well of spring
water there.
20. But the herdsmen of Gerar
quarreled with Isaac’s herdsmen and
said, “The water is ours!” So he
named the well Quarrel because they
quarreled with him.
21. Then they dug another well and
quarreled over that one also, so he
named it Hostility.
22. He moved from there and dug
another, and they did not quarrel
over it. He named it Open Spaces
and said, “For now the Lord has
made room for us, and we will be
fruitful in the land.”
Holman Christian Standard Bible
• Water maintains life, health,
and refreshment
• Isaiah 12:3 “You will joyfully
draw water from the springs
of salvation”
• John 4:14 “But whoever
drinks from the water that I
will give him will never get
thirsty again—ever! In fact,
the water I will give him will
become a well of water
springing up within him for
eternal life.”
“…Jesus stood up and
cried out, “If anyone is
thirsty, he should come to
Me and drink! The one
who believes in Me, as the
Scripture has said, will
have streams of living
water flow from deep
within him.” He said this
about the Spirit, whom
those who believed in Him
were going to receive”
John 7:37-39
Wells Are the Ways We
Access Water
• Time in the Word
• Time in Prayer
• Refreshing Fellowship
Stopped Up Wells
• Vs. 15 “The Philistines stopped up all
the wells that his father’s slaves had
dug in the days of his father Abraham,
filling them with dirt.”
• Vs. 18 “…The water wells that the
Philistines had stopped up after
Abraham died.”
Spiritual Dehydration
Loss of turgor – skin loses it flexibility
Loss of balance, stumble easily
All bodily functions are impaired
Renal failure – the body loses the ability
to cleanse itself of impurities
• Skin can become flaky and shed – loses
its attractiveness
Re-digging Wells
• Vs. 18 “Isaac reopened the water
wells that had been dug in the
days of his father Abraham”
• King James: “And Isaac digged
again the wells of water”
Re-naming the Wells
• Vs. 18 “He gave them the same
names his father had given them”
• Going back and calling them by
their proper names
Digging New Wells
• Vs. 19 “Moreover, Isaac’s slaves
dug in the valley and found a well
of spring water there.”
• Literally, “living water”
When Well-Digging, You Can
Expect Resistance
• Vs. 20 But the herdsmen of Gerar
quarreled with Isaac’s herdsmen
and said, “The water is ours!” So
he named the well Quarrel
because they quarreled with him.
• Vs. 21 Then they dug another
well and quarreled over that one
also, so he named it Hostility.
• Vs. 22 He moved from there and
dug another, and they did not
quarrel over it. He named it Open
• Vs. 22 “He moved from there
and dug another, and they did not
quarrel over it. He named it Open
Spaces and said, ‘For now the
Lord has made room for us…”
• The verse continues: “…and we
will be fruitful in the land.’”