GCE ICT A2 Coursework

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Presenting Access Projects

Implementation Access Project

Writing ICT reports is a key ICT skill.

     Your report should be:  well-written concise well-organised well-illustrated professional in appearance an easy read for the examiner.

Advanced Database Projects In Access © Hodder Education 2008 Advanced Database Projects In Access © Hodder Education 2008

Implementation Access Project

  Your project report should:  have a front cover clearly stating your name, candidate number and the project title  have a clear contents page be divided into clear sections include your name and candidate number in the page header  use page numbering in the footer.

Advanced Database Projects In Access © Hodder Education 2008 Advanced Database Projects In Access © Hodder Education 2008

Implementation Access Project

Your project report should:   be consistent in style throughout use the same font and size for all the main text such as 12 point Arial or Times New Roman  use the same font and size for the main titles such as 16 point Arial or Times New Roman.

Advanced Database Projects In Access © Hodder Education 2008 Advanced Database Projects In Access © Hodder Education 2008

Implementation Access Project

  Common practice in presenting reports is to:  embolden headings rather than underline them  use single line spacing for text  have a blank line at the end of each paragraph rather than indenting them avoid long paragraphs of text use bullet points where possible.

Advanced Database Projects In Access © Hodder Education 2008 Advanced Database Projects In Access © Hodder Education 2008

Implementation Access Project

  How to present your screenshots:   make sure that all screenshots are big enough to be read don’t try and fit more than two screenshots of the whole screen on one side of A4 label screenshots clearly e.g. Screenshot 27 if you have to refer to a screenshot in the text, use the number, e.g. ‘as shown in Screenshot 27’.

Advanced Database Projects In Access © Hodder Education 2008 Advanced Database Projects In Access © Hodder Education 2008

Implementation Access Project

Follow these simple rules for your layout:  use page breaks to start a new section on a new page   make sure that you do not separate headings from body text with page breaks avoid using an appendix – examiners do not like having to keep flicking through a project to find the evidence.

Advanced Database Projects In Access © Hodder Education 2008 Advanced Database Projects In Access © Hodder Education 2008

Implementation Access Project

  Before you hand your project in:  use a spell checker on your work  arrange the project in the order in which it will be marked create a contents page print it out but consider back-to-back printing (duplex printing) to save paper  consider colour printing if colour is an essential part of the project.

Advanced Database Projects In Access © Hodder Education 2008 Advanced Database Projects In Access © Hodder Education 2008

Implementation Access Project

Do:  make sure that your project is firmly fastened together using treasury tags, staples or professional or spiral binding  Don’t:  remember it is quality not quantity.

use different and fancy fonts  include evidence of user involvement which is not genuine  include material that is not relevant.

Advanced Database Projects In Access © Hodder Education 2008 Advanced Database Projects In Access © Hodder Education 2008