Transcript Document

Building capacity for
the children’s workforce:
Findings from a Knowledge Review.
Dr Julie Anderson (ESCalate)
Professor Imogen Taylor (University of Sussex)
• Introduction to the ICS-HE Project
• Knowledge Review
• Discussion and questions
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ICS-HE Project Overview
• Integrated Children’s Services in Higher Education
• One of 6 ‘Employer Engagement’ Projects selected
by the HEA with funding from HEFCE.
• Funding agreed Dec 2006; project ran May 2007-May
Intended Project Outcomes
• Raising awareness of the evolving agenda in
children’s services for HE staff working across the
disciplines and professions,
• Identifying examples of emergent practice for
integrated provision in HE,
• Identifying barriers to change & ways to overcome
• Promoting collaboration between disciplines,
• Contributing to knowledge generation about IPE in this
• Promoting dialogue between HE and Sector Skills
• HEA Subject Centres for:
Education (ESCalate),
Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine (MEDEV),
Health Sciences and Practice (HS&P),
Social Policy and Social Work (SWAP),
• Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC).
• Children's Workforce Network (CWN).
Relevant disciplines and professions
Early Years,
Social Work,
Other allied health
Youth and Community,
Policy context
Laming Inquiry (2003) into death of Victoria Climbie,
Every Child Matters (2003),
The Children Act (2004),
Children’s Trusts,
The Children’s Plan (DCSF 2007: 17),
National Service Framework for for Children, Young
People and Maternity Services (2004+2006),
• Youth Matters (2006).
UCET, ECM and Teacher Education
• ‘Just as ECM calls for a reconceptualisation
of teaching so it also demands a reconceptualisation of teacher education. It
demands a re-structuring of the total
programme in such a way that ECM
principles become embedded and are made
to permeate the student teachers’ university
based studies and placement activities’
(Kirk and Broadhead, 2007: 13)
Stakeholder Reference Group,
Knowledge Review,
National Conference,
Links to the Integrated Qualifications Framework,
Stakeholder Reference Group
• Partners,
• Regulatory Bodies (e.g. the Training Development
Agency, General Teaching Council, the General
Social Care Council),
• Higher Education representative bodies (e.g. JUCSWEC & UCET Universities Council for the
Education of Teachers),
• Employer organisations.
Knowledge Review
Research question: What is known about the nature,
contexts and participants in IPE in Higher Education
Institutions (HEI’s) in England that brings together
students from two or more disciplines to contribute to
the development of collaborative practice with
children, young people and their families?
» Research review.
» Practice Survey.
» Policy map.
A common understanding of terms
Interprofessional education: ‘Occasions when two or more
professions learn with, from and about each other to improve
collaboration and the quality of care’ (Freeth et al. 2005, p.
Integrated services: ‘A set of processes and actions by which
partners ensure outcome-focused front-line delivery. It means a
holistic approach within which needs can be identified and
priorities – national and local - can be addressed’ (DfES 2005
Statutory Guidance on Inter-Agency Collaboration to Improve
the Well-being of Children).
Research Review Methodology
• Leads from each HEA Subject Centre asked to identify up
to 3 key journals in their own discipline (or involving their
own discipline with others) considered to be the most
likely outlets for publication of papers about the
involvement of HE in Integrated Children’s Services.
• Where the recommended journals turned out to yield few
or no relevant articles, or could not be accessed, Subject
Centre leads were asked to nominate further journals,
which were also scrutinised.
• Identified journals from some disciplines yielded far less
relevant material than others.
Research Review Key Findings
• Learning for integrated children’s services is
inadequately conceptualised and theorised;
• Variable findings - researchers agree about the
logistical challenges of developing interprofessional
learning for integrated children’s services;
• Dearth of robust evidence about outcomes for
students; outcomes for children, young people and
families are rarely discussed.
Practice Survey in HEIs
Scoping study of HE Practice re ICS: on-line and
telephone survey (Sept-Dec 2007) of 36
universities (43 interviewees) in England plus one
each in Wales and NI.
There is a wealth of innovative initiatives at all levels,
and primarily at foundation and undergraduate
levels, in full programmes, individual modules,
practice and work-based learning.
Typology of approaches to IPE for ICS-HE
6: Four types of integrated children’s services
provision in HEIs
1. Interprofessional students and interprofessional staff.
2. Uniprofessional students and interprofessional staff.
3. Uniprofessional students and uniprofessional staff
teaching interprofessional issues.
4. Generic non-professional programmes and
interprofessional staff.
Enabling factors for ICS-HE
Enthusiastic students.
Entrepreneurial interest, individual commitment.
Senior HEI leadership.
Strategic cross-faculty appointments.
External partnerships with stakeholders.
Seed funding (e.g. by HEIs or stakeholders).
Seminar programme to promote and disseminate.
