Articulation Task Force (ATF) Chair Training

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Transcript Articulation Task Force (ATF) Chair Training

Articulation Task Force
Member Training
So you’ve been asked to attend an ATF meeting . . .
you are now part of a statewide network . . .
you represent your institution and your discipline . . .
you discuss components of the transfer model . . .
and, you provide an institutional update . . .
Implement the Arizona Transfer Model to
ensure that tribal and community college
students may transfer to Arizona public
universities without loss of credit toward
a baccalaureate degree.
Transfer Model Components
Writing & Critical Inquiry
Ethnic Race Gender Awareness
AGEC 35 credits
Freshman Composition
Arts & Humanities
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Physical & Biological Sciences
Common Course Matrix
6 or more Credits
not to exceed 64 transfer credits
Global/International or Historical
AGEC: Arizona General Education Curriculum
Writing & Critical Inquiry
Ethnic Race Gender Awareness
Global/International or Historical
AGEC 35 credits
Freshman Composition
Arts & Humanities
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Physical & Biological Sciences
Assured admission for Arizona residents with a 2.5 cumulative GPA
Lower-division university general studies requirements met
Common Courses
AGEC 35 credits
Freshman Composition
Arts & Humanities
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Physical & Biological Sciences
Common Course Matrix
6 or more Credits
not to exceed 64 transfer credits
Writing & Critical Inquiry
Ethnic Race Gender Awareness
Global/International or Historical
Second Language
120 Credits
University Credits 56
AGEC 35 credits
Freshman Composition
Arts & Humanities
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Physical & Biological Sciences
Common Course Matrix
6 or more Credits
not to exceed 64 transfer credits
120 credits
Overview of the Arizona Transfer System
Role of the ATF
Goals of the ATF
• Cooperatively exchange articulation information
• Engage in statewide program and curriculum
development and revision discussions
• Discuss potential program partnerships and agreements
• Build and maintain collaborative relationships in support
of these goals
• Anticipate and/or resolve transfer issues
Common Course Matrix specific to year
Role of the ATF
Recommend appropriate AGEC changes
Re-confirm current baccalaureate degrees
and recommend new degrees as shared
Recommend changes to common courses,
commonality of shared majors;
appropriate level for proposed new courses
• ATF recommendations are reviewed by
Community Colleges and Universities;
• APASC approval
Role of the ATF
CEG: Course Equivalency Guide
• Recommendations for changes to equivalencies forwarded from ATF to
universities for approval (via CEG Change Form in ACETS)
• CEG evaluations processed throughout the academic year
• ACETS: communicate with unit evaluator
• CEG refreshed weekly
Preparing for an ATF Meeting
AZ Transfer website:
• Community College Students
• University Students
• Advisors
• Faculty/Admin
Preparing for an ATF Meeting
ATF Portal Pages
Each ATF has a portal page
A one-stop page for your ATF:
 Meeting information
 Agenda
 Link to past ATF Reports
 Common Course Matrices
 ATF CEG Pages
 Contacts for your ATF
 Major Guides for your discipline
 Listserv address
Preparing for an ATF Meeting
ATF Portal Pages
The ATF Meeting
ATF Meeting Discussion
• Joint curriculum planning
• Anticipated program changes
• Admission requirement changes: institutional and
• Potential advising issues
• Importance of communication between and among
institutions and sectors
• Set date, time and location for the next meeting
• Select chair (serves for academic year)
• Identify host and note-taker
Role of the Host
Role of ATF Host - Prior to ATF Meeting
Confirm ATF meeting date and time with chair, ATAC
facilitator and articulation facilitator
Schedule meeting room
Technology (computer, projector & Internet connection)
required at ATF meetings
Parking arrangements
Provide map to meeting room, parking location, and
lodging information to Chatlines application link or listserv
OPTIONAL – provide refreshments and/or lunch for ATF
Role of ATF Host - Prior to ATF Meeting cont’d
Role of the Host
If an individual requires Disability Support Services for a
statewide meeting, the chair, host and articulation
facilitator should be contacted at least 2 weeks prior to the
meeting with information about the specific services
 After the 2 week window, the host institution and the
articulation facilitator will make their ‘best effort’ to provide
the services needed.
 ATASS will fund any Disability Support Services that are
needed at statewide transfer meetings.
 If the individual requiring service cancels within 72 hrs of
the meeting, the individual’s institution must assume the
service costs.
Role of ATF Host - At ATF Meeting
Role of the Host
 Review “house keeping” items: location of restrooms; lunch
plans; etc
 Optional: Ask an administrator to give a “Welcome” to your
Role of the Chair
Role of ATF Chair - Prior to ATF Meeting
Collect and develop agenda items based on prior meeting
notes, issues presented to ATF members and review of
materials provided by articulation facilitator
Chair and ATAC Facilitator confer on agenda
 Send ATF meeting agenda/information to members by either:
• Online Chatlines application (posted on ATF Meeting Calendar)
o Note: send notification to listserv when posted
• Attach Word doc to meeting announcement via ATF listserv
Plan to review the following items at the ATF meeting:
• Common Course Matrix (or Matrices)
• Membership Roster, Prefix and Degrees Lists
• Ask members to bring CEG pages only if there are changes
Role of ATF Chair - At ATF Meeting
Role of the Chair
 Ensure recommendations, decisions and unresolved
issues are recorded by note-taker
 Lead discussion and keep on track with ATF agenda
 Voting
• All recommendations for changes must be voted upon
• Voting results must be recorded and reported in ATF Meeting
• Only 1 vote per institution/district – not per campus
• Lead members or designee votes on behalf of institution
Role of ATF Chair - Following ATF Meeting
 Report via Chatlines application
Role of the Chair
• ATAC Facilitator: begins report and emails report link to Chair
• ATF Chair: revises report as needed and emails report link to
ATAC Facilitator
• ATAC Facilitator: approves and posts final report to meeting
calendar with meeting notes
 Represent the ATF in any further discussions or
meetings related to articulation issues
 Represent the ATF at an APASC meeting if needed
The ATF Report
Role of ATF Chair - Reporting Process
 Request that note-taker send the meeting notes to
ATF Chair (and members if desired) to attach to
Meeting Report
 Collaborate with ATAC Facilitator to complete ATF
Meeting Report within 14 days of the ATF meeting
 ATF Meeting Calendar will be updated when
Meeting Report is submitted through Chatlines
 Timely submission is essential!
 Without a Meeting Report, no meeting
outcomes can be recorded by statewide staff.
Role of ATF Chair - Reporting Process cont’d
The ATF Report
 Include:
• Meeting attendees (name and institution)
• Meeting suggestions, decisions and unresolved issues
• Voting outcomes
 Submit as an attachment to online ATF Meeting
 Handouts from meeting should be included as part
of the ATF Meeting Report – electronic copies
should be provided
Role of ATAC Member
Role of ATAC Facilitator - ATF Meeting
 Provide an overview/update of changes to the state
model and support systems
 Monitor decisions made on Common Courses, AGECs,
Pathways, and shared majors
 Facilitate CEG updates
 Initiate and post the completed ATF Meeting Report and
meeting notes via ATF Chatlines application
• Issues discussed and the recommendations
made by the ATFs directly influence student
• ATF participation is the foundation for building
the cooperative and collaborative relationships
that support and sustain student transfer in
• Your participation is greatly appreciated!
Statewide Staff Contact Information
Mike Hensley, Ph.D.
ATASS Business Analyst
[email protected]
Ann Huber, M.Ed.
ATASS Articulation Facilitator
[email protected]
Thank you! . . .
Any Questions?