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Transforming the finance function

Don Peebles, Policy and Technical Manager, CIPFA Dave Baldam, Senior Consultant, CIPFA Steven Mair, Borough Treasurer, Oldham Council

Transforming the Finance Function

CIPFA Conference 2013 – Workshop 11 July 2013

Today’s Team - Introductions


Don Peebles Policy & Technical Manager CIPFA

07919 044246 [email protected]

Dave Baldam Senior Finance Advisor CIPFA

07919 017569 [email protected]

Steven Mair Borough Treasurer Oldham Council

07786 525809 [email protected]

Some Questions We Hope to Answer


Why “transform” my finance department?

Has anyone else tried this?

How can I do this?

What do we mean by “transformation” Transform my finance department? – don’t think I need to


The Vision

“…a modernised and integrated financial management system which is fit for purpose for the modern public body…” This means: A whole systems approach to budgeting, in-year budget management and reporting, with a seamless link to end of year reporting cipfa.org.uk


Is there an opportunity to redesign the closedown process for local government (initially)?

 Development of a robust and reliable standardised process for year end close down  No standardised process exists across local government?

 Why redesign the final accounts process? - improves financial management - to save time and resource - focus on ‘added value’ work - Staff benefits cipfa.org.uk

So what is happening? (1)

 Oldham Council has been doing its own pioneering work  New product development – look for early adopters and innovators – Oldham!

 CIPFA will be working closely with Oldham to develop the new product  Adopting a three stage process to final accounts redesign cipfa.org.uk

So what is happening? (2)

Stage 1 - Standardisation

Process map Oldham’s closedown processes  Identify scope for further improvements to Oldham’s processes  Identify barriers that Oldham had to overcome, and solutions (people and technical)  Explore opportunities to standardise processes cipfa.org.uk

So what is happening? (3)

 Explore different processes needed for different types of authority (Oldham is a unitary)  Having regard to the previous points: identify adaptations required to Oldham’s processes having regard to: - completeness (different types of authority) - compliance/ robustness (Code) - reliability (system)  Review, test and go live!


So what is happening? (4)

 Process map another LA’s closedown process that has not replicated Oldham’s pioneering work  Illustrate differences i.e. where LAs are currently versus where we want to move them in terms of the Oldham way cipfa.org.uk

So what is happening? (5)

Stage 2 - Automation

To design a software solution which is capable of being attached to multiple systems (both corporate financial system and service department systems) to extract all the information required to produce a set of Code compliant accounts, which has significantly reduced the level of manual input  Market research available technologies  Identify appropriate partners and select a preferred partner  Build, test, refine, test and go live!


So what is happening? (5)

Stage 3 – Advice, Assistance & Support

Move into developing new ways of working on closedown  Local authorities pro actively review and engage with others on improving their closedown (different delivery models?)  Sharing of best practice, standardisation of processes/ systems, all share in the benefits (improved quality & cost) cipfa.org.uk


Product Launch – Indicative Timetable

 Phase 1 – Standardisation: Oct – Dec 2013  Phase 2 – Automation: 2014?  Phase 3 – Advice, Assistance & Support: 2015?

Transforming the Finance Function The Oldham Council Story

 The Ambition  The Reason  Why the Accounts?

 The Track Record  How Did We Do It?

 The Benefits cipfa.org.uk


Transforming the Finance Function The Ambition

 It is not about the accounts  It is about:  transformation, financial management standards, innovation …………….

 improved quality and reduced cost (highest performance, lowest quartile cost)  step change not incremental, starting with the fundamentals moving rapidly on, through and up

Transforming the Finance Function The Reason

 Need for change, need to kick start transformation  There were:  Pockets of excellence   Elements of ambition Some aspiration and occasional new ways of working  There was also the usual:       We’ve always done it this way Does he know what’s talking about ……..

It’ll never last, give it a year Never work in “Oldham” If only those services/other teams/third parties ……… Why?


Transforming the Finance Function Why The Accounts


 Wanted something that was:  Significant       SMART Visible Service wide Easily “messaged” Externally verifiable About quality, pace and transformation  A catalyst

Financial Year

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13


Transforming the Finance Function The Track Record


Submitted for External Audit

30 June 2009, material errors 27 May 2010, no material errors 19 May 2011, no material errors 3 May 2012, no material errors 26 April 2103, no material errors

TBD, but earlier and better

Audit Opinion & Publ. Accounts National Ranking

End September 2009 31 August 2010 29 July 2011 Low Top 6 Council & 1st Met Authority Joint 1st Council 25 June 2012 31 May 2013

TBD, but earlier and better

1 st Local Gov. Body (LGB) 1 st LGB, top 60% FTSE 100

1 st LGB and top 30% FTSE 100

Transforming the Finance Function How Did We Do It? - Initially

    At the start great deal of sheer xxxxxx mindedness A great deal of hard work Lot of dependence on key individuals Also identified enablers, doubters and blockers cipfa.org.uk

 Also:   Applying project management methodology Challenging current timelines   Technical expertise Refining quality assurance techniques


Transforming the Finance Function How Did We Do it? - Project Management and Timelines

    Detailed timetable and list of working papers Defined roles and responsibilities Communication plan Stakeholder and risk management     Early planning – extensive & timetable review as soon as close Earlier assurance gained from monthly close & FFS audits External audit support – incorporate resources to timetable Technical groups – on going programme of activity


Transforming the Finance Function How Did We Do It? - Technical Expertise and QA

 Technical Expertise  Key individuals identified as technical experts and backup for these people identified so knowledge and workload shared  Technical Issues picked up in the monthly monitoring programme so resolved prior to year end  3 Stage quality assurance process:    Preparer Reviewer Quality Assurer

Step Change Process Adopted


Transforming the Finance Function The Benefits

      Improved processes More resource from end of April QA is normal business Rotation of staff – building resilience, and resistance is changing to requests Broader understanding Tackling by way of example:  Two year budgets     Integrating systems Embedding self service “Added Value” finance Themed developments cipfa.org.uk


Transforming the Finance Function – Other Benefits

 Drives continuous review and improvement:  Embeds refined project management skills  Focuses resource to improve systems for further efficiency and streamlined financial reporting  Cost effectiveness:  Frees up finance staff months earlier   Forward looking focus, rather than the historic Early programme builds in capacity to address emerging issues  Raises the financial management “bar”:  Sets a standard of quality, aspiration and timeliness   Applied to other financial work. Provides confirmed information for all stakeholders months earlier


Transforming the Finance Function – Other Benefits

 Culture change:  Can do - and what else can we do   Being bold Ideas  Staff benefits :     Staff experience, motivation and career development is enhanced Develops the reputation of Oldham and its finance service Pride in the job is promoted Attracts and retains excellent top quality staff 

In a nutshell….

Short Term Pain

Longer Term Gain to Organisation and Finance Team

Your views………………….


Transforming the finance function

Don Peebles, Policy and Technical Manager, CIPFA Dave Baldam, Senior Consultant, CIPFA Steven Mair, Borough Treasurer, Oldham Council