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Statistics for Microarrays

Multiple Testing and Prediction and Variable Selection Class web site:


cDNA gene expression data

1 2 3 4 5 Data on G genes for n samples mRNA samples

sample1 sample2 sample3 sample4 sample5 …


-0.10 0.15




























Gene expression level of gene


in mRNA sample



(normalized) Log( Red intensity / Green intensity )

Multiple Testing Problem

• Simultaneously test G null hypotheses, one for each gene j H j : no association between expression level of gene j and the covariate or response • Because microarray experiments simultaneously monitor expression levels of thousands of genes, there is a large multiplicity issue • Would like some sense of how ‘surprising’ the observed results are

Hypothesis Truth vs. Decision

Decision Truth # true H # not rejected U # rejected V (F +) totals m 0 # non-true H T totals m - R S R m 1 m

Type I (False Positive) Error Rates

• • • • Per-family Error Rate PFER = E(V) Per-comparison Error Rate PCER = E(V)/m Family-wise Error Rate FWER = p(V ≥ 1) False Discovery Rate FDR = E(Q), where Q = V/R if R > 0; Q = 0 if R = 0

Strong vs. Weak Control

• All probabilities are conditional hypotheses are true on which • Strong control refers to control of the Type I error rate under any combination of true and false nulls • Weak control refers to control of the Type I error rate only under the complete null hypothesis (i.e. all nulls true) • In general, weak control without other safeguards is unsatisfactory

Comparison of Type I Error Rates

• In general, for a given multiple testing procedure, PCER  FWER  PFER, and FDR  FWER, with FDR = FWER under the complete null

Adjusted p-values (p*)

• If interest is in controlling, e.g., the FWER, the adjusted p-value for hypothesis H j is: p j * = inf {  : H j is rejected at FWER  } • Hypothesis H if p j *   j is rejected at FWER • Adjusted p-values for other Type I error rates are similarly defined 

Some Advantages of p-value Adjustment

• Test level determined in advance • Some procedures in terms of their adjusted p-values • Usually • Procedures can be based on the corresponding adjusted p-values (size) does not need to be most easily described easily estimated using resampling readily compared

A Little Notation

• For hypothesis H j , j = 1, …, G observed test statistic: t j observed unadjusted p-value: p j • Ordering of observed (absolute) t j : {r j } such that |t r1 |  |t r2 |  …  |t rG | • Ordering of observed p j : {r j } such that |p r1 |  letters (T, P) |p r2 |  …  |p rG | • Denote corresponding RVs by upper case

Control of the FWER

• Bonferroni single-step adjusted p-values p j * = min (Gp j , 1) • Holm (1979) step-down p rj * = max k = 1…j adjusted p-values {min ((G-k+1)p rk , 1)} • Hochberg (1988) step-down adjusted p-values (Simes inequality) p rj * = min k = j…G {min ((G-k+1)p rk , 1) }

Control of the FWER

• Westfall & Young (1993) step-down minP adjusted p-values p rj * = max k = 1…j { p(max l  {rk…rG} P l  p rk  H 0 C )} • Westfall & Young (1993) step-down maxT adjusted p-values p rj * = max k = 1…j { p(max l  {rk…rG} |T l | ≥ |t rk |  H 0 C )}

Westfall & Young (1993) Adjusted p-values

• Step-down procedures: successively smaller adjustments at each step • Take into account the joint distribution of the test statistics • Less conservative than Bonferroni, Holm, or Hochberg adjusted p-values • Can be estimated by resampling but computer-intensive (especially for minP)

maxT vs. minP

• The maxT and minP adjusted p-values are the same when the test statistics are identically distributed (id) • When the test statistics are not id, maxT adjustments may be unbalanced (not all tests contribute equally to the adjustment) • maxT more computationally tractable than minP • maxT can be more powerful situations in ‘small n, large G’

