Transcript Slide 1

Statewide Network of
Middle Level Liaisons
General Membership
 Meeting attendance is open to any educator with an interest in Middle
Level Education who wishes to work to further the Mission and Vision
of the Statewide Network of Middle Level Liaisons.
 Membership will be determined on an annual basis at the November
meeting. Membership will be based upon the payment of the annual
meeting fee due at that time.
 Members will all be assigned to one of the following ten
JMT Regions
Capital District/North Country
Long Island
Lower Hudson Valley
Mid State
Mid West
Large City
Central Region
General Membership
 Only members who have paid the annual meeting fee
will have the following voting privileges:
 Election of their JMT Executive Committee representative
 Amendment of By-laws
 Members may send a substitute in their place and
that substitute shall have the proxy of the voting
member they represent.
 A majority of the members present is required to pass
an amendment to the By-laws
Executive Committee
 All elected Executive Committee members must be employed by either a New
York State public school, private school, school district or sole supervisory
 One voting member representing each of the ten Joint Management Team
(JMT) regions identified previously. These seats are determined by a majority
ballot of the members of each JMT – 10 seats
 Up to 5 additional non-voting members may be appointed by the executive
committee leadership – 5 seats
 One non voting member representing SED – 1 seat
 In the year 2007-08 and 2008-09 one voting executive committee seat will be
added for each of the original steering committee members in order to
effectively transition to the new organizational structure. Beginning in November
2009 those seats will be abolished. - 4 seats
Executive Committee Terms
 Each executive committee member will serve a two year term. Each executive
committee member may serve up to 2 consecutive terms. Members may be reelected
to the EC after a 2 year absence.
 Beginning with November 2007 each of the following executive committee
representatives will serve a 3 year term in order to stagger committee membership.
West, Mid State, Large City, Lower Hudson Valley, Mid-West
 Each executive committee member will be elected by their JMT region at the
November meeting.
 The following executive committee officers will be elected by the executive committee
by a majority, and will serve a 2 year term provided they are reelected if necessary by
their JMT Region:
Chair Chair - Elect
Duties of the Executive
Committee Members
Elect Executive Committee leadership positions: Chair, Chair Elect, Recorder, Secretary, Treasurer
Attend the semi annual meeting on the final day of the general meeting from noon – 2:00 pm or as
otherwise scheduled
Attend additional planning meetings if necessary
Plan Agenda for Spring/Fall general membership meetings
Chair workgroups or committees
Act as facilitators at meetings
Other duties as assigned
Only Executive Committee may propose changes to the By-laws for consideration by the general
Duties of Chair
Convene meeting
Confirm membership
Confirm meeting agenda.
Set the Executive Committee agenda, time and place.
Facilitate discussion
Act as or designate an alternate to represent The
Middle Level Liaisons when requested by NYSED or
other organizations.
Coordinate the Executive Committee tasks and duties
Ensure all by-laws are followed.
Maintain relationship with NYSED Liaison.
Duties – Chair Elect
Serve as chair in his/her absence
Assist in facilitating Spring and
Fall General Meeting Agenda
Work with SED Liaison to provide operational
support for Spring and Fall Agenda
Other duties as assigned
Duties of the Recorder
Take notes at each Spring and Fall general Liaisons
meeting to be distributed to membership.
Provides electronic copies of all pertinent
information gathered at the Fall and Spring general
Liaisons meetings
Provides for maintenance of list-serve
Provides for archival of records and documents for
the Spring and Fall meeting.
Other duties as assigned
Duties of the
Record and maintain minutes of the
Executive Committee Meetings
Produce and send thank you notes to all
presenters at Fall and Spring meetings
Handle all official correspondence for the
Other duties as assigned
Duties of the
Maintain membership records
Monitors income and expenses
Assigns facilities coordinator
Makes financial reports to the Executive
Committee at least once per year.
Other duties as assigned