Transcript Document


Briefing for Parents

Monday 8 April 2013

       The revised 2010 English Language (EL) Syllabus is implemented at Primary Four from 2013.

It has been implemented from 2010 at Primary 1 and 2 for primary schools.

The key influences in the revision process: More systematic and effective way of learning language Digital technology Changing profile of our learners Globalisation of language in an increasingly complex world.

    The new syllabus is an evolution of the former 2001 EL syllabus.

It will continue to emphasize on ‘effective communication’ such that our pupils will be able to communicate effectively and confidently and be well prepared for the next stage of learning.

Teachers will continue to emphasize the teaching of internationally acceptable English (Standard English) to our pupils.

Students who are taught the new syllabus will sit for the revised Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) EL papers in 2015.

  A key feature of the new EL Syllabus is a systematic approach to teaching language skills, using rich texts and a variety of language resources to enable students to appreciate the language beyond the classroom.

This approach is delivered through the

Strategies for English Language Learning and Reading

( STELLAR ) programme in primary schools.

  The revised PSLE English Language (EL) and Foundation English Language (FEL) examination papers will be introduced from 2015, in line with the changes to the teaching syllabus . The language skills tested in the revised PSLE are the same as those tested in the current PSLE.



 The EL revised examination papers beginning in 2013 will give greater emphasis to the 21st century competencies syllabus by: in the teaching Giving students greater scope for providing personal response in speaking and writing; Greater emphasis on viewing integrated with listening and reading.


English Language Foundation English Language Giving students greater scope for providing personal response in speaking and writing Paper 1 (Continuous Writing): Greater scope for writing from different perspectives, and flexibility for candidates to choose any text type such as narrative or exposition.

Paper 1 (Continuous Writing): The picture series ends with a frame with a question mark to allow candidates the flexibility to give their own endings to their compositions.

Paper 4 (Oral Communication): New Stimulus-based Conversation component will feature a context familiar to students that will provide a springboard for conversation.

Paper 4 (Oral Communication): New Stimulus-based Conversation component will feature a context familiar to students that will provide a springboard for conversation.

English Language Greater emphasis on viewing skills integrated with listening and reading Paper 2 (Language Use and Comprehension): New Visual Text Comprehension section that features a multi-modal print text which will include visuals such as pictures, diagrams, charts, graphs and tables together with the written texts.

Foundation English Language Paper 2 (Language Use and Comprehension): Pictures may be featured together with the Comprehension passages, where appropriate, to help students comprehend the texts.

Paper 3 (Listening Comprehension): Increase in the number of questions with graphic representation.

Paper 3 (Listening Comprehension): Increase in the number of questions with graphic representation.

 identify pupils’ strengths and weaknesses.

 adjust the instructional programme to meet pupils’ needs.

 monitor pupils’ progress.

 give feedback to parents on their child’s learning at the appropriate stages of development.

 provide information on pupils’ readiness for the next level of education or course of study.

 Listening, Reading and Viewing Teach pupils to listen, read, view, speak, write and represent to demonstrate their language competence.

 Speaking, Writing and Representing Teach pupils how to use English effectively, in a sustained manner and with increasing ease to suit purpose, audience, context and culture as well as in both formal and informal situations.

 Grammar and Vocabulary Teach pupils knowledge about language so that they can use the language effectively for creative, personal, academic and functional purposes.

  Old Format Part 1  Picture Matching Part 2 Note-taking Dictation New Format   Part 1 Picture Matching   Picture Sequencing Part 2 Note-taking Listening Comprehension

Increase in the number of questions with graphic representation.

  Old Format Part 1 Reading Aloud Part 2  Picture Discussion Part 3 Conversation New Format   Part 1 Reading Aloud Part 2 Stimulus-based Conversation (refer to sample practice papers given to pupils)

New Stimulus-based Conversation component will feature a co n text familiar to students that will provide a springboard for conversation.

 Old Format Question 1  Picture series (three pictures with one question mark) Question 2 Situational Writing New Format   Question 1 Picture series (three pictures with one question mark) Question 2 Guided Writing (based on a topic with picture prompts and helping words)

Greater scope for writing from different perspectives, and flexibility for candidates to choose any text type such as narrative or exposition.

 Old Format Section E Graphic Stimulus New Format  Section E Visual Text Comprehension (Similar to Graphic Stimulus)

New Visual Text Comprehension section will features a multi-modal print text which will include visuals such as pictures, diagrams, charts, graphs and tables together with the written texts.

      STELLAR strategies – daily lessons in EL curriculum Teacher-prepared exercises to supplement resources ICT-infused lessons ‘Ask n Learn’ portal – e/Index.aspx

  Revision practices EL activities in and around school