Control of the FDR

• Benjamini & Hochberg (1995): step-up procedure which controls the FDR under some dependency structures p rj * = min k = j…G { min ([G/k] p rk , 1) } • • Benjamini & Yuketieli (2001): conservative step up procedure which controls the FDR under general dependency structures p rj * = min k = j…G { min (G  j=1 G [1/j]/k] p rk , 1) } Yuketieli & Benjamini (1999): resampling based adjusted p-values for controlling the FDR under certain types of dependency structures

Identification of Genes Associated with Survival

• Data: survival y i and gene expression x ij individuals i = 1, …, n and genes j = 1, …, G for • Fit Cox model for each gene singly: h(t) = h 0 (t) exp(  j x ij ) • For any gene j = 1, …, G, can test H j :  j = 0 • Complete null H 0 C :  j = 0 for all j = 1, …, G • The H j are tested on the basis of the Wald statistics t j and their associated p-values p j


• Lymphoma (Alizadeh et al.) 40 individuals, 4026 genes • Melanoma (Bittner et al.) 15 individuals, 3613 genes • Both available at

Results: Lymphoma

Results: Melanoma

Other Proposals from the Microarray Literature

• ‘Neighborhood Analysis’ , Golub et al.

– In general, gives only weak control of FWER • ‘Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM)’ (2 versions) – Efron et al. (2000): weak control of PFER – Tusher et al. (2001): strong control of PFER • SAM also estimates ‘FDR’, but this ‘FDR’ is defined as E(V|H 0 C )/R, not E(V/R)


• Whether multiple testing methods (adjustments) should be applied at all • Which tests family should be included in the (e.g. all tests performed within a single experiment; define ‘experiment’) • Alternatives – Bayesian approach – Meta-analysis

Situations where inflated error rates are a concern

• It is plausible that all nulls may be true • A serious claim will be made whenever any p < .05 is found • Much data manipulation performed to find a ‘significant’ result • The analysis is planned to be but wish to claim ‘sig’ results are real • Experiment may be exploratory unlikely to be followed up before serious actions are taken


• Alizadeh et al. (2000) Distinct types of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma identified by gene expression profiling. Nature 403: 503-511 • Benjamini and Hochberg (1995) Controlling the false discovery rate: a practical and powerful approach to multiple testing. JRSSB 57: 289-200 • Benjamini and Yuketieli (2001) The control of false discovery rate in multiple hypothesis testing under dependency. Annals of Statistics • Bittner et al. (2000) Molecular classification of cutaneous malignant melanoma by gene expression profiling. Nature 406: 536-540 • Efron et al. (2000) Microarrays and their use in a comparative experiment. Tech report, Stats, Stanford • Golub et al. (1999) Molecular classification of cancer. Science 286: 531-537


• Hochberg (1988) A sharper Bonferroni procedure for multiple tests of significance. Biometrika 75: 800-802 • Holm (1979) A simple sequentially rejective multiple testing procedure. Scand. J Statistics 6: 65-70 • Ihaka and Gentleman (1996) R: A language for data analysis and graphics. J Comp Graph Stats 5: 299-314 • Tusher et al. (2001) Significance analysis of microarrays applied to transcriptional responses to ionizing radiation. PNAS 98: 5116 -5121 • Westfall and Young (1993) Resampling-based multiple testing: Examples and methods for p-value adjustment. New York: Wiley • Yuketieli and Benjamini (1999) Resampling based false discovery rate controlling multiple test procedures for correlated test statistics. J Stat Plan Inf 82: 171-196


Prediction and Variable Selection

• Substantial statistical literature on model selection for minimizing prediction error • Most of the focus is on linear models • Almost universally assumed (in the statistics literature) that n > (or >>) p , the number of available predictors • Other fields (e.g. chemometrics) have been dealing with the n << p problem

Model Selection (Generic)

• Select the class of models considered (e.g. linear models, regression trees, etc) to be • Use a procedure to compare models in the class • Search the model space • Assess prediction error