Linked to research.
7 HEI’s ‘whole system change’ most or all of the
above; most opt for incremental change.
Enthusiastic students and staff
• ‘After ECM: Integrated Working - An Interprofessional
Conference for Pre-Qualifying Teachers and Social Workers’,
University of Sussex
• Day-long conference first held Spring 2007 230 students MA
Social Work and PGCE; 2008 added level 3 BA; 2009 will
include medical students.
• Focus on clarifying roles and responsibilities re the Lead
• Launched placement shadowing
• Generated IP working group working on IPL re communication
skills using Reusable Learning Objects
Leading and brokering change in the HEI
• Dean or PVC who can bring together internal and
external stakeholders and commit resource
• New posts eg Head of IPL who work across
boundaries, knotworking and co-configuring
(Engestrom, 1999)
• Collaborative working: General Social Care Council, the
General Teaching Council for England and the Nursing
and Midwifery Council developed ‘Working Together in
Children’s Services: A Statement of Shared Values for
Interprofessional Working’.
Partnerships with stakeholders
Local Authorities partnerships
eg Liverpool John Moores University and 6 Merseyside
Local Authorities ‘Learn Together Partnership’ multilevel (Levels 2, 3 and M) programme for children’s
services; in 2007 the partnership was accredited to
offer the programme in-house.
Barriers to ICS-HE
• Equivocal research findings from existing IPE &
mixed views about ‘transferability’
• Variable interpretations by HEI’s of ‘integrated
children’s services’ and implications for HE.
• Disciplinary ‘silos.’
• Departmental administrative boundaries.
• Lack of suitable space for large groups.
• Lack of development time and funding.
• Need sustained stakeholder support (business case).
• Lack of synergy between accrediting bodies.
• Fast changing, complex policy context and
fragmented practice context.
Taking risks with curriculum change in the
• ‘People face not only the challenge of acquiring
established culture; they also face situations in
which they must formulate desirable culture’
(Engestrom 1999, p.35)
• Investing in formulating a business case in the
context of fast changing policy, lack of evidence, lack
of resource, lack of co-ordination by accrediting
Silos and boundaries
ECM ’Exhorts professionals to form teams
around the child and family, but how they
should work together and what is to be taken
from old practices, and what will need to be
constructed as new practice, is unclear’
(Leadbetter et al, 2007, p.86).
Dealing with professional identity and
‘In the current policy context the prevalence of
policy and strategic literature that emphasises
good practice models is unsurprising but
tends to perpetuate the notion of interagency
working as a virtuous solution to ‘joined-up’
social problems and to under-acknowledge
interagency working as a site of tensions and
contradictions, rather than an ideal model of
service deliver.’
(Warmington et al, 2004, Introduction).
Recommendations (1)
• Government should involve HE as strategic partners
in researching, developing and implementing policy &
practice for the ICS workforce, nationally & regionally;
• Universities should strengthen their links with SSCs
and employers and appoint ICS coordinators;
• Regulatory bodies should explore collaboration,
building on initiatives like the Joint Statement of
interprofessional values underpinning work with
children and young people (GTC, GSCC, NMC);
Recommendations (2)
• Professional bodies should commission initiatives;
• Employers, supported by government should
collaborate with universities to develop programmes
with a sustainable and robust business case;
• Children, young people and families should be
supported to contribute to learning, teaching and
Recommendations (3)
• Research funders should target funding to ensure a
robust evidence-base and to develop the conceptual
and theoretical base essential to learning for ICS;
• The Higher Education Academy and Subject
Centres should extend the dissemination of the ICSHE project across disciplines and stakeholder
groups, and support educators through information
exchanges and briefings.
‘Just as ECM calls for a reconceptualisation of
teaching so it also demands a reconceptualisation of teacher education. It
demands a re-structuring of the total
programme in such a way that ECM
principles become embedded and are made
to permeate the student teachers’ university
based studies and placement activities’
(Kirk, G. and Broadhead, 2007: 13)
• Engestrom, Y. (1999) Innovative learning in work teams:
analysing cycles of knowledge creation in practice. In
Perspectives on Activity Theory (eds Y. Engestrom, R. Miettinen
and R.L. Punamaki). Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
• Freeth, D., Hammick, M., Reeves, S., Koppel, I., and Barr, H
(2005) Effective Interprofessional Education: Development,
Delivery, Evaluation. Oxford, Blackwell
• Kirk, G. and Broadhead, P. (2007) Every Child Matters and
Teacher Education: Towards a UCET Position Paper.
Universities Council for the Education of Teachers.
• Warmington, P., Daniels, H., Edwards, A., Brown, S., Leadbetter,
J., Martin, D. and Middleton, D. (2004) Interagency
Collaboration: A review of the Literature. ESRC Teaching and
Learning Programme III