Transcript Document

A Prototype Energy Spectrometer
for the ILC at End Station A in SLAC
F. Gournaris, A. Lyapin*, B. Maiheu+, D. Miller, M. Wing, UC London, UK
M. Slater, M. Thomson, D. Ward, University of Cambridge, UK
S. Kostromin, N. Morozov, V. Duginov, JINR, Dubna, Russia
S. Boogert, G. Boorman, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
[email protected]
*[email protected]
M. Chistiakova, Yu. Kolomensky, M. Sadre-Bazzaz, E. Petigura, Berkeley and LBNL, USA
H.-J. Schreiber, M. Viti, DESY, Germany
M. Hildreth, University of Notre-Dame, USA
C. Adolphsen, R. Arnold, C. Hast, D. McCormick, Z. Szalata, M. Woods, SLAC, USA
The main physics program of the International Linear Collider requires a measurement of the beam energy with a relative precision of the order 10-4 or better. To achieve
this goal a magnetic spectrometer using high resolution beam position monitors has been proposed. A prototype spectrometer chicane using 4 dipole magnets is currently
under development at the End Station A in SLAC, intending to demonstrate the required stability of this method and investigate possible systematic effects and operational
issues. This contribution reports on the successful commissioning of the beam position monitor system and the resolution and stability achieved. Also, the initial results from
a run with a full spectrometer chicane are presented.
Commissioning of Cavity BPMs
The setup used in 2006 included 1 doublet and 2 triplets
of Beam Position Monitors (BPM). These were new
cavities developed at SLAC for the ILC linac as well as
the old SLAC linac BPMs.
End Station A facility at SLAC
A testbeam experiment T-474 has been set up at
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in the End
Station A beamline to demonstrate the
performance of the Spectrometer at a 28.5 GeV
beam. The studies focused on the stability of
various components with an aim of measuring
the energy with a precision of 10-4 over a few
10 Hz
5 Hz
28.5 GeV
250 GeV
Bunch Charge
2.0 x 1010
2.0 x 1010
Repetition Rate
measured over 1 hour
Resolution of the BPMs and precision of the
position measurement were measured with the
8 BPM setup in 2006, sub-micron resolution
was measured for most BPMs and 1µm drifts
over 1 hour of operation were observed.
Bunch Length
300-500 mm
300 mm
Cavity BPMs designed
Energy Spread
for the ILC linac
Bunches per train
1 (2*)
- (20-400ns*)
337 ns
Microbunch spacing
Precision of the orbit reconstruction
T-474 BPM setup as in 2006
Cavity BPM previously used in
the SLAC’s main linac
1.64 0.49 1.26 0.59 0.28 0.16 0.28 0.43
4.71 0.50 1.12 0.44 0.34 0.20 0.25 0.37
Resolution of individual BPMs in µm
Prototype Energy Spectrometer
Four dipole magnets were commissioned and
installed in the ESA beamline. In the process of
commissioning the field was found to be
uniform to the level of 10-4 in the region of ±15
mm, the stability of the integral of about 100
ppm, integral field stability 60 ppm per 10C.
A high resolution Zygo interferometer system
monitors mechanical motion of BPMs at the
center of the chicane in the horizontal plane.
The setup of 2007 included 4 dipole magnets mapped
and commissioned before the installation and monitored
in-situ. Additional probes provided a measurement of
the ambient magnetic field. BPMs were used to predict
the beam orbit in the middle of the chicane which was
compared to the actual reading in BPM4. The residual
was inversely proportional to the beam energy.
Future Plans
• Installation of a new BPM prototype in the center of
the chicane
• Extension and further commissioning of the gain
monitoring system
• Installation of metrology grid to improve the accuracy
of the interferometer system
• Data taking in July 2007, planning to run in 2008
In early 2007 the T-474 collaboration was taking data with
the full Spectrometer chicane. SLAC linac control system
allowes to change the setpoins of the energy feedback in a
range of a few hundred MeV. In order to check the
spectrometer the energy of the beam was scanned in 50
MeV steps. This scan was clearly tracked by the
Spectrometer. In addition, Spectrometer data was compared
to the data from the "energy" BPMs located at high
dispersion points in the ESA extraction line and a good
correlation was observed.