Health and Wellbeing Board Update

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Health and Wellbeing Board
Gordon McCullough, CEO CAS
What is the aim of Health and Wellbeing Board?
To determine the public health priorities for Southwark in the years
ahead and bring a new shared approach to solving some of the
public health problems which are too prevalent in our community.
The intention is not to duplicate existing strategies
• There are already key strategies for tackling the wider social
determinants of health, promoting healthier lifestyles, improving
health, educational and social care outcomes for children and
young people, and delivering high quality health and social care
for major causes of ill health and disability, including conditions
associated with aging.
• Influence actions and commissioning plans for HWB partners
and providers
• Joint Strategy Needs Assessment
• Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
• Adopts a ‘library bookcase’ approach to identify the key local
strategies and examples of actions
• The Leader of Southwark Council
• The Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care
• The Cabinet Member for Children’s Services
• The Chief Executive of the Council
• The Strategic Director of Children's and Adults’ Services
• The Director of Public Health
• Three representatives from the Clinical Commissioning Group
• A representative of Southwark HealthWatch
• A representative from King’s Health Partners
• Southwark Borough Commander, Metropolitan Police Service
• The Chief Executive of Community Action Southwark
Four priorities for them to focus on:
• Prevention and reduction of alcohol-related misuse
• Coping skills, resilience and mental wellbeing
• Early intervention and families
• Healthy weight and exercise.
Ways of working
There may need to be forums outside of the formal meetings for
some discussions to take place – possibly through a planning group,
similar to the one that was established to help set up the shadow
Members of the board will need to act as conduits back to their
There needs to be two-way communication between the board and
the various organisations represented on it.
Board members should be free to express their differences but aim
for consensus when making decisions.
The board would like the NHS Commissioning Board (NHS CB) to
be represented at meetings of the Southwark HWB
Hold members to account over delivery of Joint HWB strategy
It was agreed that the current membership of the HWB was about
right, including the current political representation.
Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
There are three strategic objectives:
• Tackle the root causes of ill health and wellbeing, improving
the wider determinants of health and wellbeing, and reducing
• Building resilience and enabling everyone, including the most
vulnerable to manage their own health and wellbeing and to
live healthy lives
• Enable every child and young person to have the best start in
life (Children and Young People’s Board).
5 Domains
• An environment that promotes health and wellbeing
• People make healthier choices and healthier lives
• Preventing the need for more intensive health and social care
• People have good mental health and wellbeing
• Children and young people have the best start in life
Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
There are three strategic objectives which are:
• Tackle the root causes of ill health and wellbeing, improving
the wider determinants of health and wellbeing, and reducing
• Building resilience and enabling everyone, including the most
vulnerable to manage their own health and wellbeing and to
live healthy lives
• Enable every child and young person to have the best start in
The third objective is moving forward at a faster pace than the
others as the structures to deliver are in place already through
the Children and Young People’s Board. Objective 1 is about
tackling the root causes of ill-health, Objective 2 is about
prevention and Objective 3 relates to the children and young
people’s health.
Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
• Fast food
• Gambling
• To develop an engagement plan jointly with Community
Action Southwark, HealthWatch and Community
Development (Southwark Council) to support the further
development of the strategy. This will be reported to the
Board during the year to inform the development of the
Health & Wellbeing Strategy (May 2013).
• To identify and map local resources including social assets to
develop a better shared understanding of the resource
challenges and opportunities in the local system (Public
Health & CAS December 2013)
Southwark Clinical Commissioning Group
The CCG will contribute to the delivery of the NHS Commissioning
Board’s NHS Mandate from government. Through the delivery of our
commissioning intentions and programme of service improvement the
CCG will maintain and improve the following priority outcomes for our
• Preventing people from dying prematurely
• Enhancing quality of life for people with long-term conditions
• Helping people to recover from episodes of ill health or following
• Ensuring that people have a positive experience of care
• Treating and caring for people in a safe environment and
protecting them from avoidable harm.
• 3 local outcome indicators from current shortlist of 6 including:
COPD and smoking, end of life care ; patients with LTC selfmanagement feeling supported and their quality of life; diabetes
management and patients with asthma. Engagement with
patients, members and partners is on-going to agree the final
Integrated Care Pilot
Southwark and Lambeth Integrated Care.
Integrated care offers an opportunity for the HWB as it focuses very much
on prevention. It is about adult social care and health coming together.
Changing the way work is done so that it is planned around the individual
is at the core of this work. Key improvements to the system will focus on:
Real-time information sharing,
Changing the funding model,
Shared governance and improvement
Workforce changes.
In particular the pilot will seek to improve early identification which will
involve putting together a holistic health-check for elderly people to
identify problems earlier down the line. This should reduce the need for
more acute care. It will be necessary for all partners to work together
collaboratively in order for this work to be successful.
• Includes SLAM and 70% of GP practices have signed up