October –November 2008 - South Windsor Public Schools

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Transcript October –November 2008 - South Windsor Public Schools

Neatness an issue with appearance, not environment
Feelings easily hurt
Hang out in large groups, but starting to form more intimate relationships
Phone, computer, video games are major distractions
Like to do as much as possible and cram a lot into a day
More of their own adult personality evident
Embarrassed to be seen with parents
Don’t respond well to adult lectures; “know it all” stage
Can withdraw in the home setting
Worry about school work
Can be difficult at home and a star in school
One word answers
Like to challenge intellectual and social authority
Aware of problems in larger world and invested in finding solution
Abstract reasoning begins to develop
• Higher academic demands
• Individual responsibility emphasized
• More independence expected
• Organizational skills are necessary
• Self-advocacy skills essential
*Student to communicate with teacher:
Ask questions during class
Discuss problems or concerns with teachers before or after class, in the
morning or after school
Participate in after school help
Email teacher
*Clarification of homework assignments:
Student to use planner consistently to write down assignments
Student to use team homework page on the school website
Student to call a peer
Student to ask parents for assistance
*Student and Parents review Parent Portal together:
Student follows up with teacher on missing assignments, low scores
*Student comes to guidance regarding academic, social, or personal
All students established Power School accounts
Letter sent home from SWHS to all families
regarding transition information
•October 24th: Rockville Vo-Ag Open House ~ 6 PM
•October 29th: Cheney Tech Open House ~ 6 PM
•Nov. 3rd :
SWHS Family Curriculum Night ~ 6:30 PM
•Nov. 20th:
Prince Tech Open House ~ 5:30 PM
Timeline to High School:
December 2014 – January 2015
• December: Private high school applications
due to TE counselors
• January 14th: Parent presentation at SWHS ~
9th grade course selection process~ 6:30 PM
• Mid January: SWHS 9th grade counselor visits all 8th
grade classes to distribute and explain course
selection materials
February - March 2015
• First week of February: Level recommendations mailed
home with course selection worksheet and permission slip
for SWHS tour ~
• February 23rd, 24th & 25th: Students tour SWHS and enter
course requests in Power School during visits (one team per
• March 20th: Last day for level change
May – June 2015
• May: Preliminary schedules will be mailed to
students from SWHS
• June 12th: Final date for students to change
elective courses
• August: Freshman Orientation
Levels at SWHS
Goal is to place students where they can be most successful!
• Levels at SWHS follow New England Association of
Schools and Colleges (NEASC) standards.
• Courses are divided into levels based on difficulty of
curricular content, academic requirements,
sophistication of analysis required
• College Prep
• Honors
• Advanced Placement (AP) : Offered for
sophomores, juniors, and seniors
How Levels are Determined
1st trimester grades
Reading ability
Ability to work independently
Ability to analyze information and think abstractly
Writing skills
CMTs, benchmark assessments, and teacher generated
• Study habits
• Overall quality of work
• Responsibility in meeting deadlines
*Any questions should be addressed to the teacher as a first
9th Grade Course Requirements
All students must take the following classes:
1st year English or Humanities (by recommendation)
Physical Science
Modern World History or Humanities (by recommendation)
PE (1/2 year = .5 credit)
Computer Applications (1/2 year = .5 credit)
*These required classes total five credits.
*Students will need to choose up to two more credits in
elective courses. If students require math, reading, or resource
support, those are considered elective courses.
• 24 credits minimum
• Students must pass 6 credits to become sophomores
• To graduate from SWHS, students will need:
4 credits of English
4 credits of math
3 credits of science
3 credits of social studies
1 credit of PE
½ credit of health
2 credits of career and technology
1 credit of world language
1 credit of fine arts
4 ½ credits of electives
Additional questions?
Thank you for coming ~
Please complete the evaluation
and enjoy this exciting year
with your 8th grader!