Putting it All Together

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Putting it All
Wayne Community Schools
What is a Lexile Range?
A method to place a student’s reading
ability and texts on the same scale
 A Lexile measure is not a grade level.
 The Lexile scale is constant, no matter
what test is being given.
 200L → Beginning Reader or text
 1700L+ → Advanced Reader or text
Lexile Measures
Lexile measures allow you to manage
Matching a reader’s Lexile measure with a text
with the same Lexile measure leads to an
expected 75% comprehension rate.
Not too difficult to frustrate.
Difficult enough to be challenging.
Easy to communicate to families.
The Website
What about Non-Core classes?
Classes that are considered to be specials
are often our “real-world” classes.
 Reading in these classes allows students
to practice reading naturally.
 Students need exposure to reading for the
different disciplines to be able to read and
test successfully.
What about Non-Core classes?
The more opportunities you have to practice something,
the better you will do.
Is illiteracy caused because student’s can’t read? Or is it
because they don’t read?
Approximately 25 percent of all high school students
read at "below basic" levels. Affecting more than their
achievement in English and language arts classes, low
literacy levels also prevent students from mastering
content in other subjects.
(Alliance, 2006)
What about Non-Core classes?
Knowing what level a student is reading at
allows all teachers to differentiate instruction.
MAP data allows teachers to see where students
are achieving in basic Reading, Math, and
Science skills.
Lexile ranges can help teachers choose reading
materials, in their content area, that student’s
can comprehend.
Lesson Plans
Demonstration 
 Using
“My Computer” – Open “G” Drive
 Open “Lesson Plan” folder
 Open your Building folder
 Save your lesson plan into your folder
Use your name and the date (ex. mbeair 11-15-10)
Do not delete Lesson Plans from this folder
Please use your building/grade level’s agreed upon format.
How does all of this Data fit into
day to day teaching?
Data can NOT measure a student’s
attitude, motivation, willingness to learn, or
resiliency during adversity.
 Data CAN help us complete a rationale
analysis of where a student’s weaknesses
and strengths are.
How does all of this Data fit into
day to day teaching?
Once we know where our student’s
weaknesses and strengths are, we can
find our district’s weaknesses and
 It’s easier to fix something when you know
what needs to be fixed before you start!
Try to contain your excitement…. 
 SAT is a team approach to trying to find
ways to help a student become successful
in the classroom.
 RtI is simply documenting what we try and
obtaining/using data to decide if it is
working or not.
A student may be referred to a SAT team
due to academic, emotional, or behavioral
 The SAT team decides what intervention
should be tried to help this student, who is
going to do it, and how it is going to be
RtI helps us define where we are at in the SAT
team process.
 Tier 1 – General Education
 No interventions – or large group/general interventions
Teacher does these things prior to bringing student to SAT team
 Tier 2 – Intensive Assistance
 Interventions are planned, documented, and are done in a
small group or individual setting.
 Tier 3 – Special Education
 Student has not improved despite interventions and Special
Education testing has been requested
Examples of Research Based
Assisted Study Hall
Pre-teach Vocabulary
Paired Reading
Teaching Touch Math
Teaching Clusters
Teaching Sound Partners
Buddy Reading
Mnemonic Instruction
Modeling Fluent Reading
Teaching Math Problem
solving Strategies
Math Facts Review
Behavior Contracts
Fostering a sense of
Community within the
Peer tutors
After/Before School Study
Re-teaching basic concepts
Positive Reinforcement
Using Rubrics
How to document progress
Progress Monitoring
 AIMSweb
 Grades
 Various
Data Collection forms
 MAP testing
 Attendance Record
 Teacher Observation/Record Data
Your SAT/RtI team leaders
 K-2: Tanya Heikes
 3-4: Liz Garvin
 5-6: Diane Long
 7-8: Rita Keller
 9-12:
Dave Hix
Meet 2x per month (Goal)
We have forms!!! 
Most important part of SAT process is
MAP data, AIMSweb data, and grades are
all indicators to help us understand where
a problem might lie.
 They can not fix the problem – that is
where we come in!!! 
 Teacher instinct and observation is
ALWAYS a piece of the puzzle!!