Model Selection and Assessment

• The generalization performance of a learning method relates to its prediction capability on independent test data • This performance guides model choice • Performance is a measure of quality of the chosen model

Bias, Variance, and Model Complexity

Test error (or generalization error the expected prediction error over an independent test sample ) is • Training error is the average loss over the training sample Err = (1/n)  n i=1 L(y i , f(x i ))

Prediction Error

Error vs. Complexity

High Bias Low Variance Low Bias High Variance Test sample Training sample Model Complexity

Using the data

• Ideally, divide data into 3 sets: – Training set : used to fit models – – Validation set : used to estimate prediction error for model selection Test set : used to assess the generalization error for the final model • How much training data are ‘enough’ depends on signal-noise ratio, model complexity, etc.

• Most microarray data sets too small for dividing further

Approximate Validation Methods

• Analytic Methods include – Akaike information criterion (AIC) – Bayesian information criterion (BIC) – Minimum description length (MDL) • Sample re-use methods – Cross-validation – Bootstrap

Some Approaches when n < p

• Some kind of initial screening is essential for many types of models • Rank genes in terms of variance (or coefficient of variation) across samples, use only biggest • Dimensionality reduction through principal components , use the first (some number) PCs as variables

Parametric Variable Selection (I)

• • • Forward selection criterion : start with no variables; add additional variables satisfying some Backward elimination : start with all variables; delete variables one at a time according to some criterion until some stopping rule is satisfied ‘Stepwise’ : after each variable added, test to see if any previously selected variable may be deleted without appreciable loss of explanatory power

• • •

Parametric Variable Selection (II)

Sequential replacement some criterion : see if any variables can be replaced with another, according to Generating all subsets : provided the number of variables is not too large and the criterion assessing performance is not too difficult or time-consuming to compute Branch and bound some criterion : divide possible subsets into groups (branches), search of some sub branches may be avoided if exceed bound on

An Intriguing Approach

• Gabriel and Pun (1979): suggested that when an exhaustive search infeasible, may be possible to separate variables into groups for which an exhaustive search is feasible • For linear model, grouping would be such that regression sum of squares is additive under certain other conditions) for variables in different groups (orthogonal; also • But hard to see how to extend to other types of models, e.g. survival

Tree-based Variable Selection

• Tree-based models most often used for prediction , with little attention to details on the chosen model • Trees can be used to statistics • An idea is to use identify subsets of variables with good discriminatory power via importance bagging to generate a collection of tree predictors and importance statistics for each variable; can then rank variables by their (median, say) importance • Create a prediction accuracy criterion for inclusion of variables in the final subset

Genomic Computing for Variable Selection

• A type of evolutionary computing algorithm • Goal is to evolve simple explanatory rules with high explanatory power • May do better than tree-based methods, where variables selected on the basis of their individual importance (but bagging may improve this)

The Basic Strategy of Evolutionary Computing

What this course covered

• Biological basics of (mostly cDNA) microarray technology • Special problems arising, particularly regarding normalization of arrays and multiple hypothesis testing • Some ways that standard statistical techniques may be useful • Some ways that more sophisticated techniques have been/may be applied • Examples of areas where more research is needed

What was left out

• Pathway modeling – This is a modeling very active field, as there is much interest in picking out genes working together based on expression – My view is that progress here will not come from generic ‘black box’ methods, but will instead require highly collaborative, directed • A comprehensive review of methods developed for analysis of microarray data – Instead, we have covered what are, in my opinion, some of the most important and fundamentally justifiable methods

Perspectives on the future

• Technologies are evolving, don’t get too ‘locked in’ to any particular technology • Keep an open mind to various problem solving approaches… • …But that doesn’t mean not to think!

Important Applications Include…

• Identification of therapeutic targets • Molecular classification of cancers • Host-parasite interactions • Disease process pathways • Genomic response to pathogens • Many others


• Debashis Ghosh • Erin Conlon • Sandrine Dudoit • José Correa